Why the fuck

Why do people recommend to reach your natty limit or close to it before juicing. If you're going to cheat to reach a result why not just cheat from the start and save yourself years of doing it the slow way. That's like running 90% of a marathon and then riding on a car the rest of the way, your might as well have rode the car the whole way. You don't win anything extra for having only cheated 10% of it, except you wasted more time to get the same result.

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he can never lift away the pajeetness

because that's what they did and they don't want other people to take the easy route

Getting to natty limit means your training and dieting was effective and you sort of know how your body responds to high fat /certain amounts of protein, rep sets volume and frequency. What's the point giving a dumbass 25 year old that wants to 1234 at 85kg steroids if his bench is 70kg for 4reps? Or say aesthetics giving clen but the guy constantly snacks on garbage shit with no discipline and has a beer gut for years now

The reason to lift natty first are legitimate:

They say reach your natty limit more so because at that point you’ll have your shit together.
>You’ll have learned what types of lifts/diet/training (rep ranges, volume, etc.) works best you and that you respond to best
>you’ll have the discipline to actually be consistent and strict as well as push yourself
This is also important for when you cycle off, so you can keep as much of the gains as possible
It’s literally just so you don’t do what most retards do and just hop on cycle without knowing what they’re actually doing, dicking around with random lifts and no real programming and eating a shit diet/not eating enough. Sure you’ll make easy gains and you’ll feel great while on, but you’ll have cheated yourself the maximum amount of gains and when you come off you will likely skip or just plain fuck up your PCT and end up suppressed, losing your gains, and worse off from when you started. Whereas if you lift for 3-5 years and really build up a decent base (doesn’t have to be your natty limit but generally 3-5 years is) and then you run your first cycle you will likely make the most of it.

Also your pic related has a physique that a 20 year old could have achieved in a year assuming he trains and eats correctly, although less vascular. He’s 40 and claims getting that body is impossible without his resources. Pathetic. But anyways, assuming you’re not a 35+ year old with test levels dropping you can easily make those gains, but you’re just here looking for an excuse and shortcut because you’re a lil small dicked bitch. Nothing wrong with using steroids, but retardant like you who can’t do their own homework should stay away from them, if you can’t even make decent gains natty why would you waste the gear and risk the potential hormonal damage for bad results

that's the only reason he has a career and millions of dollars.

Because most people will be happy with how they look and not even need to use gear.

>be 36
>looked like left pic when i was 25
>broke my back in a car accident
>thanks to rehab i'm mostly recovered
>lost all my gains though
Is there a way for me to get back to my prime? How do I check if my test is getting low? Who should I consult for getting some test if I need it?

this and also celebrities get a dietician and physio trainer to help them through everything and doctors to advise on their stacks so its a lot different from an average person without help going on gear before understanding what they are doing they will end up hurting themself more than likely

It's because there's no point in overlapping noob gains and gear.
Also when you hit your genetic limit you'll need a shit tonne of gear to push through it.

The strongest smelling curry ever left in the fridge for three days and then thrown away.

Crippled fags reporting in, trapped ulnar nerve here threatening to end my lifting forever.

If you need a T test go to a doctor, if they won't test then go to a hormone replacement therapy specialist. They'll give you pretty much what ever you want.

This guy is a joke and has no idea about training.

If you’re 36 look into trt man. 35 is the age every man should start considering it. There’s no shame in it. Plus you’re pretty much good to just run random “blasts” where the blast is more like a test cycle at 500mg/week for 12 weeks and the cruise is your normal trt dose. I’m recommending you go through your primary for the bloodwork but then also ho through an actual endo because I’ve had primaries just bullshit me
Yep. Another thing for op to take into consideration is the injury thing like you said. On gear you get string as fuck really fast, but just because your muscles can output that much force doesn’t mean the rest of your body can. A lot of guys fuck up their joints because of this. Lifting for around 5 yearS first will atleast strengthen the joints and get the ligaments and all that shit fit enough to bear some of those loads, although you still need to progress slow. I know some retards who jumped straight into gear thinking they were gonna be a pro bodybuilder, did nearly everything wrong including using insulin as PCT (just fucking lmao). Year later after the cycle no more gains, look like dogshit, and can’t lift anymore because they destroyed themselves

Is there a major difference between taking test for base level energy post 35 and test for building muscle? Are the risks still present in the former?

Because you should learn how to break plateaus and structure your diet and training properly first. That way you don’t just say oh gee whiz I’m going to up the dose every time I run into a road block

Basically these. You need to be experienced and good at what you do before you hop on gear.

Mr. Olympia 2019 is 37. You can fucking do it

I mean you can run risks with anything, the chance and severity goes up with the dosage.
Guys will stay on anywhere from 100-200mg/wk for life.
This shit can be hell though. I wish there was a better way.

So sick of seeing this shitty pajeet. Anyone can get to 10%bf for a single day photoshoot. Setting this loser up as any kind of model or inspiration is literally laughable because his body should be the average person's starting point not their ultimate goal.


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Yeah, he looks fucking tired, even though he's using every forehead wrinkle to try and open his eyes.


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he has that dick skin steroid look all over

why do you think it's hell to run a small dose for life?

31 year old boomer here. Natty limit is bs but you should train for a few years so you actually know how to train and diet properly. If you don't know what you're doing you'll just be doing potentially serious damage to your body and you might not even like working out anymore a few years down the road. Maybe you get lucky and it's something minor, like getting gyno or balding. Then you're stuck with tits or no hair because you wanted to try and shortcut into getting shredded when you were younger. This guy is a hollywood actor and got shredded for a multi-million dollar role. Probably worth the risk for him since he's also got the connections for legit gear and coaches. That's not you.

>You’ll have learned what types of lifts/diet/training (rep ranges, volume, etc.) works best you and that you respond to best
Nigga you can learn that in a single day of lurking on Yas Forums and Greg Doucette videos.
>you’ll have the discipline to actually be consistent and strict as well as push yourself
Nigga This is something you either already have, or you dont. Either way someone on roids that half asses their diet and workouts will still build more muscle than the natty working extremely hard.

This is a meme.

Most of people who do roids aren't bodybuilders-- they're regular people who want to look good.

Yeah, nearly every single bodybuilder does roids but they're a small subset of the total lifting population. Roids are a magic shortcut to fitness and it makes lifting 100x more fun. You recover faster, you progress faster, and you look fucking joocy within 3 months of lifting. Why would you even need to how to "lift properly, manage diet, break plateaus, have structured training", when you can go hard and do whatever the fuck you want, look good, then go smash thots?

> Nigga you can learn that in a single day of lurking on Yas Forums
First of all, you’re wrong. Those things are going to be relatively individual. For example I grow most with low reps and heavy weight and have a friend that gets the most hypertrophy from high reps. You completely misunderstood what I said. Way to further demonstrate that you don’t lift and don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Furthermore,
>learning from Yas Forums
Just get the rope retard
> Nigga This is something you either already have, or you dont. Either way someone on roids that half asses their diet and workouts will still build more muscle than the natty working extremely hard.
Okay then go ahead and blindly use gear I don’t really care what you do. Disregard the best advice itt because someone on an anonymous turtle racing forum didn’t validate your desire to do what you think is taking the easy way. (Here’s a secret: you still need to put the work in either way). Oh and make sure you skip suspensions because needles a bad, look out for DBOL and Sdrol that’s what you want, no pct needed for those

Stfu moron if you actually lifted you know you arent only gonna either be doing low reps or high reps, you do both. A noob can do sets of 5, a set of 3, max then few sets of 8 on the main compound lifts, hop on dumbbells/machine do their fockin sets of 10-12.
t.I hit 335 bench natty after 4 years of lifting and i know someone who just hopped on gear and is now repping 275 after just a year of lifting coming from zero knowledge and lifting just the bar.

Made me realize lifting natty is a huge waste of time, by next year ill probably still be benching in the 300s and my bro will have bigger 3d delts, repping out my maxes and working out only a few days a week eating shit food and still mogging everyone only within his first few years of lifting.

>pic related has a physique that a 20 year old could have achieved in a year

Also youre fockin delusional faggot, i bet youre one of those tryhard fags who just got his beginner gains and thinks theyre knowledgeable

>thinks its possible to go from skinny fat to having almost a mens physique tier body in a year at even 20 years old

Lol okay cuck.

>muh 335lb bench
Bro I hit 315lb bench in my first two years starting from barely being able to move the bar for 10 reps. Taking 4 years to still be under 4pl8 is nothing impressive, especially when your spotter upright rowed 1/4th of it for you

Again, if you want to start using gear then just fucking do it pussy, you only made this thread to find validation for that choice. Honestly as pissy as you’re getting just because I tried to steer you in the right direction and didn’t automatically agree with you, you could probably use some synthetic test in your system to make up for the lack that your bodies producing. You’re a joke. I actually wish I could post sources here so you could hurt up and fuck yourself up quicker

>pic related has a physique that a 20 year old could have achieved in a year

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If you can’t get newbie gains at 20 years old you have hypogonadism. It’s as simple as that.

Jesus. You Yas Forums guys seriously are some low test soiboys, your standards are pathetic. Well good luck little guys!


you do maxes on curls n shit faggit?

>3x5-8= 1RM

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Chink hater here, mr fbi man, put me on that list, idgaf

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This person has only been lifting for less than 3 months

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Hehe y-you can make such a transformation this in a year of natty lifting if you try hard...i am making beginner gains too so trust me!

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All you children just worry about how you look, talk about height and dicks. When you grow up adult you lift just to be healthy. Also not getting more fat and staying healthy/active as long as possible.

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>5 years of lifting
>spits facts and gives nothing but solid advice for the newbies who haven’t even lifted for a full year
I’m sorry you’re a currynig and have the literal worst genetics in existence, Baljeet. But normal people, I.e. real men, can actually gain muscle&strength pretty efficiently when they eat right and train correctly. Sorry Kumar here’s body isn’t all that impressive to us. But you’re going to need to simmer down before I scratch that dot off your head and mail you back to your fat cow fucking mother bod flying carpet while Vishnu gives me that 4 handed dick jerk action.

The fact is this is normal after a year of being on test for a kid, this is all camel jockeys could ever hope for

>natty limit
I keep seeing this phrase but I have never seen any evidence to suggest such a thing even exists.

>5 years of lifting
Post body then fat boomer. 19 and i mog you to death nigga

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I gaurentee youre a fat fagit over 250lbs doing your gay ass low rep shit on fockin accessories like a coping boomer

lol, mad that Asians are better than you at everything? I can feel the aura of stupidity emanating from you.

>i dont have abs: the pic

Wore black too lets see them titties fatty

"Hehe any man can get that in a year, im big boy bench 315 in under 2 years"

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>claims 5 years of lifting
>acts like his advice means shit
>Wont post body

whitoid cope
you're that fat boomer at the gym that gives unsolicited advice that you've learned in magazines and years of lifting "experience"

The OP literally asked kek

I’m 24 you zoomer cuck

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Because some would prefer to not be injecting themselves for the rest of their lives?

Makes more sense to simply find a nice natural level and maintain it through old age then to roll the dice of "will I suffer long term consequences with this" and "when I get old and off cycle I'll balloon and lose my sense of self because I look like shit"

desu who cares but roids aren't for everyone. It takes a certain amount of insecurity to take roids when you're young.

>superman meme shit

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I wear it ironically. Check the phone case too

>chicken forearms and calves

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Doesn’t count when you were also 30% bf. Let’s see how they look now, post body. Oh what’s that? You’re not going to? Wow I’m shocked

No matter how much joose you do the only people you're really gonna impress are other dudes on joos.

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that's the old way of viewing gear usage. but you should still have your nutrition and training figured out before you hop on desu
