Gyms never closed in sweden

>Gyms never closed in sweden
>Nobody is planning to close them


Attached: file.png (1200x750, 24.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>get swole
>get arrested

Attached: sweden.jpg (886x642, 197.54K)

>grenade explodes, momentarily drowning out the sounds of women and children being raped by Muslims

The absolute state of eurocucks

You probably live in a small town, don't you? Otherwise I don't think you would be bragging about living here.

This will show who truly is the fittest when gym goers start dying off and others live.

Jeg ville tage over broen hvis det ikke var fordi jeg så ville befinde mig midt i Malmöstan.

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> "asylinvandring"
100% open, zero contro = more chaos to come
> A couple of hundreds of swedes coming back home after quarantines abroad
Swedes coming from shitholes around the world because swedes generally got this ingrained hypnotism to always travel to locations with horrible dry heat and even more horrible economy for cheap alcohol to bring back home

even more spread to come.

> weve still got completely open boarders
more chaos to come

> Swedes completely ignoring the social distances
we're going for skiing resorts, more swedes start going out more in public
and its like nothing is going on or ever happened, its so typical "naive swede" mentality all over again

> Our only real innitiatives is "fältsjukhus" {field hospitals}
"Försvarsmakten/hemvärnet" ~ defense/homeguard is underfinanced and missing at least 10.000 seats.
even if our country was run by the Swedish Democrats seen as the saviours of Sweden, these 10.000
are very underfunded with their budget and we're using their field hospitals and the army to set it up.

our current feminist government has failed us so bad in so many ways that I could fill this entire page of their failures but at least my gym isnt closed either or any of them nearby, feels good.

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And you have way more people dying compared to your neighboring countries.

thank u captain sweden

*grenade goes off outside*
*african rapes your mom*


we don't understand your mudspeak

yeah but you live in sweden tho

Swedes are fucking gay tho.
Unlike danes for example.

Not OP, but I live in Stockholm near Norrmalm and all gyms around here are still open.

What, that policewoman has obviously never seen a roider lmao.
Also under what fucking law can the police arrest you for having big muscles? Seriously of all countries sweden is the most cucked

Think you misunderstood the post kek

probably, i'm an idiot

I know, muhamad

Look at all these jealous goblins

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He could have claimed he is turkish and that it would be islamophobic to arrest him, lol

That's okay. We don't understand Arabic.

That's sounds horrible, I hope you make it through user and the other 5 sane swedes left in your country

AHAHAHAHA, imagine relying on the gym for exercise. Get fucked gymfags, I'm going to enjoy a nice fast bike ride on the open roads with little to no traffic due to shutdowns.

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>gets bombed in jihadi

6 out of the 15 first casualties from corona in Sweden were somali, and the migrant dense neighbourhoods of Järva have particularly high corona frequency.

Turns out life segregated from society, not paying attention to news and large families living in small apartments is not the way to fend off a pandemic.

From where are the other 9?

Enjoy airborne AIDS

why so obsessed? europe is ours now, deal with it

>t. hapa

>police being fucking retards
What else is fucking new? Literally every country in the world has articles like this

To me this seems like a massive mire

Yes, I am very jealous!
This whole lockdown is a fucking sick joke.

>post Swedish flag
>half the posts are about arabs raping everyone
like clockwork

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wrong im a brown BVLL

>turned down a job in sweden a week ago due to corona

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I'm guessing at least mostly ethnic swedes, as ethnic swedes are greater majority among the elderly, and vast majority of all casualties have been elderly. As far as I know however, it hasn't been reported. Just the overrepresentation of Somalis has been publicly mentioned.

It could also be a significant amount of Iranians because many of the first to be diagnosed were from Iran and had caught corona while there on vacation. Iranians are however far more integrated in the Swedish society, hence the word brf-iranier meaning something along the lines of owning-your-own-apartment-iranian, and thus they do not live many people in small condos. The part about Iranians being overrepresented among the casualties is purely speculative from my side.

>>turned down a job in sweden a week ago due to corona
probably smart though, we're all gonna die but we'll die swole

Impressive how Swedes always find new ways to suicide themselves

I've worked out almost every day since this "pandemic" started. Get fucked cowards.

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Your country and the state of California should be nuked. Land of degenerates . Wish my gym was open though.

Yeah, you go ahead and get your "gains" with your swedish twink lanklet genetics.

stay safe swedebro
t. your eastern neighbor country

I'm so happy for the Swedes. This is my advice tho, you guys need to dig a few mass graves early, please learned from the Good Ol' Germany how to do it well and right. I mean you don't want bodies of old people piling on top of each other. Better to dig it now before you guys are lacking in manpower.

Remember to take the wallets from each of the elders that you know at the very instant that you read this because it is too late now for them to write their will. It is yours anyway. And if there is a knock on the door, and through your window you are able to see a man with a black hood holding a long scythe, open the door and welcome him. Lead him to the eldest senior in your house. The senior will cough three times. He will dies after his last cough, and then the second oldest person in the house is next. Lead the man to them. When it is finally your turn. Lead the hooded man to your room. Lay in your bed and close your eyes.

we're having good luck today lads.

Corona can leave you with permanent lung damage, even if you recover well from it.
They are probably just keeping gyms open in hopes it will wreck all the fit peoples lungs, because Sweden has a fetish for skinny blonde twinks.

>according to Boduljak
this guy could be completely full of shit to get his 15 minutes of fame, there's no evidence whatsoever this actually happened

why does sweden live rentfree in everyones heads? still mad over the pillaging of poland and the genocide of germans?

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No, I find it funny a country who didn't colonize shitskins, besides anglos, and that wasn't a Nazi is so adamant to replace it's own people. I understand Germany or UK but Sweden just bogles my mind. Also, how do I get a native swedish bf?

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Chad swole Croat vs. Virgin swedish cuck

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enough is enough im tired of foreigners mocking my country and my neighbors

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will do, stay salty

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Stop being a joke then

>hates catholics more than mudslims who are going around killing and raping his people
You can't make this shit up

reminder that it only takes 2 years to become a police officer in sweden. Not really the highest IQ individuals pursue that career in general, no matter country.

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Do you want to know why they didn't close? Blonde swedish teen girls need their black bulls to be built. Closing gyms would basically be a crime against humanity since they would have to fuck their subhuman wh*te boyfriends. THEY STAYED OPEN FOR THE BBC.