Get in here bros and show us how ready you are for the corona-chan apocalypse.
Pic related my set up. Pls no bully.
Get in here bros and show us how ready you are for the corona-chan apocalypse.
Pic related my set up. Pls no bully.
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Do you purposefully make it look extra fucked?
Couldnt be happier rn. No work, just stay at home, eat peannut butter and workout non stop.
yeah I'm struggling to fix something up
don't even have weights, just water bottles and a fucking metal pole i found outside
The room is about 10x12. It’s a bit tight, but it works for now. Also have a rack of dumbbells in a closet off camera.
Fill the bottles with sand or gravel for extra weight.
>pussy pad
I need it when I’m squatting the kind of weight I have on the bar in that pic.
Not a smith, you may be seeing the cable system on the back of the cage.
t. fat dyel