FATASS HERE (60 day fast)

Backstory blog.

Depressed as hell suicidal guy here. My mom died 4 months back. Also 300 lbs. Starting tomorrow I'm going on a 60 day fast. Also sheltering in place to evade corona.

Be real with me: What do I need to get through this? Any and all tips.

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pic unrelated.

>What do I need to get through this? Any and all tips.
Water, mix table salt in it

Cofffee stevia and diet drinks don't break fast

Drinks lots of water

Magnesium, potassium and salt at morning and night

a reminder that writing opinion article with that as a title, or just saying it is considered normal nowdays
while stating that male, black and uneducated is the typical profile of american criminal (which is just spittin facts) is considered hate speech and racism

>Starting tomorrow I'm going on a 60 day fast
No, you're not

I am so.

>My mom died 4 months back
no one will be sad if you die then.
I'm ending it all when my mum is gone.
however I'll be looking good as fuck unlike you.
eat less
literally common sense
You are a large sum of surplus energy.
HOWEVER, I don't recommend fasting. because yes you don't need the engird from the food, but food isn't only energy.
it has micronutrients which are essential.
some 4 ingredient mix will most definitely be lacking.

OK sicko.

Most definitely not

Am I sick because I am not satisfying to your standards?

Don't start that extreme you retard you're gonna cave 3 days in because, let's face it, if you had that level of self-control you wouldn't be 300 pounds
Start with a small, maintainable caloric deficit

fuck off to Yas Forums


>white people wrote this about white people
lol wut?
get it together white pipo

>Steven Rosenfeld

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>diet drinks


If we're just "spittin facts" the difference in violent crime between white and black people is nothing compared to the violent crime between males and females. But if a woman were to blame violent crimes on men like you are on black people, you'd be triggered like the special little snowflake you are.

OK fag. But forcing Whites to live with Blacks is terrorism.

>admits the point
>immediately spits out an even more retarded opinion
You have a hateful mindset about a world that you don't even interact with and you wonder why you are unhappy and alone. Do you ever ask yourself why you bothered to memorize such propaganda rather than just living your own life to the fullest?

Fuck off you ignorant anti-white POS.

Congrats you fucking idiot. Op got what he wanted, he made a story to post that image and see how many brainlet idiots he could trigger. You want people like him to stop? Ignore their threads. Whats your iq?

no one would be triggered about a statistic fact unless they are a retard.
poor argument.
KEK what the fuck
>sucking much cock
>doing drugs
>being a total degen
look I'm not him, but I find you both very retarded.
there is no fullest life.
and you are just ass hurt and seething that you are both equally pathetic.

How were you able to deduce all that from the 5 sentences he posted?

Pick a goal bod. Make it modest. See some results.

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He looks happy in that pic

Who gives a fuck. I’ll hate what I want to hate.

Not an argument. Society cannot function without men. Society can not only function but flourish without le 13%

(((white people)))

>But if a woman were to blame violent crimes on men
They do all the time. Even men do that. And that's because most violent crime gets committed by men aged 18-35. But if you point out that in the group of men exists as sub group that is overrepresented in violent crime you trigger snowflakes like you

try visiting seattle it is full of self hating whites
they made the place too expensive to live, I'm trying to leave, and worse all this virus shit happened.

Read the author's name, you demoralizing faggot.

White people have nothing to do with this shit.

It's jews, as always. Fucking jews.

I work in NYC as a nurse. Retarded niggers are clogging our system. Go look up any video you can find of the conditions in NYC hospitals right now and all you'll see is retarded niggers laying in the beds because they've been taught to come to the hospital every time they have a tummy ache or a headache by their welfare queen sheboon mothers. The funny part is most of them didn't have Covid-19 when they walked in the door but hey damn sure have it now lmao

For real though fuck niggers, society has no need for them.

You were fat before your mom died and she failed you user. Take your life back

Stop talking about it and do it, faggot. And sixty days is retarded. I mean, I don't believe you mean it literally but do a one, then two, then three day fast. Work into it. If you just go starve yourself, you are definitely going to fail.


why dont u just eat less instead of fasting

You are not going to fast for 60 days. Just eat 1000-1500 calories a day and exercise. You will lose weight just as fast and you won't rebound as quickly.

The taste of sweet still signals insulin release. Do not use sweet things while fasting.

You should shift to keto to become fat adapted for a few days before you actually fast.

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>OK fag. But forcing Whites to live with Blacks is Judaism.

>You will lose weight just as fast
Absolutely not, you will lose weight much slower that way.
It might be more sustainable for this fatass, but definitely not as fast.



Tips? Don't eat

>compulsive eater
>60 day fast
You wont pull through, even if you did youd go right back to your old eating habits and regain everything.

I train for the day that I can kill fags and minorities without legal repercussions.

Men totally are responsible for 99% of violent crimes
And miggers are responsible for 56% of those despite being 13% of the population

Just workout instead.


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>using the 13 50 meme
How to spot a retard


and fasting is not for everyone and should be experimented with at first

You'll feel like shit the first couple of days.
Use self-hatred to power through it.

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get some drugs that reduces your apetite,you wont make it other wise

>Cofffee stevia and diet drinks don't break fast

Not only does it have the potential to set off an undesirable physical response, it can also lead to you getting a craving for sweet shit and breaking your fast. Just drink water or snake juice)

Sounds like something a nigger would say

make this kind of article about any other race and it would be unacceptable, imagine being a white kid growing up with this shit from day one.

let's talk about how the vast majority of mass shootings are by blacks, more than half the murders and violent crimes. dispite 13% blah blah


you can't just call something wrongthink when it's correct

you misunderstood the post you are replying to.

let your frustrations out big guy
literally punch a wall until your fists bleed or cry until you faint. you will feel a lot better