/fraud/ Steroids General

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid, they've been asked a thousand times before), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:

>Reddit link
yeah, fuck off m8

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual. Or see CCFC's handy faggotry guide.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk. Just fucking google it, you stupid cunts.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

No one gives a shit about your SARMs. Our sources have solid data on SERMs and the like. If you still wanna talk about them start your own thread.

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- penile girth
- time spent training

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Do you shoot for a higher weight gain per week than normal when cycling T because you take into account water retention?

Dianabol only available on pills here... what ever it takes brah or time to rebuild my cycle?

Any DNP sauces in the UK yet?

you only gain water the first couple weeks.

Tren cough or corna coof hard to tell help

So now because of this virus I am cruising on test and training with bands, bodywight.
Should I maybe take some sdrol to prevent any muscle size loss...strength loss is certain I guess...

bumping this slow ass thread

Tren cough lasts like couple mins then its gone

Jesus no just cruise. Yes some will lose a little bit of gains but when gyms reopen u will get the gains back fast + then u can use sdrol

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If its ur first time just do test only then add something or u can ignore good advice and go for it but just know u can really fuck urself with oral only

Answering ur stupid questions hit me up.

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u dtf?

sure (no homo)

how much tren should i do?

all of it... plebbit says start at 350 but you should feel it at 200 and go from there and honestly nobody should need over 500mg/week


1g ED

thanks I hope my ass can handle 10ml of thick fluid.

So is the strategy for finding a non-scam source just lurking fitness forums until somebody slips up and gives their's away?

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Fuck off retard. Even with no previous knowledge about steroids I could find a legit source in under 20 minutes.
Fucking zoomers these days. l2internet.

none unless you're prepping for a show

>muh toxicity
I don't care, at this rate i will kill myself anyway before I'm 50.

Anyone had to get gyno surgery? I have gyno from when I was a kid and want to have the procedure but wanted to hear from someone first.

Find steroid seller review site
Go to a few promising pages, they should have links to all review sites they are featured on
Cross reference them until you find one that passes your sniff test

Yeah I got it done before I started frauding, it was pricy but worth every penny. You can’t lift for a month and have to wear a compression vest for a month. If you’re gonna do it get lean first because the results will look better.

I was thinking about starting my first cycle with anavar or adrol, to test the waters, should I take them with a SARM and AI, that seems to be what the reddit faq is saying

Test base. Always have nolva and AI on hand

Anyone here take osta? Im 2.5 weeks into a cycle(my first PED cycle ever) and i dont feel much other than headaches while working out. How do i know if this shit is legit?

>he fell for the SARMS-meme
You get what you deserve, little bitch

I deserve gains.

>steroid general

What's the point of this fucking "general," than?

mocking whiny faggots like you

Ignore the OP, but mods can ban you for source talk

roids make me fucking immune to that gook shit

So let me make sure I got this right.
Every day take Adrol
Every day take 500 test e
Every 3 days take the AI
What's the nolva for, just post cycle?

Scratch that, 150mg test e every other day for stability, AI every 3 days and Adrol?

How does one go about obtaining analbolic steroids??

Go to your regular doctor, then get tested for Low T and get a prescription from Walmart. Nobody ITT is actually purchasing banned substances.

Anything particular you need to say/do otherwise they won't write you a prescription just because you asked for it.

Say you've been feeling sluggish and want your Test levels checked. It's like $70 and the doc gets a kickback

>he has roids but not a home gym

God you guys are pathetic.

"oh yea bro I'm SUPERR SERIOUS about training, that's why I roid and nail my workouts, diet, and sleep"

>but I don't want to invest in what ACTUALLY triggers the process to make me grow.

Only use AI as needed, having high estro isn’t inherently bad.

Got some chest pain going on recently lads, dropped the halo and dbol, tempted to go onto cruise early (12/20 weeks)
Taurine, cycling, and eating veg seems to've helped. I'll sleep on it and see in the morning...

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I know it depends on the individual but ballpark how many cycles can you get away with before it starts to really talk a toll on your heart and arteries?

Test does nothing on your health

alright how many times can I blast tren or take orals before it fucks my shit up?

35.2 times exactly

Faggots who like blowing men
always end up taking Tren
The father who wants his son to man up fast
Never denies him a dose of Mast
The chad who succeeds in the casino
Will never run out of Primo
Cruising in his new car
He makes his girl take Anavar

Reminder that sarms BTFO of traditional roids and that if you’re trying to find an online steroids source you’re just begging to get scammed/arrested

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It's very very easy to buy steroids online

>vitamin T
t-thiamine r-right?

Who else 30g slin pin master race during this unforseen cruise time?

the gooks gave us our steroids, and the ability to be immune from their virus

>coronavirus was just a Chinese plot to kill some boomers and get roids legalized
Based gooks

Will Nolvadex get rid of very minor gyno?

if it's fresh yes. If it's teen gyno and you're 25 then no.

How about adex?

stops further progress