Many are afraid of taking action because it's painful. Washing the dishes in the sink isn't fun...

Many are afraid of taking action because it's painful. Washing the dishes in the sink isn't fun. Meditation is not euphoric. Waking up early sucks.

The discomfort of constructive action often paralyzes people from doing anything, so they choose to sleep in. They choose to get lost in the rabbit hole of YouTube, Reddit, Instagram — letting clickbait dictate their next move while their life deteriorates around them. They subscribe to inaction as a solution to avoid the pain of action, subconsciously aware of the fact that their stagnation breeds destruction. By avoiding the pain of action, we breed a new pain — the pain of watching our relationships grow cold, our bills stack up, our families grow old.

It's sobering when you find out that in this life, nobody gets to escape pain. Pain is as much a part of life as death itself. Pain is more common than happiness, as not everyone experiences true happiness, but everyone experiences true pain. While this may drive many into nihilism and despair, not everyone realizes that there is a solution: pain can be bargained with. Pain takes from us, but it can also give back — we just have to choose the right kind of pain.

There are only two types of pain: The pain of action, and the pain of inaction.

The pain of action is blunt, in your face, and forces you to grow. This is the pain that gives back. For every hour we suffer through sharpening our skills, saving our money, cleaning our house, building our body — we don't reduce the amount of pain we face, but rather, gain the strength to shoulder it. By embracing the pain of action, we are simultaneously transformed by it — we become someone we are proud of, someone that others can depend upon, which in turn brings meaning to the suffering.

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The pain of inaction, however, is slow-burning. It softens you, and decays your soul. By "letting things be", they disintegrate. By "letting ourselves go", we lose self respect. By vegging out on the couch for days on end, things slowly become disordered, weakened, and deteriorated. Inaction is the holiday of fools, who trade temporary comfort for long-term, all encompassing, existential suffering.

While nobody can escape pain altogether, we can use it to our advantage if we choose its healthier variant.

Action is a life-giving breath; inaction is a slow death.

Genuinely good post user


thank you user i needed that

Yas Forums needs more faggots like you

>Meditation is not euphoric
Meditation can absolutely be euphoric. It can also be painful, boring, or any other subset of the human condition because meditation is its superset -- it is the observance of your own subjective experience. If you don't understand this, try to.

Wise words, I still can't escape this place though

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Anything and everything you achieve will end and you will still have nothing.

The point is to be in the moment, enjoy the moment, because the reality is nothing ever lasts, and even if you achieve what you think you have to achieve, it is fleeting, it will go away, you wont keep it forever, you will eventually be lost in a sea of faces, no matter what you do.

The point is you think you've overcome life by deciding to be a stoic bad ass that just does everything no matter how painful it is, all with the only goal of reaching an endgoal, and you don't give the process any thought other than that its supposed to be shit and boring and painful....and that the prize is waiting for you at the end....

But the reality is the prize, while it may be waiting for you, is not something you get to keep, you have it for a brief moment, and then it disappears, and you have nothing left, which is why you should enjoy the process, live in the moment of the process, because the process is all you have, the end-game content is a lie, it is a meme, it is bullshit.

more people need to hear this. good shit nigga

Based and redpilled

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I really needed to read this in this moment of time. Thank you.

did you even read the post? He's encouraging people to get off of their ass and do things, experience life by overcoming the fear of pain instead of rotting in comfortable bliss. But you're too dense to comprehend any of that.

Never was anything said about reaching some end, or goal. You win the retard of this thread award user, good job you dumb fuck.

I didnt read the entire post. Im too busy living in the moment and already moved on.

You're too busy switching tabs on reddit and Yas Forums you fucking incel. What are you doing on quarantine? Fucking travelling and going to parties and living life to the max?

yet you're lurking this thread and continuing to lower the average IQ in here. kys

Thank you user, based forever.

I sense 2 people who are hating their life, hoping for an end result to make it better. Little do they know, that the end result they so desperately want and are working towards, will not make them happy, and little do they know, that they will find holding onto that result, to be near next to impossible, they will weep and moan as the results of their actions fall away from them, like water falling through their hands and fingers, hopelessly trying to hold the water from falling.

who's that guy and why do I want to suck his dick

This actually motivated to get up and study.

Thanks user

The "live in the moment" mentality gives no specific target, or end goal to achieve. without an end goal, there is no road to walk and no path to cross

But it is better to walk to something, than eternally staying at one place. Our mind, body and soul were built for more than simply "living our lives"

I dont mean, live in the moment, like a nigger, or a woman.

I mean live in the moment, as in, love the process and take enjoyment out of the process, the process is what matters, not the endgoal.

Do not get attached to the endgoal, everything you achieve is fleeting, and you will NEVER be happy if you do not enjoy the process, because no matter what, the endgoal will NOT make you happy, the process of getting towards a goal is what is supposed to make you happy, not the endgoal itself.

What kind of pain is anal?

I love it when Yas Forums dweebs act all pseudo-philosophical lmao


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It's not painful if you don't rush it.

Still better than reddit pseuds. At least here they are slighlty ironic about it while on reddit they're dead serious and really think they're revealing some deep truth to you.

I actually prefer being lazy and kind of happy to being in a great state of being and working hard. My goal is not to excel in life, but to live an easy, lazy, cozy one. Having a family and getting a good job is good enough for me.

Any tips to start meditation, user?

Better poor and free than rich and a slave.

>Washing the dishes in the sink isn't fun
It's the best part of every meal desu. I love the smell of soap and the feel of hot water. Otherwise, good post. Cheers, I'll work out today.

Based and wholesome

Really liked this post. Thanks for sharing.

Shut the fuck up twink. Life is about who is bigger. I don't have to do anything because I have embraced the bulk.

Meditate? No, I consume milk instead.

I do nothing. I am bloat and bulk. Self control is self delusion- the joy of the petty tyrant ruling over himself. The bloat rules over me and I consume milk stoic fool.

As you think "do," I hath already done, the gallon of milk consumed. That is purpose, that is life.

cringe as fuck

reads like a free epub self help book

There is nothing like waking up in the morning and making coffee in a kitchen that doesn't have dishes piled up all over the place. Went my whole life without knowing that feeling until I finally moved into my own place without roommates in my late 20's. Only person who can fuck it up is me.

Yas Forums needs more quality posts like this. Please put me in the screencap.

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Do your best to ditch whatever idea you have of what meditation is. A lot of people looking to get into it always want to ask if they're meditating "correctly," as if someone can directly implant the feeling of what meditation is directly into your brain via language. The best anyone can do is describe some methods, things you can DO to achieve a meditative state. While a description of medication has some common threads, to some degree it defies language, whether you're a Vedic saint searching for nirvana or just beginning to get into mindfulness meditation.

I'm kind of actually doing meditation a disservice by talking it up this much because it creates an expectation, and like I said, you want to toss all your expectations out the window. If coming full circle like this (seems kind of fitting actually, really) makes sense, you can start meditating right now

Get into a comfortable position, but not so comfortable you will fall asleep. Either close your eyes or keep them open, it doesn't matter, and try to draw your attention to your breathing. This is the most basic form of meditation you can practice. Your mind will wander... LET IT! This method of meditation is all about noticing and allowing everything you can perceive. When your mind wanders, notice that it is wandering ("oh, this is a 'thought,' it is occurring but I do not have to pay attention to it -- it is just a thing or an event") and redirect your attention back to your breathing.

Don't start too long, ten or so minutes a day has been clinically proven to have mental health benefits. I have a lot more to say but I'm going to avoid writing a book about it.

Got me out of bed

i started with the headspace free basic meditation stuff its pretty decent and it gives you a general idea what meditation can be about

at least for me it worked but you need to try it out for yourself there are countless technices and tutorials on the internet

I really needed this after some recent news. Thanks OP

Thank you anons, I'll give it a shot before I go to sleep tonight

I really need to just shave my head and get it over but vanity is a real thing.

Stopped reading, kys.

nice read

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Thanks for the post OP. Excellent read

Niggas do a light test cycle and think their these harbingers of discipline



Sounds like some cliched Mark Manson bullshit or other such nonsense.

Just let me rot in peace

goddamn it. I guess I'll close this browser window, go load the dishwasher, and prepare my taxes. Fuck you, you fucking fucker.
>thanks, tho. you're going to make it

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Excellent post


So cute! @3@

cookie cutter platitudes to seem wise. no better than "clean your room". get a father

excellent read
makes me feel even better that i finally decided to fix my life last week

That’s what I needed to help get me off my ass again after the last 6 months.
I’m gonna go for a run.
Thanks Yas Forums