Home Gym Rate Thread /hg/

Get in here bros and show us how ready you are for the corona-chan apocalypse.

Pic related my set up. Pls no bully.

Attached: IMG_20200331_121130.jpg (3936x3405, 2.65M)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Kettle-Gryp-Weightlifting-Bodybuilding-U-S/dp/B074V1FMDT/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=dumbbell kettlebell handle&qid=1585677742&sprefix=dumbbell kettlebell&sr=8-3

Do you purposefully make it look extra fucked?

Couldnt be happier rn. No work, just stay at home, eat peannut butter and workout non stop.

Attached: 20200331_193309.jpg (4128x2322, 2.81M)

yeah I'm struggling to fix something up

don't even have weights, just water bottles and a fucking metal pole i found outside

Attached: 1578629349325.png (980x551, 678.72K)

The room is about 10x12. It’s a bit tight, but it works for now. Also have a rack of dumbbells in a closet off camera.

Attached: 3A2F5B3F-4C0A-4CAC-B205-4DE65349CAA2.jpg (3614x1605, 1.33M)

Fill the bottles with sand or gravel for extra weight.

>pussy pad

I need it when I’m squatting the kind of weight I have on the bar in that pic.

Not a smith, you may be seeing the cable system on the back of the cage.

t. fat dyel