Girl touched my face

>2 months ago
>at gym
>doing regular gym stuff
>on my last OHP set
>girl comes up to me and says i got some rubbish on my cheek
>she fucking puts her hand on my cheek and strokes it a bit
>pop a boner harder than the metal diamond
>excuse myself and go to the bathroom before anyone notes my basket shorts
>wait for the boner to subside and run home
did i get violated at my gym Yas Forums?

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You shouldnt be ashamed of a boner you fucking moron

girls touching you is typically a sign they want your d.
not if it's you mum though (probably).

i really dont know if this is bait

>girl touches you
>Get a boner
>Hide on the toilet
>Run home ashamed

The average Yas Forums user, you should get a free pass

Did you cum of your face user or did you literally have trash on your face? Guess with your genetic stock it is the same thing

How do I get my cat this big?

I would have been mad as fuck if anybody touched my face with dirty gym hands wtf

>girl with giant tits like legit DD at 13 says from behind that my shirt tag is hanging out
>runs up and tucks it in for me
>get a bonrar

op a tranny btw, don't know if that matters

fuck off



>basket shorts

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nothing wrong with those

whats your height?

6 foot

you should have called your homobros and beat the shit out of her. she clearly sexually harrassed you. make it clear to her that your penis is meant for manass op.

if you want to talk about this traumatising incident in you can private message me.

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You should have stroked her cheek back, or said something like “really? You’ve got something on your ass” and brushed your hand against it: retard

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>tfw a girl hasn't touched my face since senior year of high school

Are you for real? Here's the proper way to play it:
>you should give me your number, I'll let you touch the rest later

Mine has you leaving the gym and fucking that minute

Yours is a way to play games via text and fall into the friendzone


once a woman asked to help me squat and i said no

i havent spoken to a femoid in 4 months other than my mom

>15 middleschool
>sit on bench
>girls with giants tits ask me if I want a blowjob
>"no t-thanks"
its a 100% legit story xd

Holy cringe. You guys are never getting laid.


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better off lifting in chinos than "athletic" shorts

>be 15
>tell big titty girl I downloaded a scary movie and she should come watch it
>expect nothing because she is popular and I'm me
>later get a text saying she wants to see it
>I'd already seen it and said it "nah it wasn't any good"
>conversation ends

why are we cursed brehs

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She probably did that as a joke and her friend was filming it for her to post it on instagram.

>metal diamond

doesnt happen in real life only in your fantasy

Sue her

>I'd already seen it and said it "nah it wasn't any good"

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I had a girl kept speaking to me at a house party in high school then I walked her home and she kept asking me if I wanted to come in and said her parents aren’t in but I just said that’s nice you can go home whenever you want then can’t you and said I was gonna get chips she even offered to make me food but I just wanted chips.
Years later I realised she wanted to bang and I was like fuckkkkkk
Not even autistic just didn’t realise they were hints

>she kept asking me if I wanted to come in and said her parents aren’t in but I just said that’s nice you can go home whenever you want then can’t you and said I was gonna get chips she even offered to make me food but I just wanted chips.
Costanza is that you?

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I managed to lose V a year later and bang a few nice looking sloots that are better so I don’t feel too bad about it anymore

This. How do I control my dick and groin when girls act like they like me or flirt? It's not an innate skill I have to be completely unphased and unexcited by the very thing I've dreamt about since I was 10 years old(well, 2 or 3 realistically) metaphorically and sometimes literally teasing me with pheramones, sultry voices and fuck me eyes.

I usually get all nervy and spill my internal spaghetti and forget how to behave or what I even want out of life or why I even exist, basically everything about everything except theres a needlessly scary situation I'm not prepared for literally devouring my being. I then start getting short breathed and visibly overwhelmed as it's begun showing on the outside.


bros how do I get anywhere with a girl? I feel like I have nothing to offer them and everything past them initiating seems like glaring internal and external insincerity and chaotic mistakes on my part. Then I realize they have nothing to offer me and I only like them cause they are pretty and provide and there's never been a woman who I could genuinely appreciate at any depth. I'm so lost bros help.

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How do you sleep at night knowing you did this

Provide seccs*

Fuck you.

I feel nothing, I am numb except for moments where decades of rage and resentment suddenly come to the surface. That was 13 years ago and it's been downhill ever since.

sorry bros

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You got coronaed, did you washed your face and hands?

>fall for a classmate in 9th (8th? Don't remember exactly) grade
>never do anything about it, due to fear of rejection
>fast forward a couple of years
>it's been about 6 months since I last saw her at this point
>going through all my old Facebook messages
>get to hers
>see a couple of messages that get my gears turning
>realise that there was a time where the interest was at least somewhat mutual
>AAAAAAAAAAA internally
>deactivate my Facebook account

Fast forward another 8 years, and I still often think about how my life would be different if I'd gone for it. Even if it failed, just having done it would have completely changed my perspective on life.
If there's one thing in my life I could go back and change, I'd tell my younger self that, I'm actually a fairly attractive guy. I didn't realise that until I was around 20. Also didn't realise that I have an absolutely massive dong.

> “really? You’ve got something on your ass” and brushed your hand against it: retard
or, like, your dick

>Couple years back.
>Sitting on a mostly empty bus going home, backseat next to a window, headphones in ear minding my own business.
>Girl walks through entire bus through all the empty seats, comes and sits next to me.
>The whole fucking back seat is empty, yet here she is, her thigh and shoulder are pressed against mine, can feel the body heat, boner is struggling against denim.
>Sit uncomfortably trying to make room for her the entire journey, she just inches closer every time I move away.
>At my stop tell her excuse me and get off the bus.
I just want to be normal...

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its okay god im sure you'll make it with those digits

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Honestly the best way for people like is to care less about all that. But obviously that's a >just walk away level of advice
I don't know, I got myself fixed by being a retard and doing enough drugs to land a whore which made me realize it's not that good and not worth the obsession.
It gets easier with age. Try to force yourself into socializing with women, but not with the goal of sex. Just talking.

>standing in tram
>pretty crowded but people still have a bit of personal space
>cute girl touches me with her ass
>get a raging boner and move away thinking it's unintentional
>she moves with me
>try to move away again but I don't have enough space, move just a few centimeters and I'm with my back against a wall
>she chases m'bone with her ass
>try to move to the side "so she doesn't notice" (don't say that I'm autistic hehe)
>comes at the little guy full force and starts slowly moving side to side
>start getting worried that I might cum from this
pic related
>this goes on for a few minutes
>when I get out of the tram I say nothing :(

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If this was me I'd laugh and say thanks and awkwardly walk away

That is sexual harassment user

PPL and steroids

damn. what ages were you two (approximately) when this happened?

Both of us were ~16

Lol what a fag I’m 20 and don’t care

Happened to me on a very crowded bus once, crowded enough that I couldn't even turn around, had to stand facing some milf's ass, every time I moved my waist back so my dick wouldn't pierce the bitch's ass she moved backwards towards me.

I was more annoyed than aroused desu since the more I moved back the more I couldn't stand comfortably, so as soon as I could I just slithered deeper inside the bus.

It's never gonna get better is it?

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unbelievable how she could have been so slutty already. had probably never even seen the inside of a club before and she's grinding on strange boys in public.