Arnold is a fucking sell out

>hey guys meat is bad
>meat has a misconception
>vegan good
>i'm such a health nut hahahaha
>did you see this beer
>this lemonade beer is my secret protein shake
>let me just add alcohol to my smoothie
>hey guys I love whiskey
vegan soi boy faggot

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Other urls found in this thread:

lost all his gains and now wants you to give up on yours

I swear to *** drinking is the most boring insufferable thing I've ever heard. Every time I hear people talking about drinking I cringe so hard. same with having sex and smoking weed, just so fucking stupid and cringe
anybody who disagrees with me is a coping vice-slave btw

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>Every time I hear people talking about drinking I cringe so hard.
You literally posted an anime cat girl drawing

I would agree with you, if you didn't post that cringe image bro, gay ass fag

Yes, what of it?

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I don't even watch anime lmao

I bet you have to find a hideout place to smoke your stogies too

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Cute girl, but very cringe
Getting drunk is based
you're probably an underage american

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wtf are cadever glands

glands from dead bodies

>arnold is a fucking sell out
His whole career been like that

You either die early like Rich or you become a villain

kinda agree, the answer is jesus, not alcohol/drugs cope

>Getting drunk is based
this is what 14 year olds actually believe

quite based

you need to post more is what he's getting at.

Why do you care? Dude lost his testosterone due to age and being off roids. What do you care what an old man says? You can still follow the advice he gave back when he was young & jacked.

The man is 72 what do you expect?


t. Former alcoholic

When he apologized for calling people sissy boys in the past, that was the final straw for me.

This is my favorite thread. You are all so unimaginably lame.

It's okay that I eat meat

at least i'm not a gay fucking faggot like me.

God you're pathetic.

Sissy male detected

He had to have a heart transplant and constant supply of adrenochrome...he has to slave for the dark side to stay alive

Based necromancer absorbing the power of the dead

He's old and wiser now and in disagreement with many things he did when he was young. Most people on this board are also young and don't like being called out. Imagine you trying to give advice to your teenage self. You would tell yourself to fuck off (if you didn't know he was actually from the future).

Have you ever considered that maybe he knows something you don't?

Dropping the Arnold redpill

Arnold knew the right people and was willing to sell out to dirtbag kikes like (((Joe Weider))) and (((Joe Gold))) to get ahead. The guy even had some wealthy gay patron that he associated or lived with.

> Joe Weider immediately fell in love with Arnold and whisked him off to California, where he was moving his business empire [from New Jersey]. Arnold got a Volkswagen, paid apartment, free supplements, couple hundred bucks a week. From Joe Weider, that was pretty amazing.
> Without question, Joe Weider was the most important person in establishing Arnold here. Arnold wouldn’t be here without Joe Weider making the first step and supporting him.
He didn't get wealthy from merely his own business acumen in California

Muscle Smoke and Mirrors:
> "From that point onward it was pretty much all downhill for the Westcoast top competitive bodybuilders. Carter basically labeled the vast majority of them as homosexuals and/or drugs users, abusers or addicts. A few of them wrestled on the side. But essentially, the insinuation was that Gold's Gym was a front for gay prostitution with a good chunk of the bodybuilders open for hire."

>In the 70’s it was very hard for young bodybuilders to make a career out of their activity, because they the public opinion didn’t thought of them as macho and the bodybuilding business was poorly paid. This is why it wasn’t uncommon for young athletes to appeal to some wealthy gay men’s appreciation and funds. This is what Arnold did in mid 70’s, when he spent several days in the company of a Spanish gay photographer, a millionaire with a flair for well looking athletes. He was even subjected to some photo sessions in 1977, which led to Arnold appearing in the After Dark gay magazine. And some of those photos show more than you would have thought.

>Even earlier than that, in late 60’s, he was also involved in a close friendship with another wealthy gay personality, a certain John Dixey, a British millionaire, who was known to enjoy the company of young and good looking boys. It was a common way by which bodybuilders could get some funding, at the start of their career, and Arnold certainly seized this opportunity.


You're literally a male tumblrina, kys

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this to be honest.
it really breaks my heart how all any of my friends (except for one, who I cherish) want to do these days is drink.
sure they find different excuses for it but at the end of the day it's all about drinking their job stresses away.
whenever I go out with them the first hour or two is fun to relax and chitchat after that the most intelligent discussion to be had is sports or the latest netflix show.
makes me want to alienate to myself but that's not good for mental health either.
in my 30s and european btw

Arnold is a hilarious pain point for these trembling retards
>started from nothing
>btfos the bodybuilding world
>btfos Hollywoody with controversial hypermasculine roles and back to back blockbusters
>btfos women; cheats on a Kennedy
>gives up all the posturing, decides being a preening lifting body dysmporphic isn't everything, and starts shilling for no meat/veganism

It's one thing to mock all the retarded pissing contests that the people here buy into. It's another thing entirely to win at each and every one of those contests, and then discard them. That leaves all the fragile dudes absolutely SEETHING.

If you don't like drinking it's because your job isn't stressful. T. Military

>Falling for Arnies trolling
Zoomers never learn

wait like dead parts from humans or animals

don't alienate yourself you'll regret it
just actively seek like minded people by going to activities that interest you while still hanging out with your friends
otherwise you quickly turn hermit mode and making new friends is real hard

This fucking newfags
Arnie has always been the ultimate advice troll

he sold out for the anti meat jew crowd. they want the world to become sickly and weak so they can not only mentally conquer us but physically as well.

I agree. It's the whole macho shit, that guys with low confidence, use to try and make them appear more manly.

There's nothing wrong with alcohol. Good quality beers, spirits and fine wines. But the 'getting pissed on low quality lager, shagging birds and fighting' is deplorable.

A genetic freak that was roiding at 14 years of age and eating steaks for breakfast in his teens.

FUCK Arnold

do you think stud Arnie would like who he turned into

tru, that's why he gave that nigger blood BBer the death sentence, he was jelly from back in the day and got his revenge

He blatantly ads whole eggs to his "vegan" shakes. He isn't stupid enough to go full vegan.

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>Your body after 1 hour of cardio

Wow older people look worse wow what a shock

He wouldn't look as bad if he didn't roid

You can still look great in your 70's

it's a hard life lesson to learn but people aren't looking out for your best interests and often look to sabotage you.

not that much worse, the guy just deflated because he got off the gear he was on and started eating like shit

Pretty sure the one on the left is older, retard. Hair takes a long time to grow. Plus look how antiquated his clothing is. Right is a zoomer or at worst a millenial. I think it's Nicki Minaj.

no shit

Alcohol is poison

Justifying it because it is 'normal' or for social or special occasions is normie cope. You might as well start 'dieting' and 'live laugh love' yourself to mediocrity

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>posting sylvester mccartney