Reminder that nobody is impressed by how much you deadlift

Reminder that nobody is impressed by how much you deadlift

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And? Its almost as if I dont deadlift for attention you fucking nerd lmao

Also I'm trans. Just thought I should let everyone know xD

me on the left

they all look dyel

you look dyel

Eddie halls 500kg deadlift has over 17 million views. People will always admire pure strength over calisthenic twink shit

My mom is

califag will get mogged by a big guy every time

girls prefer a bigger guy


user, I need to introduce to you what is called ego lifting.

Eddie hall is a fat faggot who would be a useless immobile liability in the ancient hand-to-hand meele combat warfare of old.

I am impressed by cunny on the left

>reminder that nobody is impressed by how much you deadlift


>eddie hall would be useless in a context where combat superiority is predicated on physical strength

He would get stabbed in his gut 10 times before he could even lift his arm to use his weapon,

I'm really not the sort of guy who'd show off any lifting skill anyway so I'm ok with using the gym

>done in an dedicated event
>17 million from all the fatboys around the world
meanwhile that nigga in the OP is casually gathering a crowd in a regular beard.

>lifting for girls and attention
>not deadlifting and also doing calisthenics

why the fuck is everything so black and white on this board? If you get dogmatic about one style of training you're missing out on all kinds of potential gains.

reminder, calisthenics is not an Olympic sport

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Yes I am ego lifting, so what? What the fuck are you getting at you fucking nerd lmaoo

Who is that? I haven't watched tv in like 5 years and i don't have kikebook or twatter

17 million slaps on the back from other fat retards. Literally pic related. Calisthenics bros can get mad pussy just by stylin in public, meanwhile when a girl asks a powerlifter to help her move a couch he'll immediately go off about how he's resting, that's too much volume, I don't have my gear on me, and then when he finally does it he'll fucking spread his legs across the goddamn room and lift his side like 1 inch off the ground while calisthenics dude just lifts his normally and looks at him like the retard he is.

Fuck you powerlifters are retarded.

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>he used straps


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Nice dubs but you’re still a coping twink

Because it's better to be good in one discipline than mediocre in a bunch.

>Implying they aren't synergistic


Haha how will OP ever recover? He’s a tranny hahaha. Wouldn’t it be funny if he joined the 40% haha

Bro do you fucking know what gymnastics is lmao

HEY GYM BRO! you think youre strong with your 3pl8 bench? I did that hs but now i have a shoulder injury, heh yep thats what being a star football player does. Anyways how about you do sqwats? can you squat 405? I been training for 5 years i think i know more than you zoomer.

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Gymnastics ≠ calisthenics
A guy doing an Arabian double front is infinitely more impressive than some scrawny loser holding a planche for 5 seconds

its funny that any1 does calisthatics are turbo manlets
like 5'8 and under lmao

>gays prefer a bigger guy

>Because it's better to be good in one discipline than mediocre in a bunch.

Jack of all trades but master of none;
You forgot the second part. But oftentimes better than a master of one.

of course I ego lift, it's for me, whether it is in the basement or the gym

>Gymnastics ≠ calisthenics
gymnastics is literally calisthenics by definition you god damn R E T A R D, any form of exercise that exclusively has you resisting against your bodyweight only is calisthenics, even running a marathon is calisthenics.
stfu lmao u don't know shit faggot

clips like this are the ultimate proof that deadlifts are a meme ego lift. deadlifting 390 and he still looks like a dyel


there are only 2 ways to truly impress women
smoke grass, and eat ass

There’s no better feeling than when a twink tried to cope with you repping his total by saying shit like “at least I can lift my bodyweight” and then shutting them down by busting out muscle ups and handstand push ups.

for you

it's all fat neckbeards desu

I am desu

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This video is so cringe. Girls view this in the same way as they view somebody that is good at juggling. Fuck I can't imagine how much of an insufferable faggot somebody must be to go out in public and do this just for attention.

inb4 cope. you know I'm right.

>running a marathon is calisthenics

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I’m impressed by actual narrow stance double overhand deadlifts. It’s because most people do sumo over under shitlifts & still manage to snap their shit up for insta likes that the deadlift has a bad rep.

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The fact that there are people that conventional deadlift more than they sumo like myself makes sumo just as valid. Also hook grip requires less grip strength than mixed grip. You’re clearly a DYEL for not knowing these things and shouldn’t have an opinion ok the matter in the first place.

>justifying the ego lifting plague of the 2010s
>assuming what I do and don’t know about hook grip
>you ever making it

“Were it not for the laws of this land I would’ve slaughtered you”

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>not actually engaging with any of my points
>I rep your maxes

Just because you enjoy deadlifting with your legs spread like a who-ore doesn’t mean you have to deflect like a roastie too

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>already said I conventional deadlift more that sumo

I hate deadlifts. I always bang my knees on the bar.

kekked and checked

Only because I don't deadlift enough. Yet.

This shit is only impressive if you do it right after a bunch of weak faggots fail to do 1 regular dip.

l00 is p based

You have to be a manlet to be good at calisthenics.

My biggest improvements in chin-ups, muscle-ups and one hand push-ups have been when I have put on 15 pounds while practicing those exercises. Being skinny so you can do endless low effort calisthenics is so overrated.

I am impressed by how much I deadlift. Checkmate nigga.

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