I need motivation post motivating images

I need motivation post motivating images

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You first

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Motivation is a false God, discipline make a man.

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alright im motivated time to hit push workout thankyou user

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"How to act:
Never under compulsion, out of selfishness, without forethought, with misgivings. Don’t gussy up your thoughts. No surplus words or unnecessary actions. Let the spirit in you represent a man, an adult, a citizen, a Roman, a ruler. Taking up his post like a soldier
and patiently awaiting his recall from life. Needing no oath or witness. Cheerfulness. Without requiring other people’s help. Orserenity supplied by others. To stand up straight—not straightened."

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He looked so good god damn, such a waste..

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Why are snotnosed middle class millennials who grew up in a comfortable suburban life and never lifted a finger to do hard labour so obsessed with ancient Romans all of the sudden?

>just b urself and dont be sad or angry bro - m. aurelius 100ad
anyone that takes that fags advice is a retard;
for all the greek stoic bullshit he read and regurgitated constantly, marcus was a complete fucking retard failure of a father who's inability to do something as simple as raise a child resulted in him being succeeded by the worst emperor rome ever had, plunging the empire into a century of chaos, bankruptcy and famine, setting in motion the events that lead to the fall of rome.
he's probably the first historical example of a fedora tipping autist who obsessed over esoteric philosophic concepts in lieu of actually learning fundamental practial skills like teaching your son to be a man.

>Why are snotnosed middle class millennials who grew up in a comfortable suburban life and never lifted a finger to do hard labour
You just described every Roman citizen of a social class higher than pleb, AKA every single noteworthy historical figure

Fuck I'm already 27

motivation is fleeting, discipline is forever

because we're breaking the conditioning

You havent read meditations stop LARPing and go read real philosophy

>*marries female chess pro and changes his opinion*

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Just move the number to 30

chris chans pretty alpha though


good bussy changes a man

why are you projecting, I have to work, and in free time I have to work on my dad's farm
this quarantine shit gave me some rest time, but Meditations is legit good book to cope with constant bullshit life throws at you
t. eastern European

To be fair his son was probably born a psychopath nigger tier human

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Fuck I'm already 29
I'm moving it to 31

Also I'm halfway there lel

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made. he was allowed to live a decadent and carefree life above the law during his entire regency up until marcus's last year as imperator. marcus allowed his son to become the degenerate he was because marcus was a shitty father

thanks, too bad i cant break out of this cycle, 6 years counting

Speaking of Marcus, what is the recommended translation of Meditations, Hays or Long?

Doesn't matter, latin translates extremely accurately to english

for you

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I'll dump some shit that makes me push myself close to tears

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Blessed post


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You wouldn't want to be mogged by pic related, would you?

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Last one, in case anyone asks I find a deep well of effort somewhere between sadness and anger. Would recommend ptsd 4/10 for everyday life but 10/10 for lifting

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every single thing you posted is obvious crybait bullshit

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>he can't empathize with others

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none of the airbases on chernarus have buildings with ladders, even this video game story is fake lol

theres a difference between empathizing with others and being able to recognize bullshit storytelling

that was written 2012 buddy, were you there to witness day-z back then?

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yeah because the arma 2 map has been the same since 2009, retard. there's literally like 3 buildings on the entire map with ladders and they're nowhere near the airfields

>grew up in a comfortable suburban life and never lifted a finger to do hard labour
like Marcus Aurelius you mean?

Fuck it, I'm dumping my folder. (4 hours of sleep and gotta motivate myself, too)

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This one always struck me pretty hard. The realisation that if you don't get that girl, some other guy will. If you don't get that job, some other guy will. No one remembers who lost.

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