Is this achievable natty?
Is this achievable natty?
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Is this what female autism looks like? You can tell she has an inner monologue when her eyes trail off at the end. Looks like "Am I doing this right? This is kinda stupid" Is going through her head.
Whereas most women posing for such videos don't have the self awareness that would intrude on their thottery posing focus.
fucking her from behind must feel like fucking ricardo
imagine coming from behind and startling her with a huge slap on her ass hahaha and then a slap right on her pussy aahahaha
>That hairline
some people are so pretty and glamorous it's unbelievable
Why is this thot being spammed all over the place now?
Fuck off back to your florida gym
"Having an inner monologue makes you an autist? If that is true, I must be a giga-autist" I thought to myself.
Is this?
“No, that can’t be possible haha” I thought while reading user response
"Well", I thought to myself, "I do recall something on /sci/ about only a minority of people can do things inside their head, like form images. Perhaps only some people can talk to themselves?" "Hmm.", I said out loud.
of course it is you fucking retard. military press, situps, and squats
>My schizophrenia makes me a genius
>she has an inner monologue
God she's perfect
Everyone has an inner monologue. You aren't special, shut the fuck up.
fucking hell she's perfect lads
like she is built for one thing
Sauce for a coomer please?
Not if you're a tranny
based haha poster
this website is rotting your brain
Gonna need a sauce there chief
looks like the life time i used to go to
if you go on her youtube channel or instagram she honestly does have autism or is low iq
She seems a tad 'tard-ish in her videos, I agree.
who is she?
She looks like a 10 on insta and webms, but on youtube she's a 6.5 at best. Angles, filters and lighting.
Is that movement actually accomplishing anything beyond showing off her arse to the camera?
Nah, only smart people do. I feel alighten to know I have a soul and am self aware. These chumps live day after day, thinking about kike cash and clubbing.
its the pig nose and retard face
Are you fucking retarded?
"Miiguuuh" I grunt loudly. My eyes have the same dull expression as always as I punch my monitor. No thoughts cross my vacant mind.
yeah you’re a retard
This post is what male autism looks like.
Nigger English is not everyone's 1st language dont be bozo.
Try speaking White English then.
its accomplishing my penis to cooom
>so insecure he thinks introspection is a sign of autism
>pig nose and retard face
Man you need to go outside
It working your glutes, but it's a very ineffective exercise.
>people look better on instagram
what a novel discovery, truly eyeopening
how is it possible to not have an inner monologue?
>male does this
>nobody cares
>thot does this
>Implying and fabricating someone else's introspection over a simple glance
You're the autist here.
Of course is achievable natty, just some light arm lats and leg training with good notrition, the pretty face, insertions and bone structure are god given though, you'll have to make do with what you have.
It makes my dick hard if that's what you're asking, as for training it's just a shitty bodyweight exercise.
She's pretty and has a well trained body, those 2 things put her above 95% over any lazy girl who don't train and hit's the wall after 23, maybe you have super high standards, post gf or someone you find hot.
Please tell me you're fucking joking, nobody can be so lacking of human contact as to think that having toughts makes fucking special, you really must have absolutely nothing going on in your life in order for you to resort to having an inner fucking monologe as a source of your feelings of superiority.
Get a job/learn a trade/go to college/have sex or something, pal.
that man is an impostor
Supply and demand, those likes come from men so we only have ourselves to blame for encouraging thot behavior, complaining about it is similar to those faggots compring the salaries super elite athletes with that of teachers or doctors. Girls are just capitalizing on coomers, which is smart even if it doesn't take much effort.
So almost every women? Funnily enough the only women i found to be more attractive in real life than online are the already gorgeous women. Oggos and fatties profits immensely from instagram fliters+makeup.