Are you man enough for challenge?

Are you man enough for challenge?

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Easy challenge

I would gladly do it for free.

No, because I don’t want my stomach to explode!

>smoke some weed beforehand
>demolish the tray in less than 45 minutes
>a tasty meal and a fat chunk of cash ez pz

Are you fucking kidding me?

It wouldn't even be hard.

This. I would pay 10$ for that.

Yeah this would be a piece of cake

Lmao that's a normal lunch for some people. My fat brother orders this every time we go to McDonalds. It's just 3 extra drinks

You have to eat the cardboard.

You have to break your fast to do it

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Tbh if you're not able to smash this in 45 minutes you're probably Manlet status

Oh, I uh, didn't think about that

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easy as fuck dude.

lol I eat entire costco pizzas to myself and regularly eat 4-5 whoppers for dinner. Anyone that lifts seriously could finish everything on this tray in 90 minutes, a 2k+ calorie meal is normal and a 4k one is doable.


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What kind of faggot would you have to be to not eat all of that in one go? $3500 is on the line, and the only thing you have to do is not stuff your face for the next few days to offset the extra calories.
I'm in.
t. 150 lbs skeleton

I don’t think I could do it. I’d feel full after two burgers and half a thing of fries. Could probably stuff down the last two burgers and slowly much in fries. The sodas would be just too much volume

I'd struggle with the soda.

am manlet, would still be able to demolish that,

Those chicken nuggets are harder to finish than it seems, I'm usually almost full at 24.

And no way someone can drink all this coke is 90 minutes

I wouldn't eat it for free and I would never pay for garbage like this, but 3500$ are a good deal for the damage I will sustain from eating this insult to god


Has anyone here ever tried competitive eating?
The food is easily achieved, the huge amount of soda will be tough as fuck.

Where’s the salad on the burgers?

Finish one side as quickly as possible before the bloat sets in, fingers down your throat to vomit it all back up, do the other half and repeat, easy $3500 without having to dirty bulk.

Im trying to escape skelly mode. I can feel the skelly inside me trying to escape, maybe this will put a stop to him

Im a turbomanlet and I could ravage it all

You have to eat the metal tray as well

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extra fiber

The coke has got to be the easiest, at some point it just pass through you like a waterfall.

the hard part is the coke, it just fills you up way too much

It doesn't say I can't purge so easy peasy

20 minutes easily

Easy. Deadlift heavy, eat all that shit and then go to sleep sounds like a good day.

i'm not american so no

Good, I won't have to buy iron supplements

dude weed LMAO dude dude dude weed weed weed dude I Love weed yeah weed I Love weed so much that my gamertag tells people I like weed and my profile picture is a picture of marijuana paraphernalia I have weed paraphernalia all over my bedroom it makes my father very upset so when I go to his house I don't have any weed paraphernalia but at my mom's house where I spend most of my time I have all this weed paraphernalia because I'm really super cool yeah why am I telling you this well because I tell everyone I play video games about how much weed I love to do
I mean I haven't actually smoke any weed except this one time and my mom smelled it and ran into the room screaming but it's like totally cool and as soon as like I move out of my parents place I'll totally start smoking weed so I can play call of duty with weed like it's so cool dude weed lmao

does weed really make you hunrgy, if yes how much?
asking because I hope all the duggies get fat and explode


No, I could not finish it. I don't have the stomach I used to. Three years ago, that would have presented a challenge but still very doable. Today? No way I could do it. I might get through one burger and half of one side of the nuggets. I haven't had soda in a couple years now so i'm sure one would put me into diabetic coma.

I think I'm going to try this today.
My goal is 45 minutes. Wish me luck!

wouldn't even be a problem. The real issue is the plastic drink lids.
it says on the tray. the tray isn't on itself, idiot

Lol is this a joke

the only problem is that I stopped eating McDonald's years ago because I was doing that.
Those buy one get one sandwich coupons were the best.

The food would be more than doable. The 2 gallons of coke would be the hard part.


do you mean the lettuce?

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Just because you could, doesn't mean you should

fuck yeah daddy's winning home gym upgrades. if only this was real and not a joke

Perhaps daddy should get a job

>this fucking thread
If you can eat 4 double quarter pounders, 40 nuggets, 2 medium fries, and drink 4 sodas, you are a fat ass. Eating not even half of that shit would be enough to leave you feeling bloated.
>t.someone who works at mcshits
Now post body you fatties

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>cardboard (consumed)
Someone post the image

Why is one of the burgers just a single?

Why 3.500 exactly?
Why 90 minutes?
What are these arbitrary numbers?

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Too easy.

What do you mean why? Those are the conditions of his challenge, he can pick any numbers he wants.

That's half a gallon of coke, user.

Stream it and post the link on here

I could smash it in under 20 min minus the soda tho that shit is literally the devil bro

Fat people's stomachs aren't much bigger than normal people's. I'm 6'1" 195 pounds and i could eat that. It would hurt and it would suck, but it's not that much. When i was 16 i came on 2nd place at an impromptu hot dog eating contest. I ate 14 Chicago dogs so STOP CALLING ME FAT

>I'm 6'1" 195 pounds
absolute unit

cringe, you try too hard
even more cringe

Just a stupid Facebook meme that braindead faggots share.
>picture of a morbidly obese gross woman HAS ANYONE SEEN BRAD??? HE SAID HE'D CALL ME AFTER WE HAD SEX BUT HE HASN'T CAN YOU TAG HIM???
Typical Facebook shit

I've been a big fat guy most of my life and most of you would not be able to do it.

4 burgies, 2 medium fries and 40 nuggies is alot. the soda is impossible, and since youll be drinking it fast youll be burping like fucking crazy. I guess it depends how much ice is in the drinks though.
if youre a twink you wouldnt be able to do this though id bet money on that.
this is a big man only challenge.

>the soda is impossible, and since youll be drinking it fast youll be burping like fucking crazy.
Nah, first thing you do is take all the lids of the soda and stir it around so the gas escapes and it goes flat.

I used to be.

That’s 1 gallon of coke brainlets. A Large McDonald’s drinks is 32 ounces and a gallon is 128 ounces.

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Easiest challenge ever.
Give me those $3500 right now.

If i was drunk I’d do this shit and regret it afterwards

A large drink is 64 ounces...

Are those large cups? Shit.

This. The food is nbd, but I've never drank even half that much soda in 1 sitting.