
natty only

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no way you are natty

With traps like that sure buddy

If your traps don't look like that when you're flexing, you don't lift.

do you even ohp

My dyel friend has traps like that when he flexes. Fucker has been doing gymnastics 10y and all he has left is huge traps.

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what is sarcasm?


The one man with a brain in this thread

nice shoulders but that pose is really dumb

>i was just pretending to be retarded

ah yes because those traps are unmistakably huge right?

Not a chance. Not a fucking chance.

yeah if you are the lucky one born with top 0.0000000000001% genetics this can be natty but otherwise keep dreaming kids

No they aren't that's the whole fucking point.

if you lean forward, flex, and dont have traps like that - you ain't lifting for shit

try doing dumbbell shrugs for 3 months and see for yourself

>Doing dumbell shrugs instead of deadlifts and cleans for traps

me natty

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all I'm saying is that in high school when I only worked out with dumbbells to get those killer 'ceps, I did shrugs and they got me king traps with almost no extra effort


I know

Fair enough i can't say anything against that

besides I wouldn't say people do deadlifts to get traps, they're the icing on the cake sort of and serious people do deadlifts regardless
whereas shrugs really work that area and can be done with dumbbells for a quick looksmax pretty easily

6’2 205

Tryna cut down for summer got a little beer gut this winter

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we're making the same point you dumb fuck. learn sarcasm

I hope you decided that you'll look better shrugging and that's not actually how your head is positioned on your torso.

Always been in the trap of trying to get lean and ending up with no real muscle gain.

Bulking now but feel fat as fuck, I need to be strong but it's shit feeling fat.


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>i was merely pretending to be retarded

lol imagine being this fat

Fuck, well done had me fooled

yeah you're pretty fat dude might want to cut some more :/

How am I doing bois

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either you're making fun of my fatness or body dismorphia, either way not cool

fatty boyyyyyyyy

not funny

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I'm not one of the guys you're replying to, but what they're trying to tell you is that you reek of insecurity. I bet you tried like good 5 minutes to strike that exact pose.
You know how I know? Because I have a very similar body type and photographed myself like that before.

Don't obsess over your body fat, I mean don't ignore it either, but as meme as it sounds what you need above all else is confidence.

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This is what I'm trying to say, I'm well aware of the issue. I was going to mention that's the pose where I look the least fat. I feel like I'm stuck eternally spinning my wheels. Garbage bulking then cut too fast and lose strength/size.

Awareness is one thing but doing something about it is another, I don't really know what to do.

My plan was to do a 1 year bulk, get to 160lbs or so then cut back down, I'm 3 months in and want to cut already.

God forgive me, for I have been neglecting my lifts

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You fell for the bulk/cut meme. I just kept a steady, protein-rich diet that I estimated to be no more than like a 100 calories below TDEE and this is what it got me after 8 months of lifting.

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6’0 190
Aspiring UFC fighter

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To get into a promotion 3 tiers within the range of UFC, you need to worry more about how you perform instead of how you look.

I mean I’m only 19. And I’ve already done quite a bit of promotion

Lookin beefy. Unfortunate pec inserts, but not the worst

Cheers man, what do you mean by pec inserts tho?

Looking shredded what’s weight do you fight at

You look great but at 190 you’d be fighting people with a lot thicker frames so might be a disadvantage

I usually suck at taking pics but I like this one

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I’m trying to bulk to 208 at the end of my current cut so I can be at the heaviest weight of the light-heavyweight division

he returns

5'9, 152 lbs

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How many fights have you had?

I’ve had many at the fighting gym I go to. But fights that I’d be able to put on a professional record, only 2


looking good. you could use a cut though

looking big. might want to cut

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Keep at it man, not trying to discourage you but it is hard to get into the UFC. Try getting into regional matches and get a commission with a local group first.

mark is a born again natty

you look fantastic user miring

crazy good physique

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I’m not worried about it. I’ve been working on my boxing and Muay Thai constantly. I need to work on rolling around on the mat though. But if it comes to that I’m also not too worried, I’m really strong for 190. I know I can make it, so I will.

train legs

heres a rare mark on 1g of tren

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Good luck user, if you’re a better boxer than focus on defense and getting up off the mat first. Work on subs later.

nice overall

traps and shoulders looking good

lean as hell

no homo digging this look a lot

5'9 147 gynogang

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You're in the sweet spot between not being a manlet (inb4 meme classification) and having the right proportions to look great natty, I'm fucking jelly.
I looked more or less as good at 5'7 and considered myself accomplished. So body-wise you're like a strictly better me and I'm not gonna lie, that kinda hurts.

5'7" 134lbs

Still have a long ass way to go kinda feeling down lately cause of the rona closing the gyms

Gj kings i want to look like you guys someday

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