Fatties get the COOF edition
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imagine how much it would be without the bowl
>imagine how much it would be without the bowl
the same amount you fucking moron you put the bowl on the weight before turning it on
ahaha caught nigga u stupid
ayo dis nigga dropped a dookie
>hehe i was only pretending to be retarded
ok retard
I hate coofers they coofed in my face now I feel sick
ironic joke poster is ironic
2/3 of Britain is overweight anyway.
This lmao, also the case in like 90% of Western countries and particularly in older cohorts.
bro chill we all here for a laugh but like ok. you good btw?
give me the virus
This can't be real? How big is the actual glass?
so it is the year of boogie's death after all
Does this have a part 2?
It was posted last thread.
Digits and COVID-19 only makes boogie stronger.
2/3s of britain is overweight anyway
Either use the tare function, or weigh the cup after drinking.
based and nuggetflush pilled
Was about to say that. More than that are overweight. Maybe corona actually hits fit people harder on average?
oh snap im cured
Who knew? alls you have to do is roll digits and it cures you.
Its just the flu bros
How's your (((anti-diet))) going Yas Forums?
god I can't even imagine what it must be like to have a body like that, it feels so unreal
Good luck Coronachan!
That fat fuck won’t ever step one of his rotting feet out of the house though
bellybutton the size of your fist and is lower than your hands
How would this feel
Dumpan some medical stories, if you have any pls post them and (you) this post so I can add to my archive.
Digits and boogie dies within 2 hours
lmao fuck
got me
A bit less than 1L.
How to get i infected based coofer?
hang around a bit
I really hate watching fat people try to ride horses.
just hang around us for a bit.
I don't know why but I can tell you're a literal nigger.
thank god fatties getting what they deserve
Based horse.
God I love fatcope. It's my favorite thing in the world
Cut off the head and the body will wilt
the fat man will die of a heart attack in 2 days anyways
>destroy the 5
Of course you shouldnt push the fat guy. Let the trolley get rid of the fat enablers, the fat guy will take care of himself in due time. Or push it after the trolley, if you have the option.
>riding a horse is exercise
I mean, I'm sure you could argue it, I've been horseback riding, but.
two thirds of all people are overweight so it stands to reason coofers would also be two thirds overweight
>mfw I used to be carl
thank god I saw the light, stopped making excuses, are started actually caring for myself
They act like Kale Shakes is the worst food imaginable, and that healthy eating consists of eating black bitter tasting tar. Their perspectives are warped from getting sugary foods which are 100x more sugary than anything pre-modern people would have ever encountered.
If you like yourself you'll take care of yourself.
It is and it isn't. Just depends on how often you ride and intensity
Repeating digits and Trump renames the China-Virus the Boogie-Virus
This thread is raysis and fat phobic. I love it.
Why would you ever do this?
>Why would you ever do this?
They believe that they're rebels standing up to the patriarchy. I'm not joking.
I got it!
Also they act like kale shakes are the only way to get healthy.
I cook all my food and eat so much delicious good shit that's way tastier than when I used to buy taco bell every day
I was just about to say that
Not well user the corona-chan is bringing my skelly habits back
Dammit, Yas Forums. I was expecting her knee to giveout.
that poor bone...he's trying so hard
like the statue of the girl trying to hold up her family, but it's just too much no matter how hard she tries, and always crumbles away
>checked Satan
The anti-diet works if you’re not a fat ass that believes you should give into every craving you get and they believe you should eat to the point of being so full you feel sick. It’s like telling an alcoholic to not worry about it and have a drink whenever you feel like you need a drink.
Anti-diet is the marketed name for intuitive eating. It’s how thin sane people eat. Eat when you’re hungry, eat foods you like, but don’t overthink it or eat like a child.
>BMI of 160
what the fuck
Notice how much they focus on trying to looking pretty, and taking pictures for praise online? Its' all vulnerable narcissism to its core.
Nah every thin girl and fit man I know is conscious of what they eat. This sounds like shit fat girls tell each other to make themselves feel better
>rotting from the inside