How can i breed high IQ woman if i'm not high IQ myself? Do women ever date down in this aspect? My biggest fear is having brainlet children (By breeding dumb women not only the children get dumb genes but also experience dumb parenting). Will lifting help?
I want genius sons
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Tiger parenting works.
Just be handsome.
It's creativity killer
Don't be a genetic reject like yourself...oh
Not sure if this will help attaining high IQ women for long term, Women consistently say they immediately remove the guy as potential partner if he's dumber than herself
Actually by educating yourself high and breeding with educated women. Education heritates to children. You just have to be supportive and try to gently push him in his studies. There are a lot virgin neets out there who has high IQ.
High IQ is massively overrated, personal dedication and upbringing is way more important
Education does not equal intelligence, and you can't increase the second.
Just be yourself
Intelligent women are educated, and they want their partner to be at least as educated as they are.
To know is to suffer
>Intelligent women are educated
It's such a fucking joke that the ejewcational system is wasting all the high-IQts' eggs
You sound like a brainlet.
A bitter brainlet.
find a high iq egg donor, use ivf and a surrogate to obtain gifted babies.
There are a lot of dummies in university but you're probably more likely to meet a smart woman there than anywhere else you'd find women
that is the best butt I have ever seen
mutations and outliers can happen.
Even a low IQ person like yourself can spawn a 140+ IQ child with an average woman.
Probably just as likely they will be legit retarded tho
>killing creativity the true form of intelligence and enforcing your child to be nothign more than a destroyed and damaged parrot makes them smart
wait for CRISPR gene editing to be a thing and create the perfect designer baby
High IQ people aren't in academia, It's studied that academia is 105-125IQ central, With very few outliers. 130IQ+ people are almost as rare in academia as on the street (If you don't include stem professors and PHD's).
thats to be expected from a retard like the OP
Lottery odds
Why would you not include stem professors and PhDs? Those are academics, no?
>High IQ people aren't in academia, It's studied that academia is 105-125IQ central, With very few outliers. 130IQ+ people are almost as rare in academia as on the street (If you don't include stem professors and PHD's).
So basically, if you exclude the cohort that prove your point wrong, the facts fit your idea that smart people aren’t in academia?
>if you exclude people with an IQ >130 then the average IQ is
No. Even if you include stem students it's rare to find very high IQ people because the SD is lower and the pool in narrower. Usually the average IQ of uni students is around 110-115 all subjects included but the SD tend to be below 10, meaning the rarity of outliers tend to be similar.
Pic related is from top 3 uni worldwide (which the average student IQ there is far higher than your average college), As you can see there's only 1 140IQ+ person out of 131 stem students,The rarity of finding literal genius on the street is only about twice as rare.
My belief is that academia is playing more on intrinsic motivation that appeal to most people and very high IQ people tend to ignore/have it weaker, and no i'm not talking about learning and acquiring knowledge.
>So basically, if you exclude the cohort that prove your point wrong, the facts fit your idea that smart people aren’t in academia?
Not him but especially people in science department, unless they had written a phenomenal book, most of them are of average intelligence, at least in my opinion.
It's different however in these fields: philosophy, mathematics, and theoretical physics.
Most of my friend who get a job in academia are still basically do not very much different from regular undergraduate (I studied in biology).
You don't have to be a genius to do well in life, you only have to be practical.
why are you worried about this if you have never had sex? aren't you planning a little too far ahead?
Aren't you worry that your casual sex can lead you to have a totally retarded child. Unless you're equally retarded too, you would not be okay with that.
>high IQ not in academia if you don't include PhDs
retard, what do you think academia is? Indian tutorials on youtube?
i use protection and would force the partner to abort if she was pregnant. personally i don't care who my child becomes as long as i can be proud of them
>i don't care who my child becomes as long as i can be proud of them
don't say I don't warned you if your girlfriend giving birth to a black kid.
No it's not lmao the kids gonna thank you after he grows up and understands. Obviously don't overdo it like fucking beat your kids for getting 99/100 or something man
Obviously if you're in the gender studies or lesbian dance theory departments you're gonna be a dumb breed in the first place.
Meanwhile have you seen some mathematics or physics professors? They're fucking out of this world mate.
you need to make your son read boks and exercise the brain in general,my biology teacher told that the connections between braincells get stronger by reading,doing maths,etc,so i thinks it doesn't matter if you are not brilliant,it will help if you are but no that much if your son doesn't do anything
IQ is almost entirely hereditary. Look into adoption studies.
IQ is the biggest indicator of future success by far. A smart poor child will likely be more successful than a stupid rich one.
read outliers
Even if it's 70-80% hereditary, the rest 20-30% can give you more than 1 full SD which is a tremendous.
138 IQ here, where my high IQ bros at?
an online iq test said i have 116 iq that's high right?
Do this test and post results
Marry a chick that's working in Physics or Maths (avg IQ of 128-135 depending on the study). Too bad they're swarmed by dozens of whiteknights if they're even remotely attractive
my (high iq) female cousin did theoretical physics in college
in a class of 30 there was 2 girls (neither were fuckable)
lol average physics/math student isn't even close to 135IQ, Even in ivy league it's below 130IQ.
Not this shit again. 95% of life success is drive/desire. You max this out by marrying a stable sweet well adjusted 6.5/10
Bad idea. Most of them have a massively over-inflated sense of self worth because they've been fawned over by orbiters since the moment they entered university. Then about 80% of them are feminists who think they are somehow oppressed because there are so many 'women into STEM' programs that constantly feed them this narrative. The remainder are either very unattractive or so rare that you have to compete with virtually every other guy on the planet to get them.
I want your powers, How can i cope this blatantly?
yeah, there's less high IQ women than men, which makes this ordeal quite tricky. Among that competition OP would get IQmogged for sure, hence why he should rely on looksmaxxing while still maintaining a high trust / high stability appearance.
>>there are so many 'women into STEM' programs
>be me
>go to college to study science
>get bombarded with 'Womyn in STEM' BS from day one
>specialize in biology
>70% of the class is female
why are they like this?
why do they ignore the fact that more women go to college than men?
these are the only smart majors imo:
>Theoretical Physics
he's right btw. prepare to get depressed if you're too smart. im saying this without irony
What do you not understand about "working in"? Average Physics/Maths PhD/Prof is in the high 120s low 130s, there's no difference if it's muh ivy or not. Physicists/Mathematicians have the biggest pool of high IQ people in the normal population, the only pool with a higher IQ are Mensa members who are mid-high 130s
God this post is retarded
how many questions does it have?
By understanding how humans work and not trusting a debunked test designed to measure retard intelligence.
>avg of 128-135
kek cite me the "studies". And please not the one who used converted SAT scores to IQ, This is probably the most embarrassing study to date.
Because you cannot argue with them without having your career ruined so they get lots of free stuff and very little opposition.
He's disproving his points in his own posts, as he implies people with an average IQ of 2sdevs over the mean are not "high IQ". It's like saying a 6'5" average isn't tall because there's 7' outliers in the world
oh no im dumb
itt: low IQ educationlet cope