How are they so weak?
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Cuz they’re vegan?
>the one with the wider stance lifts heavier
if you think about it powershitting is LITERALLY a race to the bottom.
I'm neither and they lift more than me
Clarence Kennedy is vegan
lol you better be new or thats just kinda sad man
-455 Deadlift
>steroids to lift 1 month training time weight
>outlifted by female
True, but he was already insanely strong after eating plenty of meat before he went vegan.
>sumo deadlifting lmao3pl8 thinking it's impressive
For femoid it is
>do deadlifts unironically
im a 148lb lanklet and deadlift more than him
isnt he on gear?
what the fuck
>one month to deadlift 315 pounds
No wonder there's a million threads a day about dyels blowing their backs out deadlifting. You're all ego niggers.
He is on roids dumbass
post body
He was exaggerating a bit but not by much. If you can't deadlift 315 by 3 months in you're not trying
Fine. I'll take the bait.
I don't think a single one of you ITT can deadlift 5pl8. Post deadlift, or you're weaker than a vegan
nice lift brostephano, whats your max double overhand or do you only mix grip
Clarence also blasts tho
I can deadlift 330, double overhand. Haven't tried with mixed grip because honestly it scares me a bit.
because he fucked up his leg as a kid, then he fucked it up again getting hit by a car as an adult. stop posting things without context
>Richard Burgers
doesn't he weigh like 250lbs?
if someone needs 10 years of training, ~5 of which being powerlifting related, to bench just above bodyweight they're not strong no matter how you cut it.
he's also long suspected of dabbling in prohormones and/or steroids, so if there's any merit to that he's even more unimpressive.
he may not be weak in the conventional sense, but he sure as hell isn't strong.
t. out benches him at 175
doesn't matter how long it takes or how much the guy weighs, a 300lb bench is not weak. pressing a whole slampig with your chest is pretty strong. most lifters never hit that and just because internet nerds with e stats say it's not impressive doesn't mean it isn't
365 DOH is the best I've done, but I don't train DOH
You won't tear a bicep as long as you don't run gear if that's what you're worried about. If it's really a concern, just DL with straps, and do grip training as an accessory
>Using double overhand for anything but warmups
Damn you niggers are straight up legit retards. Stop trying to use the DL as a grip exercise, cause it ain't
>doesn't matter how long it takes or how much the guy weighs
lmao yes it matters, the BP is extremely bodyweight dependant
ok, it's not as impressive as if he was 150 lbs but you are coping if you think 300lbs isn't an impressive press regardless of training time or bodyweight. it's not like he's some juiced up 250lb guy, if he lost all that fat he'd be like 200
Anybody who weighs 200lbs+ and can’t bench 300 casually is weak as fuck
cope if you think someone weighing 225 lbs benching 275 is "weak". this autist black and white thinking is ridiculous. anything that isn't super impressive = weak as fuck. there's no middle ground. by your logic weighing 185 at 12% bf is the same as being anorexic because it isn't fucking yuge
Bruh look at the IPF minima tables. 300 lbs at 150 lbs just barely qualifies you for regional level competition. It's the lowest standard there is. To compete at nationals it's 440 lbs.
300@250 is really fucking entry-level for someone who actually trains PL, which apparently he does, and for a fitness personality it's just embarrassing.
I have to do physical work so i don't train heavy anymore, but 2 years ago I was doing 365x5. I still consider myself skinny.
I can do 405 for 4 reps right now. 425 is my tested max. I use mixed or hook grip for working sets, and do double overhand for everything around 3 plate or lower. I'm fat as shit and relatively weak, though.
At least he's lifting it double overhand with what ma be a hook grip and little to no chalk.
Post video of your 1RM.
Nice Death Flag..
trying to have a single standard across all weight classes is retarded. it's a fattycope, and it's incredibly apparent. repping bodyweight is, and always has been, a decent benchmark for being intermediate.
if he is benching 300x1 at 250, then he'd just barely be able to rep his own bodyweight 5-6 times.
he may not be "weak", but if he isn't he's just barely above it.
he's not a powerlifter tho. he barely lifts nowadays and most of his lifting career was bro hypertrophy training. powerlifting standards are arbitrary if you're not a competitor in it because the bare minimum is quite strong. men's 175lb strongman requires a 260lb log press minimum, so does that mean a 175lb guy log pressing 225 is weak? no, that guy is pretty strong despite the fact that he's not good enough for the standards of a strength sport. when the bare minimum for a sport is really fucking good it's not really fair to compare that to normal people, especially considering how many competitive lifters are on gear
Imagine someone training marathon running for 5 years and getting the same time that some fit but untrained beginners can get. You would tell that guy sucks at running.
Same logic here. I'm pretty sure some dudes who do sports or physical work but don't train powerlifting specifically can get that weight in under 3 months.
ok lol
Thanks, mang.
i'm not talking about competitive lifting. i'm talking about general strength. if you're stronger than the next guy you're stronger regardless of whether that extra strength comes along with extra bodyweight. a bloatlord benching 300 when he weighs 250 is objectively stronger than a 125lb lanklet benching 225lb because he's benching more fucking weight. absolute strength is absolute strength, it doesn't matter how "proportional" it is
Strongman doesn't have different standards for regional/national/Europe/world, though, does it?
The IPF regional minima are so much lower than the national, and national so much lower than world it's crazy.
I make the IPF regional minima and I'm just a 33 yo boomer who started lifting casually 2 years ago. I certainly wouldn't make a fricking YouTube fitness channel.
As for the powerlifting training, I don't know, but someone ITT said he did train PL for 5 years
>it's ok if you're stronger than people who don't train strength at all
What a low standard to have.
but being a fucking national or world level lifter isn't required to be strong, hell not even a regional level. even if you're not the strongest fucker in the gym you can still have a decent strength lvl. you have to be strong at a bare minimum to compete in the ipf so it doesn't make sense to call someone's strength not impressive just because it'd be unimpressive compared to a bunch of people who are in the top tier, just being a regional pl makes you stronger than 99% of gym rats and pretty much all guys overall
i meant the next guy in the gym. it's very disingenuous to quote me on something i literally didn't even say just because you need an assumption to fit your argument
I can rep that out 10+ reps sumo or conv stop being so cocky I see you posting everywhere
that's still really bad for someone who trained strengf for 5 years
I certainly wouldn't use him as shining example of why vegans can lift
i think although veganism is not ideal, food is food and even if he wasn't vegan he'd be in the same situation. the reason his results aren't as impressive as they could be is because he just doesn't care that much. most of his youtube channel has been more about controversial callouts than about him lifting. in the past year or two he barely uploaded any workout videos at all and just got fatter
manlet detected
Nobody cares about untested, big boy
hombre de frutas...
Both are sumo lifting?
has had multiple surgeries and hit by a car
lol thinking 5pl8 is impressive.
is everybody on this forum a sub 200# basedboy?
Yea and he also roids. He lifts heavy fucking weight but he’s unhealthy as fuck. Terrible skin with skin issues all over, tired stressed looking face, pale weird skin color etc. I mean lifting weights is his life, without it he has no purpose so I can see why he wrecked his body so hard.
>thinking 455 dead is impressive at all
user I...
yikes, he looks like a total faggot pussy.
>Thinking 785 deadlift is impressive
LMAO'ing at your life
i'm off to do 330x5 today
my all time 1rm was 440
>getting outlifted by a dying old man who loves steak and milk
are you even trying?
You want to look like this guy? I mean look at him. Does he look happy or healthy?