Vidya goal body thread

What is your video game goal body?

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Also what is the most Yas Forums game out there and why is it For Honor?

>Planet fucked up, only the strongest survive
>"Villain" wants to reignite global war to breed a race of warrior turbo-chads

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>enjoying sjw propaganda

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You've lost me
Is the propaganda the bit where I want the world to be unilaterally jacked, or the bit where I get to play as a 6 foot 5 giga mommy with a Dane axe?

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The game was mostly empty but this is unironically my goal body

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don't even fucking @ me

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Gladiators are so annoying to fight. I just let lights fly while they feint for the 30th time

>having attached limbs

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only other game character saved is doomslayer, but I wanted to be original

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>the virgin devil may cry Dante
>the Chad Dantes inferno

wow, that's a fucking cuck opinion

>Cuck detected

Dante's Inferno was so shit it never even got a sequel.
It was a store brand knock off of Devil May Cry or God of War.
The only thing anyone remembers about that game was the devil's dick.
Devil May Cry had Smokin' Sick Style!!!

why would I care?

>virgin sick style

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I'll be playing my multi game franchise with hot chicks and challenging game play.
Enjoy your one easy mode game, I guess.


built fat like the mushroom

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my dude, such a great game too.

>Tfw I will never reach it
t. Mexican mutt

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Is mushroom natty

>only one good answer

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I just want to be thin bros

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Looks like clash of clans or something.

Join the fasting club!

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i never mentioned any game you juvenile faggot

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I fast every Sunday. Shit sucks, brah.

I miss pop series so badly, huge part of my childhood

this too

Seeing how things are going with corona chan, Balder

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Serious Sam, this is the goal.

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what do you acomplish by having a "goal body"? it's not like if you think hard enough youll get someone elses physique

Based Tekken chad

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What you accomplish by purposely not having a goal? The act of setting a goal, in of itself, won't get you to towards any particular target; though goal in mind most will keep working towards that end.

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when i reach re4 leon and i'm not happy with the arm size then my next goal is doom slayer

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Based as fuck