Y-you can run a mile in under 8:00 right user? LOL

>Y-you can run a mile in under 8:00 right user? LOL

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my last 2 mile time was 12:25

only the runners are going to post times. All the meat heads think they are fit but really can only manage a 10 minute mile.


tfw a 10 minute mile was the peak of my ability

Ran a 2-mile in under 16:00 with an inflamed hip, high as shit on tylenol for my ACFT. Felt good man.

Shut up roastie! I'm going to marry a baste traditional asian girlfriend and have model tier hapa children!

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I've been running 3 times a week for the past two months or so. I went from being able to run 1.5 miles in 14 minutes or so, to now running 3-4 miles at a time at a 7:50-8:00 pace. Not amazing, but I've made a ton of progress and I feel a lot more athletic

I try to do all my runs between 7 and 7:30 pace per mile (7:28 pace half marathon a couple years ago), but I haven't run a timed mile since high school.
>tfw DYEL at 5'11" 165 tho

based fuck white roasties 4179 save the huwhite race (my kid looks white, r-right?)

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Yes actually.
I did it out of the blue one day and noticed how in shape i was.

A good portion of Yas Forums couldn't run an 8 min, but probably not because they're not fit enough.

It's because they're too soft.

If you want to develop your ability to suffer through very hard training, take up road/track cycling.

I run and road cycle through the country.
Running 4 miles is way harder and takes more grit than biking 40

How to train to run 4 miles in 30 minutes? How long will it take? Will cardio kill my gains?

>Running 4 miles is way harder
I'll concede that you may be right on that one, as I only run on sand and weigh 210lbs.
But I can suffer on a bike and recover quicker to do it again sooner than with running, but your experience may be different.

Also, track drills and motorpacing are another thing entirely, you really are forced to adjust your idea of what your limit is and put in some serious work.

Road cycling is more relative to weight, long climbs at a hot pace make me work like a dog to get anywhere, and i can't relax on downhills and flats as that's the only way I can make up for the slow climbs.

Have you been running through the winter user?

I mean. I've never done more than an 8 minute mile. But if I pushed myself I'm sure I could do 7:45 maybe a 7:30.

I weight 205 and honestly I can power up hills pretty good, I attribute it to my extremely powerful legs though.

Yeah, I ran through the winter, but I only ran outside once every week or two. To be honest, I mostly ran on the treadmill over the winter. It's been nice because I've been back to running outside these last few weeks (due to the warm weather coming back and also the gym is closed due to Corona)


275 lbs

It hurt

i can run a mile backwards on one leg in under 8 minutes and i havent ran step in years lol

Keep that energy going user. We’re all gonna make it.

I'm getting there on climbs, I have a minor hip dysfunction that i'm working on so i'm getting way better at seated climbing lately, I suffer more on climbs that are too shallow to stand and a bit steep to make power seated as a result of my issue.

I'm just glad I have the bike and home gym desu, though they've closed the track which is balls.

Keep up the good work user.



post body, and/or medals.

I never even tried bitch

>tfw used to run cross country
>lowest 5k time (3.1 miles) was 17:55
>started smoking and stopped cardio and now I'd die if I tried to run even a 9 minute mile

quit smoking while you're still young enough to, it'll only get harder as you get older.

I can't run anymore my lungs are too fucked idk why

My PR was 4:58, I run around 6:00 now though

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I ran a marathon once. Not a great time but for a first marathon i heard it wasnt terrible. 4:40

Never timed my one mile though. I did run 2 miles with a lot of hills in 14 min tho

I think I did it? The conversion is a bit scuffed but its a new PR for me anyway so I feel good though like a dumbass I ate before I ran and I got a stitch almost immediately.

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Tfw 8.40 mile

Same, how long have you been running? Last month my time was 9:15 so I've been improving

Too bad I"m 30 so it can't get much lower



I have short limbs and a long torso okay

I can run a 5k in about 21 minutes right now. I've only been training seriously for about a week, before that I hadn't really ran in a few months at least. Is it realistic to get that time down to sub-17 minutes by December if I train very consistently?

6:26 here

A 10 minute mile ain't too bad

Just hit my 4th months but very on and off. I think I could go lower but Im not gonna get ready and put on my shoes for just 1.4km
>cant get lower cause im 30
Lol im out there getting cucked by cunts in their 50s. Being 30 isnt even old yet

Same started in Nov but at the beginning it was mostly walking, I didn't really start running until like Jan/February

Now I gotta maintain my fitness level since corona closed all the trails I would run on

Yeah i was running to work every day with all my shit in a backpack for a 2 weeks while my motorbike was fucked. Haven't ran for like 2 weeks since but i think this thread has motivated me for a afternoon run


Don't fall off the wagon user, if not to improve just run to maintain

I think at 3 weeks you start losing fitness

For ONLY ONE MILE? Holy shit yes of course wtf. Who couldn't do that?

My last 1 mile timed run wasn't exactly pushing it, but 7:06


At least put a challenge on it. Can easily hit under 7min on my 5k runs.

if I just ran 1mile expect I could get under close to 6min

1 Mile around 6:30
2 mile 12:40
Now I run mostly with an 22lbs weight vest, 1 mile in around 9:30

my PR is 20:11 on a 5k. whats that in miles?

What? I easily do a 10 minute mile as warmup before lifting (approaching 9 now) and I'm a manlet with stubby legs who hates running and never runs besides that.

I envy you guys. I got collapsed arches and bad shin splints and the fastest i could do despite the pain was 11:15. But you guys running a 1.5 miles in 10 are crazy good

no, 10 minute average on a good day, sometimes breaking into 9s and getting closer to 8s. despite that i still run circles around normie friends and co-workers because they get gassed after 2 miles if they even make it that far. i typically run 4 miles and the only time I go on cardio kicks is during spring and lose all motivation when the summer heat gets the temperature over 100. i can't run on treadmills because i don't get to see wildlife. i didn't run for speed i ran for distance to next duck sighting

I could, but I'm worried that this flu thing going around might impair my lung capacity. Lucky I'm so fit and healthy, probably immune. I'm still going to the gym and feel fine.


Yeah, in boots, carrying 14 kilos

Probably but to make sure gimme 3 weeks and I will be back under it . 4:55 in high school

What the actual fuck. I never trained running and back in the army I ran 12:35 for 3km aka 1.85 miles and I was the worst runner of my whole platoon. Seriously, anything below 6min for a mile should be considered lower than a 2pl8 bench for singles.

Fuck you, I’m a corona survive and my lung is damaged forever now. Of course I can’t run anymore.

>1 Mile around 6:30
>2 mile 12:40

I can walk a mile in 8 minutes.
Even this chunky lad can run 5:15 weighing 194 lbs

If you can't break 6 then you're not Yas Forums
no excuses

every day
8 minute - 1.8 km

is this real?

bitch you KNOW i ain't got any goddamn legs
fuck you and that bleached chink you got with you. laughin at a fuckin CRIPPLE