How legit is this? Maybe it'll help strengthen ur diaphragm and build mental resilience, but doesn't this destroy your knees?
Running in gas mask and weighted vests?
>How legit is this? Maybe it'll help strengthen ur diaphragm and build mental resilience, but doesn't this destroy your knees?
It will make you look like a retard unless you do it in closed military space where everyone else knows you're retarded already
I don't mean actually going out and doing it. But I mean was this shot just to look moto?
No, soldiers do this. I did it when I was in the army. You need to be able to fight and run even in a contaminated environment.
I know it definitely helps with running with a gas mask and a weighted vest.
Hence why they do it.
It won't destroy your knees if you squat heavy and it will definitely beef up your heart and lungs, but running with weight teaches your body to run slower.
They don't force you to run with complete equipment (25kg+) because it destroys your knees. They order you to march with this eq though for a few days.
During unitary period they will make you to run like this just for sake of showing that you're weak shit and that's it.
Running with whole hazmat equipment without backpack is practised.
tl;dr yes, this shot was only done to make him look moto, he was a real marine in this particular unit, he played himself in Generation Kill.
>They don't force you to run with complete equipment (25kg+) because it destroys your knees. They order you to march with this eq
Don't be under 5'6" because all squad leaders are 6'2"+ and that march is a run for you.
Same experience here from my conscription in Norway. Except also forcing us to run ranked through snow and taking ice baths etc.
>Don't be under 5'6"
Not Nordic country but got stockholm syndrome from such things and now only fun I get in life is climbing/hiking in high mountains.
>only fun I get in life is climbing/hiking in high mountains
Mountains are bliss
>Are you military AND your trying to go ranger / mountain warfare/ airborne / special forced?
Then yes, otherwise don't do it
I know this shit is a movie and all but that breathing shows just how loose that mask is/that the mask isn't even plugged. When you run with a CBRN mask, the correct way for breathing in all the NATO approved masks we wore was complete opposite to how you breathe when running. With the mask on it is way way better to do big gulps of air in a steady, calm manner. The valve and the canister noise help with that since you can just change the focus to the noise it makes. Can't be shallow breathing because you'll just end up breathing the CO2 back in.
Also ask any guy who is/was in the military around the world. The military is designed completely fuck your joints, be it knees, elbows, hips, ankles, wrists, you name it. Military parades absolutely kill your knees and ankles and in training I was running with 30+kg in just ammo, weapon and backpack. Then the vest was probably 5kg, 2kg in boots alone and the MRE we had were way too heavy compared to conventional. The fucking No-kneepad-sit-around-in-a-circle-while-the-officer-decides bullshit for 30 minutes on gravel was one of the worst things too in my life. And hope to fucking God you don't need to carry one of your mates and do running progressions with him.
TL;DR - Everything military ruins your joints, but you do get better cardio. Just run and you'll be able to run for years instead of doing that for a few months and not being able to walk
Why not just learn to run at different paces and run hills? Same result happens.
Why do military's want to destroy their soldiers ability to move after years? Is it because the damage won't be significant until after they leave so the soldier they trained to kill can't turn on the government as effectively as he would without destroyed legs?
My army wouldn't even issue the masks unless it was getting gassed day.
You're a pawn for an officer. No one cares about you because no one needs to. You are replaceable, you are nothing.
Literally cannon fodder mate
Running in a gas mask is based, it's like altitude training. Don't run in weighted vests, it's not worth. Knee fuckup is not worth the gains.
Where I live, officers don't go through the same kind of basics, a lot chiller and privileged but with more responsibilities and power to impose stuff, so when they shit out some fucking idea that you should get up earlier after no sleep/rest from the previous day of hard work to go run 10km with a dirty tyre just because the Sargents are getting fat or just mandatory 24h shifts with 0 rests other than your lunch and dinner after driving around all day on patrol, they'll think it's fair because they said so.
>Running in a gas mask is based, it's like altitude training.
No, it isn't. It doesn't change the oxygen ratio in the air you breathe.
>people are still falling for the elevation mask gimmick
>gas mask
>altitude training
That shit is nothing like altitude training all it does is restrict the volume of air your lungs can take in. You're still breathing in 100% oxygen no matter how much you claim to be training your diaphragm to breathe deeper.
Running in a gas mask might protect you from thw T Virus but not the coronavirus, if that's the reason you asked.
Might as well wear this shit for all it does. Retards consuming snake oil to make them look like some sadomasochist bottom
any sort of military training like this is going to break you body if you do it for long enough, be sure to “run” at more of a shuffle to reduce the impact
noone in the army does this, only the turbo autists
>gas mask
Just run faster. You'll get more out of it. If it worked, all runners would be utilizing it.
>weight vest
Say goodbye to your knees. Just run up and down hills if you want to do this. You are not contributing new to running.
You should train for the environment you're in.
Simple as that.
rudy was based. ngl this is my goals for my reenlistment
>You're still breathing in 100% oxygen
Only if you're hooked up to a pressure tank. Otherwise, the air you're breathing is approximately 78% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 2% "other stuff".
The composition of the atmosphere is uniform with respect to altitude, meaning that the above statement is true whether you're standing in Dutch flatlands or dying in a blizzard on K2.
What changes is density, meaning that a given volume of air will contain less mass (or fewer molecules, if you prefer), and more importantly that the partial pressure of oxygen drops.
>if it worked, all runners would be utilizing it
>implying technology hasn't changed since the dawn of man
The biggest tard in this trio.
based sciencebro
You are taking in less oxygen is the point you brainlet fucks.
well I was in the army user, I was a turboautist
Everything about being enlisted is to mesmerize you into doing things in an illogical way that ultimately do more harm to you for the sake of convenience and productivity. I’ve been a medic for 8 years and I’ve seen more injuries do to neglect and abuse than anything else. The “you’re a pussy if you go to sick call” has leads to more medical discharges and ruined lives than combat these days.
>It won't destroy your knees if you squat heavy
It puts completely different forces, that squats don't train to withstand, on your knees and ankles. It's godawful for your spine. There's a reason the only people who do it are in the military, because military training doesn't give a shit about long term implications.
Elevation and gas masks have been around for long enough that if they were beneficial, they'd be used by more people than the handful of out of shape black guys they are.
You did jewish concentration camp reenactments?
Force is force. If your CNS is contracting your muscles harder you'll withstand more whether your training methods directly stimulate its application or not.
No one serious about running does this. Only Yas Forumsfags who don't know shit like yourself thinks this stuff helps in any way.
its not gay if you think rudy is hot
we all think hes hot
>I know this shit is a movie and all but that breathing shows just how loose that mask is/that the mask isn't even plugged.
He was in the camp in kuwait before the war at that point, he was just running around for fun
It's pretty common ngl, alteast in Swedish army.
>Force is force
No it's not retard. There's a big difference between the force on your knee when doing static movements, even with weight like a squat, and running with a heavy load on your back.
i was in the queens guard, and of a battalion consisting of 300 i only saw a couple do it. its always the kind of sperg that'd rat you out any chance
The whole point of something like this is just to torture yourself. If you’ve already done difficult shit in your life, it’s not necessary. If you’re a spoiled brat who has never experienced discomfort, then yeah go for it, and put someone else in charge of the duration so you don’t puss out.
This seems like a good thread to ask.
I cant go to the gym so Ive decided to just maintain my muscle mass with weighted calisthenics and work on my cardio to cut. I'm awful at it, but have gotten my 2.5 mile trail down to 19 or so minutes. Can someone point me to a good resource for learning how to maximize the benefit of running in terms of duration, pace, etc. I can already feel this short distance getting easy(er) so I want to continue to increase the duration and my pace.
OK Yas Forumsizens
I'm a skinny fat. No stamina, i run for 1 min and my ankles are tingling and lungs are burning.
I was totaly sedentary for quite a long time cause depression so i stopped working out and going out.
Now i wanna run and lift.
How do i get back on track without being KO after 2 min run
(same for jumping rope, i'm shit at it on the technique and stamina)
Thank you guys !
Okay, Reddit spacer. Stronger bodies still handle force better.
>wasting your filters on this shit
>Use expired filters
Problem solved
About as faggy and autistic as it gets. The reason moderate bullying in school is necessary.
only newfags and retards bring up reddit spacing, retard newfag. A body only strong from lifting weights will not be able to handle the forces of full on running with a load.
Turbo autism
The best type of autism
Super legit, Gasmask PT is fairly normal if you have are getting jacked up in the Army.
Altitude training is done by living at high altitude while training at low altitude using the oxygen boost to push beyond your usual limits. Running with a gas mask has the complete opposite effect.
Fucking broscience brainlets ITT...
Ask me how I know you don't lift and run in full gear with a ruck.