Too scared to go to gym right now so I built this, how safe is it?

Too scared to go to gym right now so I built this, how safe is it?

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About 100x less safe than just going to the gym

looks alright, we used to build temporary workbenches similarly
nice op

Is that fucking cement being held on by vice grips

In before retards act like a wood rack is somehow unsafe or flimsy.
Probably the same people who live in timber frame houses.

Looks fine but that’s only like 40lbs is

cement plates with vice clips is pretty based

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Lmao the vice

The weight of the bar is sitting between two pieces of wood which have an angle forcing the weight of the bar between them. These are held in place by 2 nails. Find me a joiner who would think this is smart

add some triangular bracing so you don't kill your self

Supremely based and cavemanpilled

take the clamps off so you can tilt the weight off incase that shit breaks and you don't snap your neck

>Local man paralyses himself with homemade guillotine

Enjoy snap city

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Worst case scenario is it pulls them apart a bit and slides down, probably no further than the nails. Can easily mitigate this by wrapping something strong around. Probably won't happen under such little weight either and even if it did, it's no gonna be able to injure the guy.
It's hardly an efficient structure but it's not gonna send the guy to snap city

You dumb shits, you've never used a tool in your life, have you? That's a C clamp.

There are several things wrong with this, but the glaring issue is that you don't have a diagonal brace to prevent lateral movement.

How heavy are the 'plates' OP?

enjoy your gains bro ppl saying its not safe r just jealous

>eats your home gym
nothing personnel kid

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Get two industrial metal clamps and clamp whichever boards the bar is currently resting on while using.

I'm not joking.
You've created a wedge that forces the boards to move in different direction.
You're going to die.

>Too scared

how much did you spend on this crap?
money/time wise

there are a bazillion of cheaper things on amazon, you fucking redneck piece of shit

Fred Flintstone?

I think those crossbeams are going to get in the way when you try to unrack it.

Looks safe enough


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t. Joiner

Don’t go over 1 plate with it.

>weight of the bar acting to split timbers apart
>no diagonal bracing
>bench looks dodgy

It’s ok but don’t lift heavy.

But you could put some reinforcements on, especially to hold the uprights together and diagonals, and it’d be fine.

Put cargo straps around whichever notch you have the bar on to make sure they don't split apart. Also put extra blocks under the three shortest notches so that the force has a direct party to the ground.

Of course this all may be redundant if the weight isn't that high.

>NOOOOO can't just craft your own shit, you gotta consoom it off (((amazon))) like everyone else

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Damn that's ghetto as fuck hahaha

You should have made it a cantilever. That rack is gunna overturn if you're benching and rack it anyway hard.

Lol or just use screws

Nah. He can make it stronger though. First, for those parts use 3 in wood screws into washers so the wood won't pull itself out through the screws. Second as much force should be compressive as possible, so ideally using a hole saw or spade bit cut out something like picrel then cut it in half. A single pine 2x4 can easily support 400+lbs in compression before it buckles.

The worst sin here is how the bottom supports are screwed in by the end grain and not the face. Also concrete is 3x less dense than steel so that much on the bar is probably only like 120lbs maximum, I'd wager maybe 90lbs.

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Listen to this user. Lateral braces. Cross that shit.

Also wrap some metal bands or something around the last two so shit doesn't snap when you set down your squat weight

tissy! tissy! tissy!

Fuck U fucking retard

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Based & Corona-pilled

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>newspaper arrives in my mailbox
>read the headlines
>"local fitness nerd guillotines himself with a homemade bench press, suicide or accident?"

Literally the first thing I thought too, otherwise that shit will just fold like a wet paper bag

pretty cool
are those cement plates calibrated?

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Chill, dude probably has lumber to spare

>Fly zapper
Based and essential


Local man found decapitated in his garage.

Gym is closed in my area. :(

It's killing me bros. Still working out with dumbbells but it's nothing compared to lifting the Olympic bar

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looks great OP, am jelly.

Yes because a rack designed by a fitizen is the same as a timber frame house designed by an engineer.

Fucking kek

What the fuck hahaha

What you dont cum to girls at your gym?

Actual carpenter here. Probably one of the better DIY benches I've seen lately but it has a few weak points to shore up. Cheers.

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you need cross-bracing or a shit ton of blocking between studs for when you put weight back on the rack, whichll cause everything to get rocked back and forth. do it sooner rather than later or the nails will lose their grip from all the shifting. But if not a larp, then good job.

Actually forget what I said, listen to

bench press is a dumb exercise. dips or weighted pushups are way better.

user, what is the objectice of adding that second rail above the 3 vertical bars? Everything else I can understand.

Is it for suppprt in case the bar ends up on the safety rail?

A lot of the strength of a timber framed house comes from the plywood that covers the studs. Without that the wall will want to rack and twist. I've done a tiny bit of framing before

I have a home gym. What am I going to do? Jack off while my mom is working out? Haha

not carpenter user, but I'm guessing it's so the barbell could drop on the safety rail without creating sheer stress on the fasteners when the safety rail flexes with the weight of the abrbell.

But then again, if that were the case, why not just add a stubby top plate? Maybe just to keep the safety rail at proper height?

8ft 2x4s are literally tree fiddy at the Homeless Despot, so the whole thing probably cost like $20 at most (not counting the clamps which are reusable)

So there's clamps preventing the weights from falling off the bar. That's great.

What's stopping them from crushing your hands though?

Those are the shit ones that are full of knots and warpage, spend a bit more for the nicer timbers.or better yet build with kiln dried 4x4x8 posts (avoid pressure treated they warp like mofos as they age)

Who is gonna build a ghetto squat rack and go for nice lumber?

Broomstick is the way to go bros

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