You DID go to church this morning, right Yas Forums?

You DID go to church this morning, right Yas Forums?

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Church is closed :(

video church user

how is this fitness related?

My church started streaming their sermons because of the social distancing thing, but yes I have been attending. It's pretty comfy being around people with the same beliefs as you

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My church is doing online streams of sermons

Because though physical gains are important, they're not as important as spiritual gains.
In saying that, I lift for the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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What is it with everyone on Yas Forums being religious now?

Is being religious and wholesome the new counter culture?

unbelievably based

Religious types don't generally care for other people's rules

>Is being religious and wholesome the new counter culture?
Unironically yes, have you been outside lately? Degeneracy rules every aspect of most people's lives.

That would be very irresponsible and foolish, possibly putting the lives of others in danger
Honor your elders and adhere to not killing others by practicing safe social distancing, user
>What is it with everyone on Yas Forums being religious now?
It's a vocal minority
>Is being religious and wholesome the new counter culture?
Maybe, if it is then we should ask what is our mainstream culture at this point in time

>being a slave to someone else just because he's powerful

all gains are possible through Christ who strengthens us user.
>t. corinthians


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You're not a slave. Will you choose to follow truth or will you follow lies?.

Might makes right.

Your all-powerful creator gave you free will, you aren't a slave. He also died for your sins in your place. The least you could do is believe in him.

He didn't give me free will. I can't fly, i hunger, i am thirsty, etc. I am conditioned.
Only has free will

>pic related

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Seek Christ

>believe in him.
I do believe in him. I just don't worship him. He is not the creator. He is not my master. I don't care about him. I live to be a good and kind person. I don't want to be attached to anything, people, gods or concepts.
Because that is how suffering is eliminated, and eternal bliss is achieved

>graven image
You are a larper

Feel free to correct me, but don't question my faith.

based and leviathan-pilled

Man is a religious being. The reflexive atheism and irreligion that seem like the default state of things today are a fleeting aberration from a world historical standpoint. Sure, much of Yas Forums's new religiosity is an aesthetic for reactionary politics as well as pure larping, but it still represents movement back towards that which is natural to mankind and away from that which is unnatural.

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Yas Forums is now “anti-culture”. So whatever is mainstream, they do the opposite to stick it to whatever they’re running from. Atheism is on the rise so 16 - 22 years olds who got bullied by atheist kids think it’s funny to become christian

>worshipping a dead jew


Yas Forums has always been counterculture, newfriend.


Virtually, but yes of course! Our Lord Jesus Christ was the first master of the gains.

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Nope Yas Forums was always that weird kid in the corner watching gore videos and anime. since the arrival of zoomers and reddit, they’ve done everything in their power to denounce whatever reddit is spewing and from there it’s transformed into hating “normies” aka centered leftists and hating on whatever is popular just for the sake of creating chaos

"Stormfag go away" was a saying in the 2004-2009 era of the site. If I said that today people would be like
>Dilate cuck, you a sjw lapdog as well?

>Yas Forums was always that weird kid in the corner watching gore videos and anime
and that's mainstream culture... how?

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No, but I have read in the bible

Yas Forums is a pretty degenerate site.

I've never read the Bible, but I've started to listen to it on audiobooks narrated by James Earl Jones while working out.
It's nice to know someone loves me. And since we were made in His image, I want to get joocy.

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Church is shut down during corona. Which is stupid, if anything, people should be praying more. I made myself a cross and I hold in in my gym. I pray to it for max gains and shoulders big enough to hold the feels

I remember reading at uni that the thing that makes humans susceptible or believe in religion is an evolutionary trait that makes you believe sacrificing yourself for the group/tribe is bigger than yourself. A trick to make you give up your life for others.

No I'm not a brainlet.

>imagine being this retarded
Seek Jesus

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No. My parents (pr*testants) watched a video service and then had their own communion (anathema). I'm a lifetime porn-watcher, masturbator, and as of last year casual sex-haver, so I don't feel comfortable continuing to attend the one holy catholic and apostolic church (the Orthodox one) until I give up my degenerate ways and begin catechesis. I'm 25 and plan on turning my life around at 30.

I'm also worried about the prohibitions on dairy during various fasting periods because I want to keep taking whey protein.

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Uh... no! Yas Forums is was and always will be a place of god loving christian conservatives. We don't tolerate any faggot, tranny, pedo shit.

>being this delusional and attached
Seek Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. May you be well and happy, may you attain Stream-Entry
Stay safe

>I'm 25 and plan on turning my life around at 30.
The reason you haven't already turned your life around, and make no mistake you will not at 30, is because you keep thinking you can deal with it later.
This isn't even a religious issue, this is an issue of you lacking any sense of discipline. Everything you do wrong, all of your failures to achieve what you want to do, you will keep pardoning them on the grounds that you'll fix it tomorrow. When is tomorrow?
Why not attack your problems now?

What denomination of Buddhist are you?
also Buddhism doesn't make sense when you follow its precepts to their logical conclusions, it's mostly just mystical cognitive masturbation combined with rigorous disciplined lifestyle (speaking of, if you're really a Buddhist you should get back to the monastery and stop posting on here)

90% of my actual problems will fix themselves if I get married, I just need to find a girl I actually want to marry. I'm white and want to marry a white girl so sadly I'm not going to meet a marriageable girl at the Orthodox Church. Aside from sexual sin my life is going okay.

I am not questioning, as we have the same faith

Problems don't fix themselves, nor will they be fixed by getting married.

No. Masses are cancelled.

i don't need porn masturbation or casual sex when i can engage in coitus with my wife

go back to T_D

Nah, I was gonna go to temple but the synagogue was closed :(

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>athiest kids think it's funny to become Christian

If you know how much God loved you and how much he blesses you by just asking you wouldn't think it was "funny to become," one.

im sure churches are closed but the idea of churches thinking corona is a democrat liberal hoax and still holding sessions then having tons and tons of midwestern and southern retards dying from it is very funny

No and this is entirely off-topic.

i really, truthfully, don't understand people like you
social distancing isn't going to stop you from getting corona btw