What advice would you give this guy that he isn't already following?

What advice would you give this guy that he isn't already following?

Attached: justliftbro.jpg (2358x4192, 1.99M)

Just be yourself

Wear a hat

Grow hair

cool it on scalp day for a bit

>Bulk up and lose the abs so you dont reek of gymcel
>Dont shave head even if balding on top
>Shave beard so not to look like a creepy baby with a beard

is there a normal angle pic of that dude, just curious

I have a similar pic from such angle

Attached: 1567207078962.jpg (1440x2560, 974.49K)

different angle the same time

Attached: 1569798252323.jpg (1152x2048, 273.68K)

why does this guy look so fuckin weird?


user rocking the sleezecore look.

Who's the creepy guido?

take the neckpill

holy shit i can't breathe

I love this beady eyed lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

Attached: Screenshot_20200330_120533.jpg (1080x1061, 208.51K)

He looks worse without the beard

I can’t remember his name but his Reddit profile was posted here a whole back

He rates himself a 7

This guy can't pull off the lean aestheticfag look. He needs to bulk to like 250 and rock the big guy look. Also needs to trim his beard down to a short stubble. Wear a hat like that other poster said.

What height are you btw, never seen you post it on /fa/

barefoot 1m77

give up.

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Bulk up. He could be a bear and not look like a pussy

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trim the beard down, get a hairpiece

He’s 5’6

Did Netflix come out with a live action show about Lucky Charms and cast Conehead Transgender Leprechaun for the role of whatever the fuck the name was of that Lucky Charms manlet was?

bulk. heavy compound lifts while still doing calisthenics. eat more.

>Trigger discipline
Fuck it, take my vote paddy

Attached: 24kalashnikov1-articleLarge.jpg.jpg (600x418, 36.92K)

Based Irish bro


scraggly beards look like shit. trim it so it's all one length.

style your beard and buy a wig, i'm not memeing

>lose the abs so you dont reek of gymcel
Every gymcel I see is a fatty who think women will be attracted to his one rep max.

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>Bulk up
>Trim beard a little
>Hat or hairpiece
>Do not make that creepy facial expression


>tfw brother and i have the same egg shape when bald
thank God my entire family is thick haired italians and only starts balding into their 60s (if they don't die from heart attacks or strokes first)

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He looks fine to me.

Attached: 32741796_so.jpg (2538x3600, 1.46M)

Unironically up body fat to like 20%, he have shit insertions and a very small frame, that could make he look better I guess

Wear a beanie. Go for the tatted up edgy douchebag look. Talking full body tattoos here. He needs it. He'll have to settle for girls that have a tattoo fetish since he can't deliver with his height or face or money (presumably)

I second

>Move along, outlander.


I think most people would assume you are homosexual, user.

Stop taking steroids, his body isn't impressive but judging from his face hes a roider. For a lot of people steroids make you retain a ton of water in your face, hence the chubby bloated look despite being super lean

So stop roiding for face gains, and then trim down the beard. Then he should bulk up a bit to make his frame wider, and from there fashion sense can help him

What makes you say that?

you're supposed to lift when you roid

Attached: 1583421225446.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

Attached: baldfaggot.png (560x296, 49.76K)

You like you're trying too hard, just be true to yourself

I disagree, I find that fit looks very organic like that

NO EXCUSE not to

Attached: unjust yourself 1.webm (640x640, 2.58M)



The real answer is to bvlk the fuck up and wear gnome.clothes

What about when hair starts growing underneath it

Do you produce porn?

imagine this guy standing across you from an mma ring

he looks crazy, his forehead is made of high dense lithium technology, his diet is only vodka but somehow has a lean body with muscles to spare, his veins are popping, he's staring you down

wanderlei silva

Attached: a69d334f65c6d866a418388f620588df.jpg (1000x1000, 157.95K)

I have a similar scar all down my belly

Attached: me December 2015.jpg (623x1000, 80.45K)

Attached: me.jpg (1763x1762, 518.09K)