Sleep is for losers

Most studies show that sleeping more than 5 hours is mostly a waste of time.

Arnold Schwarzenegger on sleep being a waste of tiime:

even (they) teach their followers not to sleep:

Trump sleeps 4 hours:

Aristotle Onassis success:

>but----muh Matt Walker!!!!1!1!

Okay, be a loser like that creep too. Be a good goy and sleep a lot.

Sleep is a waste of time. Prove me wrong.

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If Arnold's advice is not to sleep, you you be getting as much sleep as possible

I personally wake up at 2:30am and go to sleep until 10:30pm. Every single day.


Idk man unless you have something important to do I think sleep deprivation is a bother
>you could have been doing exercises or reading during 3 of those 8 hours you slept
Yeah I could, but what if I already did that?
This nigger tier kind of thought

Based and redpilled

How's that low test and no hair from lack of of sleep

You just become a lethargic, miserable asshole during your waking hours.

If you did anything others call successfull you would know sleep is non negotiable requirement for being the best of the best. Be it memory consolidation or athletic recovery and performance.

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who is (they)?

Good luck making natty gains with no sleep lol

>Trump sleeps 4 hours
>Aristotle Onassis success
How much they squat?

>Arnold Schwarzenegger on sleep being a waste of tiime
Lyin' old cunt used to nap between training sessions

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>not lucid dreaming
Shit thread.

>Aristotle Onassis success: [Remove]
that was a pretty badass trailer goddamn

is sleep really just a meme bros? I sleep 8 hours and feel tired all the time. Should I just sleep 6?

Sleep deprivation will fuck with your brain permanently. I did research the phasic sleep patterns years ago but came to conclusipn that it's almost impossoble to do.


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i feel tired no matter what. save me from this hell called life

No. Trying sleeping 9 hours, if 8 still leaves you tired. If that doesn't help talk to your doctor and get a sleep study booked.

I sleep 12-16 hours a day because I'm unemployed and still for the few hours I'm awake I'm tired feels bad man

"Studies show" mean bullshit is about to follow. Prob 70-80% of published science makes claims that can't be correctly substantiated.

thats a mean question to ask jews user, better quit it

Can you explain more? Due to job I had for 6 years I averaged 4 hours of sleep on a good day now I'm in uni still sleeping that amount. I'm an A- student, workout 4 to 5 times a week plus yoga and running. My house is in good order and I hangout with people and read and write and play music. Are you saying I should sleep more? I feel like if I slept I wouldn't have enough time in the day to do everything I wanted.

Lol this man knows what's good

Guarantee you Arnold was sleeping a shit ton in his peak and eating meat. Now he tells us not to eat meat and skip sleep..sure thing Arny.

why would arnold care about giving out bad advice? He's not even competing anymore. You don't make any sense


4 hours of sleep would kill me

Ronald Reagan slept only 5 hours a day, ended up developing Dementia.

dude looks like an OG

I'll try it for a week because there's nothing else to do

who am I kidding no I fucking won't

How? are you on nofap?

get rdy to die at 35 years old lmao

Yea sleeping is for losers except when you have Alzheimer at age 60 and can't even remember your own fucking name.
Lets do some simple math, if you sleep 5 hours instead of 8 you have gain 3 hours in the day, but now you feel like shit and are working at 80% capacity, now you have effectively 0.8*19 or 15.2 hours vs 16 hours if you would have been well rested, and now your hormones, immune systems, general health, are shit and you have to drink copious amounts of coffee to keep your eyes open.
Studies have proved that you think you have gotten used to it after a while, but your performance is shit, you just think you are doing well.

Don't take my word for it, read the book why we sleep.

Daily reminder that Onassis died before 70 which is terrible for a first world billionaire. His wife then got dicked out by some jew diamond merchant for the rest of her life. When she died she was thinking about getting balled by a kike instead of him

But sure get your 4 hours champ

Trump could do with sleeping a bit more, he barely can speak, let alone be articulate.

He's a troll. He's always taken pleasure out of sabotaging others, he gave bad advice back during his bodybuilding days too. If you wanna do what actually works, then do what Arnold did to succeed, not what he says you should do.

Most studies show OP is a massive faggot who slurps cock every single minute of extra awake time he gets from not sleeping.

he's richer than you bitch

Yeah it is said that around 1 percent of humans or so can actually function on 6 hours or less. Consider yourself fucking lucky because you really have a "longer" life duo to this

Post body. Not memeing.

Arnold recommends in his Encyclopedia for Bodybuilders that you sleep at least 8 hours every day. When he says to sleep 6 hours is when he was focusing on politics and business.

Great argument - fucking idiot.

Sleep is very important!
It helps you refresh!

I legitimately believe Matthew Walker is a bullshitter. I legitimately don't know what's up with that guy. His shit is riddled with fearmongering and innacuracies ( I think he's just as bad as the people that say you can only sleep 5 hours a night and get along fine. I think you can do that for a bit, but you're going to crash your test and make yourself miserable. It's also just survivorship bias.
>Where are the celebs and innovators that tried to sleep poorly and failed
>They are not reported on
>Nobody who is a "sleep is for the weak XD :))))" faggot talks about them
>Thus, people think that celebs and innovators just don't sleep and sleep is retarded even though it was evolved into us
>polyphasic sleep is bullshit, too
>Tesla (manic states, would sleep for many hours once manic state was over)
>Buckminster Fuller (slept regularly most of his life, the 2 hours thing was bullshit according to his biographer)
>da Vinci (what fucking evidence?)
>John Carmack sleeps fucking eight hours, why does no one talk about him (
>It's not fun to sleep eight hours
>If you're not already getting everything you need to done and literally gasping for another second in which to create
>Then, you probably don't need less sleep

Post bank balance fucktard

He's ugly too lmao

Recently got into day trading, I'm pretty consistently awake at 930 when the markets open because of this. Money is a great motivator.

Congratz on starting to gambling away your savings!

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But I'm sleepy

>squashed the name fag

Fuck off

Sleeping is based. I've always had sleep problems and I value any sleep I can get. There's nothing better than feeling exhausted at the end of a day and flopping down into bed.

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lol infected

Sleep is crucial man. Shut the fuck up

Good luck with your Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia

>cut your sleep short so you can shitpost more

No thanks

O shit

This. Here lied to everyone about his diet and routine so they couldn't duplicate his results.

Why would he lie now though?


I woke up with a boner this morning

>Trump sleeps 4 hours
I prefer not stumbling over words and not having trouble with basic mathematical concepts.

Sleeping for that long is what MAKES you tired you dumb shit. Go to 8 for a while and adjust from there.

Cause its fun for him, he doesnt give af about people.

I love both Arnold and Trump, but Arnold is a master advice troll and Trump is hardly in good shape.
Even if you take their advice on face value and assume it does work for them, it doesn't mean it will work for you. I can definitely say it doesn't work for me.

>if you sleep less you'll become rich!!1!
This board gets dumber by the day.

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