I am sick and tired of these losers always spreading misery on every single thread. What the fuck happened to this board? It's FITNESS not crying like a girl because you don't have pretty eyelashes or whatever holy shit ban these fuckers already MODS

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>I am sick and tired of these losers always spreading misery on every single thread. What the fuck happened to this board? It's FITNESS not crying like a girl because you don't have pretty eyelashes or whatever holy shit ban these fuckers already MODS

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This board has always one way or another been about lookism whether you're aware of it or not, stop being a faggot and be thankful we're not being spammed with tranny shit

Lookism is the reason 99,99999% of people who do fitness want to stay in shape, bud.
How about you apologize and say you're sorry?

Big agree OP

It's a full r9k takeover. They don't even bother pretending any of its fitness related anymore.

Why they dont post that shit on the fucking board dedicated to self-pitying greentexts that we ALREADY HAVE, I will never understand.

Lookism != Yas Forums but there is a lot of crossover. One could be completely blackpilled and still have a positive mindset.

With lax moderation, we'll never get the proper balance though.

Nice self portrait lmao

go away, you dont belong here. There is nothing here for you complete useless fucktards. You are basically the new coomposters, a complete waste of bandwith.

>go away, you dont belong here. There is nothing here for you complete useless fucktards. You are basically the new coomposters, a complete waste of bandwith.

>Nice self portrait lmao

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post body. if you're not fit you don't get to complain about being treated by women like the trash you are

>post body. if you're not fit you don't get to complain about being treated by women like the trash you are

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Welcome to Yas Forums newfriend

I've been lifting for over a year and I still can't get a gf, I have a lot of anger, especially after wasting all that time doing something lame and eating boring foods

then stop being a fucking autist and talk to them like a normal human being until you find one that you like spending time with

what? You have nothing to say,hehe

>what? You have nothing to say,hehe

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>then stop being a fucking autist and talk to them like a normal human being until you find one that you like spending time with

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ITT: pathetic

Is it possible for men to do very light natural makeup to look good, as long as they don't overdo it

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Sage and hide
The panacea of every problem but too hard to apply I guess

Based. Yas Forums is a chad or future chad board. With an incel mentality you're never gonna make it

Lmao imagine a girl touch your face and her hand is covered in make up. Would you kys right then and there?

Oh hes a dicklet, no wonder he hates women

OP afraid of the truth kek.

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>lifting for one year and still can't get a gf
A year is not a long time to lift, and lifting was never supposed to get you a gf.
>I have a lot of anger especially after wasting all that time
So let me get this straight:
-lifting is a waste of time if you don't like lifting
-hanging out shitting up a lifting board if you don't like lifting is not

This has to be bait.

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The world doesn't owe you pussy m8, it's work, like everything else, some people are born into money, some have to work their asses off for it, some work 9 to 5 for a decade and barely make above minimum wage, it's the same with women, you have to have the tools necessary and be able to put in the work required, otherwise you have no right to whine about being poor or about not being successful with bitches.
Basically this
Plus, each of these fags, most notably Elliot, thinks the world owes him a blonde blue eyed goddess, when they're sitting at the bottom of the totem pole, nothing to offer except anger and misery, not willing to change or even try, for most it's sadly a mindset, not something you can fix with money, muscles, or whatever.

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>One could be completely blackpilled and still have a positive mindset.

Which is which?

I'm trans if that matters.




He's just using the new, totally organic, totally not forced Yas Forums buzzword.
It's been slang for at least 25 years-longer than he's probably been alive- and yet he never heard the term before last month.
This is the caliber of people we're arguing with here.

ok simp

He's just using the new, totally organic, totally not forced Yas Forums buzzword.
It's been slang for at least 25 years-longer than he's probably been alive- and yet he never heard the term before last month.
This is the caliber of people we're arguing with here.

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Frankly the world would be a better place if we just nerve gassed all the gyms. Average IQ would go up by at least 20 overnight.

Why the fuck your tiddies facing the wrong way

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>Wojack edits.
>Didn't even greentext.
You have to go back.

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this but with incels
also you have to go back

Have you visited Yas Forums recently?, you'll be surprised how nice it its nowadays.

Because that board is already a circlejerk of self-pitying sadcunts. They won’t get a reaction over there, and they need anons to take their bait to feel like they’ve accomplished something that day. Their lives are dogshit, so they come to the “chad” board to get some warped idea of revenge and drag successful people down to their level. Misery loves company.

this white boy fat af ahhhhhahahahahahhaha

>implying there isn’t a correlation between obesity and low IQ

Even that faggot sorted his life and got a qt gf
All your idols are successfully normifying, what are you gonna do about it incels?

>Have you visited Yas Forums recently?
no i don't browse it
>you'll be surprised how nice it its nowadays.
if true, must be because they dumped all the human waste here


you copied the text because you agree with it? Would be easier to just say that lmao

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You almost got quads that you could have dedicated to Incelia or whatever her name is.

BULLLSHIT, getting women to like you is purely based on your genetics and how attractive you are . I'm a manlet 6/10 face and for me, it's pretty much impossible to get a gf. However, I value health and fitness seriously and have lots of assets of financial terms to back me up. Looksism has some good points btw

god that pic is painful to look at. Jesus christ

That's what I was saying user,
>some people are born into money
>some have to work their asses off for it
You gotta play the hand you're dealt, if it's a shit hand you just gotta be a better player to compensate, otherwise stfu and sit it out.

ffs if you think it's that fucked up try bottom of the barrel bullshit, have a friend introduce you to some cunt he knows, a friend of a sister, a coworker or an acquaintance of one, that type of bullshit, don't rely on methods that value looks above everything else, if you can't hold your own in them.

There is this British shit reality show called Naked Attraction, real eye opening stuff, when you strip people down to their bare asses and make it their only sole value, of fucking course the best looking will come out on top.

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Are you KIDDING me?

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Great post. Can only play the hand you're dealt. Play to your strengths and find your niche.

Naked Attraction is degenerate trash, however

Post body with timestamp

>Naked Attraction is degenerate trash, however
I know user, I was amazed it was on British public television, still, was pretty hilarious seeing deluded fat out of shape cunts think they can hold their own when judged solely on how they look, wish I had half the self esteem or lack of self awareness required to even think about participating.

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>ffs if you think it's that fucked up try bottom of the barrel bullshit, have a friend introduce you to some cunt he knows, a friend of a sister, a coworker or an acquaintance of one, that type of bullshit, don't rely on methods that value looks above everything else, if you can't hold your own in them.
Why are lookism fags too stupid to do this
If you're not very attractive, you NEED networking.
It's like getting a job.
Is it easier to get a job based on your resume or if your friend is the VP and says "lol sure".

you gotta be one pathetic virgin (probably non-white) to think that guy on the right can't pull hotties

i agree but fuck you for basically saying people cant complain. it fucking sucks for some people and you cant tell them to just suck it up especially when there is only so much improvement to be had

Life isn't fair bucko