Looks like the gyms wont open till AT LEAST mid May. Trump extended this bullshit until April 30th
Looks like the gyms wont open till AT LEAST mid May. Trump extended this bullshit until April 30th
you could be dead by then tough so dont worry
another retard that doesnt understand the severity of the situation. if you get this shit it can very likely kill you, and if it doesnt its fucking up your balls and lungs permanently
Yea because no one recovered right? lmao
June or July if we're lucky. No one is following the quarantine so it'll continue to spread making all this time wasted. Every day that 90% of the population isn't isolated is another day until the end of the quarantine.
if he didn't squander the extra month we got to prepare and make tests maybe we'd be more like south korea.
instead we're #1 in new cases. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Recovery means you didn't die. You will still have lifelong complications from the disease. People are still fucked up from SARS in 2002.
How tight is that tin foil hat lad?
that's for cases that requires hospitalization retard. unless you're in that 10%, normal lung function is expected to return relatively quickly (up to 10 years if you're unlucky though)
Op I think I know this girl, sauce? Like deadass general location. This looks like my old lab partner from my 2nd semester of college
atlantic city nj
this is not true, present sources to back your claims. The vast majority recovers just fine.
Damn nah that ain’t her then. Pic related. Was a bad piece of ass
not bad at all.
>if you get this shit it can very likely kill you
Oh nOoOoOoOoO
A 0.024% chance of dying if you're a healthy adult with no pre-existing conditions
I’m thinking either uhhhh mid May or the end of May.
Are you implying you wouldn’t? Lol cope harder. I’d post >t. With a fat soijack but I don’t save wojaks like an autist
Implying face matters for a good fuck with a nice body. Implying you’re in a position to pick and choose
For the love of Christ, stop whining. Either rise to the situation or accept your L
the tin foil hat people are the ones thinking covid isn't a big deal, not the ones agreeing with literally every scientist that says it is.
You're genuinely autistic.
>y-you’re genuinely a-autistic
There there it’s all gonna be okay, little guy
Maybe if you live in a Europoor socialist country like Italy or Spain.
Lads.. What should I throw out to fit a power rack in my room? My bed, my dresser or my computer desk? I'll have to bring weights outside to do OHP since my ceiling is too low.
Thank you for not being retarded like everyone else
That's the exact opposite of what the "flatten the curve" chart implies. The longer we wait to quarantine, the more people die and the more our healthcare system and economy are damaged. It would actually end a lot quicker that way, though.
Italy and Spain have some of the highest rated health care systems in the world. You are genuinely a fucking retarded faggot
How does more testing reduce the spread? How do you test 350 million people? How do you explain travel from China being restricted a month before anybody else? How come the government was wasting time on a political impeachment stunt instead of raising alarm bells about this?
You’re a mouth breathing retard if you’re insinuating this is the presidents fault lol. Get real.
Italy has so many deaths because they have a lot of old people who are lethal targets for corona
I cant even buy those bowflex dumbbells cause they are sold out or going for 1k
>present sources to back your claims.
youre a fucking moron lol
Also, more testing = more cases. Obviously.
Plus with hydroxychloroquine coming to save the day.. We’re gonna be alright.
And cringe.
You don’t get to call people a simp when you can’t even look a girl in the eyes while talking to her, let alone get laid
>b-b-b-but restricting travel from china
>b-b-b-but muh impeachment hoax
meanwhile shit in print and on camera showing him repeatedly downplaying the virus, saying how US cases were in the dozens with no deaths so all this was is just a media fearmongering hoax. but sure, "i said we will restrict travel from china, that will fix everything because its a china virus, my work here is done!"
Not that user, but
>How does more testing reduce the spread?
Do exactly what the Koreans and Japs are doing the government sends out notifications to your phone of the locations where people have been found to test positive. Thus spreading general awareness to stay away from those areas.
> You’re a mouth breathing retard if you’re insinuating this is the presidents fault lol. Get real.
Spoken like a true boot liking brainlet faggot. The CDC, the heads if this administration and every fucking politician had been downplaying this virus, lying to the general public on basics for health and waisting time playing petty politics. When they could have been preparing the US citizens for this virus and drastically downgrade its veracity.
You must be some type of dumbfuck to see all of this and still trust any fucking government entity or officials.
Just passed by to let you know that we will never go back to normal even after the pandemic is under control a year from now. You will never set foot into a gym ever again
Do some Z Press, or seated OHP
The WHO said it wasn’t even communicable between people til January 15th.
Tell me, what did the rest of the world do? It was downplayed by literally everybody. It’s obvious the US wasn’t equipped to deal with something like this due to years and years of negligence and not replenishing stockpiles of vital resources.
China and the WHO need to be held accountable for keeping this under wraps since November.
maybe in china sure, never going to happen in america
See here
350 million vs whatever the population of those countries are. In Korea they were taking temperatures of people and if you were hot they’d take you then and there.
Fuck that
This is bullshit
>Korea they were taking temperatures of people and if you were hot they’d take you then and there.
What garbage are you spouting? Korea is not the same as fucking china.
You see this is it, this is exactly how this situation gets worse and worse. Because retards like yourself who have not and do not follow the events taking place come to the most dumb fucking opinions.
In Korea they have mobile testing labs. Where you walk in, answer questions, get tested and walk out. You head home and get your results within the next few days.
Jesus literally just built for the
My whole house of healthy 23 year olds got it and legit its a huge fucking meme
Project harder retard you probably look like shit, not to mention I'd crush you.
gyms are closed in my state (florida) until may 8th due to an executive order from the governor, and that's assuming he doesn't extend the order, which at this point idk what he'll do.
>I’d crush you
Yeah by sitting on me you fat fuck. I’m 6’2” 215lbs 12% bodyfat mutt, I could literally rape your entire family and you couldn’t do a thing to stop me. Cope harder faggot bugman
Hahaha the dyel will come out on top after all. Tell me to post body a year from now when everyone's gains here have vanished. I dare you faggots.
That picture is you? lol do you often lie to people online? Maybe it's a VERY bad picture. Post body? would only further validate you
Every county should sanction China
Paramedic here, you're fucking stupid.
Yeah, it's not too likely to affect us as healthy young adults. But you're spreading this shit to my grandma, and my kid. And any family you have.
Also, the shortage of supplies here is real. Working in Detroit we get 1 mask each. We have to go to supervisors to get masks and gloves, and they're getting more strict every day. Our ventilators are constantly out on critical care calls, and hospitals are going to run out of available ventilators soon.
Remember: not many are dying, but that's because they have decent, available healthcare. Once that's not available, you'll start seeing a lot more deaths in the 20s and 30s age, especially if they have asthma or other issues.
To end: stop being a sensitive butthurt faggot because your gym is closed. Run outside and do calisthenics, or buy a set of cheap dumbbells if you want to. Staying home isnt that big of a deal.
Cringe. Post body fatso
You got more of the one on the left?
No I’m not some creep who just saves pics of girls off social media to spank it too
Yeah that's some cringe. I not only not you in height, weight, strength, fighting capabilities, but also easily in emotional intelligence. You came onto fucking Yas Forums to ask an OP if he knew the name of some random Hooters slut. Take a look at yourself you fucking seething insecure beta male. I really hope you're genuinely trolling or autistic or something because if not I genuinely feel immensely saddened for you and anyone unfortunate enough to have to put up with you and your existence
You do though because you just did. Look how fast you respond to people on this thread too. Holy fuck you're pathetic
>Here’s your gym bro
>this history book of a paragraph
Lol I’m not reading that. Point is, you’re a weak little soifuck who posts all day and night on 4chin and if I really wanted to, I could physically dominate you however I pleased. I must have struck a nerve for you to have typed that whole love letter just for me
>double replying (doesn’t count when I do it to call you out on it)
>calling anyone else pathetic
Okay buddy boy you’re a big boy, big baby wants his bawbaw? Big strong boy!
My 32 year old friend has been on a ventilator and medically induced coma since last Tuesday. In another two weeks there won't be any hospital beds left so if you need a ventilator you're just turned away to die.
>Paramedic here, you're fucking stupid.
>Yeah, it's not too likely to affect us as healthy young adults.
Isn't that exactly what all three of the posts you replied to implied???
Not that guy but I actually think this was man made to selectively attack certain genes and people. They already know certain blood types are more resistant or vulnerable
Not that guy but can you not fucking read or just not comprehend? The next two sentences explained it pretty well
> Yeah, it's not too likely to affect us as healthy young adults. But you're spreading this shit to my grandma, and my kid. And any family you have.
As did the rest of his post. The whole point of it was that even if us young and healthy aren’t likely to be affected by it we should still be fucking careful for the sake of other people you stupid fuck
Easy for you to say when you arent staying home urself
Nah. This shit is from retards being retards. Also keep in mind that ebola a couple years ago came from idiots eating bushmeat too.
Ebola came nigs eating bats in Africa, specifically. But the thing with this is Coronavirus is an umbrella term. That pic doesn’t specify covid-19 and there’s yet to be evidence of bats carrying covid-19. Just types of coronavirus. The whole thing about the doctor blowing the whistle and then dying suddenly is sketch
It actually will very likely NOT kill you, but getting it and spreading it to others will lead to many unnecessary deaths. We can't brute force our way through this virus, it has to be dealt with methodically.
WHO is run by chinks
believe no chink
believe no indian
believe no sand monkey
black people are okay though
I’m actually finding different data
>trust no gook
>trust some blacks
>trust certain sand niggers
And for the most part you can trust Indians but you still shouldn’t like them, because Indian
I don't think a single person he replied to is implying that we should go out and get this disease. We were all replying to a sperg that thinks the virus is deadly for everyone.
COVID-19 is the name of the disease resulting from this strain of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, previously referred to as 2019-nCoV because it didn't have a name yet.