Accidental Chad Moments

>at doctors office
>Are you sexually active?
>with single or multiple partners?
>At once? Or individually?

Doctor looks down at his clipboard and then back at me with a confused but knowing look

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My grandma when I haven't seen her for awhile
>"wow you're so handsome user"
>>"i know"

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>at doctors office
>are you sexually active?

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>are you sexually active
>no i just lay there

>are you sexually active
>I will be once we start the prostate exam
>will the good doctor stick his BBF in my tight little butthole

OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH it’s soooooo fucking BEEG

Should have thanked her retard.

>be me
>at work
>some retard at the office brought cake or some shit
>coworkers are gathered in the break room talking about retarded normie shit
>sit at my desk cause I hate all of them
>decide I want cake
>walk over to break room
>some dumb cunt who I hate more than anybody spots me
>"so user blah blah blah"
>completely ignore her, don't even so much as look at her
>entire break room goes silent
>get cake
>walk back to my desk
>0 fucks given

extremely unbased, why are u trying to style on gran

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>free pizza at college
>chick from class comes back with a slice
>"don't want any pizza 'cause you're too buff?"
I didn't want any and didn't know what to say

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based cubicle doomer


>walking down street near surfers paradise
>two random girls walking opposite direction stop and tell me I look like wolverine.
>don't even stop, Just say he looks like me and keep going.

Met an exchange student who lived on campus while I was doing a final year research project. I only got free time at random 1 hour intervals, so I kept asking if she wanted to meet up for a quick coffee while I'm on break. Seemed convenient because she lived on campus. I honestly understood this to be just casual socialisation.
At some point she asked: "So are we dating?" I was confused and said "What? No, I have a girlfriend. Why?"
She had an honest to god spergout, lel.

he probably thought you were retarded.
don't let the fodder disturb you man.
nice kek

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extremely based

what was your research project on user?

>it’s time to stop dude, your arms are big enough

What the fuck I wish it was this easy

>this gay ass retarded reddit tier post
>hide post
hide post


i always say that whenever anybody compliments me
holy based

Biochemistry and genetics, basically.
In all honesty, I said to the girl "I'm sorry if I said anything to make you think we're dating, but I don't think I ever said or implied it. Please let me know what it was that I said, so I don't accidentally so it in the future." She told me she wasn't going to reply, because she was too angry, and then a day or two later messaged me to say "I forgive you", with still no updates on what I shouldn't have said. Girls are autistic too. I've got a bunch of weird stories of spaghetti-lobbing girls that I've had interactions with. Makes me feel better about my own cringe moments from my teenage years lmao.

Women take the subtlest hints, the same way they give them. I once invited a girl to a group lunch, because the entire group kinda knew her, and she got so butthurt when I talked about my girlfriend at the time, that she still ignores me years later. There was literally no indication from my side that I like her or want anything to do with her, I just invited her along, because I was nice and she was my friends sister.
It's funny to see how badly women take rejection, while we as men have to soldier through 100s of rejections in our life. They really are pathetic creatures.

>i ate cake
>i dont like talking to girls
>i hate everyone
i remember the 8th grade prom. didn't like it either

there's basically only two settings
a. the girl is into you, in which case it is easy
b. she's not into you, in which case it is not easy

>Women take the subtlest hints
they don't really. women just play mental games with themselves at all times. they always think they gave a lot of hints which they never actually gave in reality, and they always assume a lot of shit that was never stated or even just hinted at.
for women, dating is like 20:80 split between reality and their fantasy.

only had something similar happen one time. some girl I knew through sport kept inviting me over to her place for coffee. had zero interest in her and I assumed she understood it to be casual too because she had a bf.
she randomly mentioned one time that her bf gets jealous easily so she can't let him know that I've been over, but that she's sure *wink wink* that I'm not aiming in that direction anyway.
just said "yeah, I don't" and she looked so fucking dejected afterwards. never really talked to her again afterwards, what a surreal experience. she knew my views on relationships too so she should have known I'd never go for an affair.

Thats the problem fag. You """""""kept asking to take her out"""" she finally said dam user wont shut up about taking me out. Ill give him a chance. Then boom rejection from a beta. That Probaly pissed her off more.


you sound like a sperg

>having a gf
>meeting for coffee with other women 1on1

you can socialize with women without trying to fuck them. I regularly visit a friend of mine at her place and often stay there over night because the train connection is ass. she has a bf, too.
it's not actually a problem or weird though because neither of us wants to fuck the other (or well, I don't and I just assume she doesn't either).
it's just like hanging out with a bro at that point.

Honestly this.
The internet in general seems to sexualize any potential relationship between opposite genders, but men and women can be platonic just like people of the same gender.

if it is the guy's fault whenever he fails to pick up on an incredibly subtle hint from the girl, then in this case it is definitely her fault for not realizing that men are much more open about their interest and that there would have been more hints than just invitations for coffee if you wanted to get closer to her.
not a one-way-street.

>Be me
>Spending the evening with fellow TradCats
>We're having dinner at DeFacto leader's place.
>A lot of respect for him and like the guy, tbqh, despite the fact he can require a lot of patience sometimes.
>Talking about his house and thin walls.
>He says "My voice and laugh are very loud, so I have to be careful sometimes about what can be heard through the walls."
>Typical flex of "Yeah, that's not the only noise you can hear me make through the walls at night"
>Without skipping a beat, not even really thinking about it, "Strange, I never had you down as a man that cries."
>Riotous laughter from the rest of the group.

I like him, but it does feel good to get one over him, now and again.

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this. people who say that it always ends up sexual eventually are people who lack romantic/sexual/social maturity

wtf gold coast bro?

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I think the problem is that way too many men lied to themselves at some point while being "friends" with a woman, not admitting they were actually just hanging around hoping she'd fuck them one day.
That's obviously not a friendship at all and will be a pretty miserable experience.

One time this bitch asked me to get pizza with her but I was on a cut so I asked if she wanted to come over so I could cook some food that fit my cut for us and maybe watch a movie.
I put on Predator and she kept rubbing up on me but I couldn't be bothered because I was too absorbed the absolute manliness in the film even thought it was easily my 50th time watching it.
After the movie I told her ass to go home because I was gonna go to the gym. How could you not after watching Predator?
She looked dejected, but I didn't give a fuck was feeling way too manly to care for pussy.

I can be a total chad slayer with any girl I have zero interest in but as soon as I catch any feelings I become supremely autistic. How do I fix this bros

>too manly to care for pussy

I dunno, but if you find the solution tell me, because I have the exact same problem.
My attempts always go pretty much the same way
>not yet interested in her or only superficially at most
>chad slayer behavior so she starts being interested in me and trying to grab my attention
>get to know her better
>if I start liking her, turn into a pasta fountain
>girl immediately loses interest again

i actually get this lol. i was too engrossed in watching apocalypse now (one hell of a cinematic experience) to care that my fwb was trying to fuck me. no honey, not till the credits have finished rolling.

>but I didn't give a fuck was feeling way too manly to care for pussy.
absolutely fucking based

I kinda get this, though I only have that happen with girls I am barely attracted to anyway.

Nurses always compliment my veins when they are taking a blood test.
T-thanks Yas Forums

be warned about nurses.

they often engage in unproffessional conduct, such as gossiping about their patients penises.

I personally have been on the recieving end of this treatment

>my autism is super masculine bro

that's called being male

>Jokingly suggest to my roommate that he should send a tinder thot a picture of my dick instead of his, so she's more impressed
>He seriously considers it

Spot on. I score dates no problem, the challenge is getting to the 2nd or 3rd. Our problem seems common enough, surely there's some advice for this out there??? Something I'm thinking of trying to help is practicing flirting every now and then with people I'm not interested in whatsoever just so I can copy+paste that behavior for when I sperg out.

God fucking damn man. I had this girl BITING her lips within seconds of talking to me, never have I had someone so into me, but after going out with her once she then says she doesn't see any "romantic potential".

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literlaly me

>at work
>spot this qt girl
>shes engaged tho
>so it turns out she will be tutoring me for a while
>for some reason im acting like total chadlite, confident funny etc
>we become good buddies
>shes making sexual jokes, grabs my arms etc

>other girl i spotted
>top qt aswell, hardworking, kind, dream girl next door
>i approached her, made some jokes and she seemed to like it
>but have much harder time being confident and funny like with the other girl because i got too attracted to her
>theres also language barrier problem
she has a bf so it probably wasnt going anywhere, but i liked when she stares at me sometimes and smiles when we have eye contact up close

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I've been so used at women asking me out that now that I found a qt in a class that I'm actually interested in and I seem so out of the game.
And just as I was feeling some kind of chemistry, I get meetoo'd and also the quarantine... haven't spoke to her in a couple of weeks now. Feelsbadman.

>"romantic potential".
I don't have this problem (long time gf) so take this with a pinch of salt, but isnt that your answer? you're not romantic enough? or is that women code for "your job isn't good enough for long term stability"

be careful, he wants to steal your proteins

nice pepe made me laugh

it's an incredibly vague phrase for "I either don't know why I don't like you that way or don't want to tell you to your face because it would sound fairly mean".

thank you bad baumgartner for showing me old paintings are not all yellow
its just old varnish
such a sad state for a painting

it's pretty normal honestly. if you aren't attracted to her, you have nothing to lose and thus no reason to not be relaxed.
if you have feelings for her, it's a completely different situation and she can easily hurt you a lot.
only real problem is to make it past the stage where you are unsure if she has any lasting interest in you without drowning her in spaghetti

It's difficult to "be more romantic" when you're an autist who has no experience and locks up when there is any sexual tension. At least I get a bit better with each failure, so hope isn't lost yet.
I'm guessing the only way to stay calm and confident with someone you're attracted to is through practice.. fuck

its hard for me cuz im autistic af

i get along with people somewhat easily once i get to know them past the first stage
but actually making romantic movements is alien zone for me

ill be looking a girl straight into eyes, her smiling, and she will blush and look down, but thats about as how far i go

from what i described to my chadlite buddy the girl is into me but like i said, she has long term relationship with some zoomer manlet.
Maybe thats why she is, im taller and probably far bigger than him. Im not that good looking desu but
>6'2 and broad shoulders

>20:80 split between reality and their fantasy.
this. doesn't matter how well you lay it out or how bluntly you say something to them, it'll be warped to what they want to believe to fit the fantasy

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>Are you sexually active
the end