Be cutting

>be cutting
>"comere user, it's cold and this will warm you up. It's sugared chai "
what's the correct move here

Attached: dariagf54.webm (720x900, 1.75M)

>Haha Maria, you know I have ibs! That will have me muddy butt quick before gas and diarrhea lol!

seems like shes in the middle of nowhere and in the cold winter and theres a pandemic so we could probably murder her and put her down in the ice and get away with it just make sure not to leave any fluids or prints

Your woman made you a drink. Don't be a bitch

d-die rostie

nice try gains goblin *pulls out my katana from my ass and 360 noscopes her head off*

>the feminine way she opens the canteen

Attached: 254.jpg (1024x683, 50.68K)

>It's sugared chai
>what? bitch c'mon over here
>*slap cup from her hand*
>*punch her in the mouth*
>what have I told you? you need FAT to survive in the wild you fucking idiot, carbs will just make you tired and hungry
>fucking moron, next time I'll put my entire hand inside your anus

>Not bringing your own thermos filled with water

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>Hey user! Come keep warm with me and my dog!

Attached: 1578112046648.webm (1280x720, 821.73K)

>Take the cup
>Take a sip
>"I love you"

Yeah they've definitely fucked

White women fuck dogs.

Do wh*te women really do this?

>inventory is full

Cпacибo гocпoжa тoт.

Just drink it. As long as you're not competing, it isn't something big enough to worry about.

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Take off her shoes and rest my face on her soles

Rape her

Delicate kiss on the cheek, whispering 'I love you'. Then prepare the circle for the ritual. The Worm God is not going to wait.

>oh thanks you are so sweet
>takes a cup
>its delicious!
>asks for more
>"im glad you like it!"
Because first off its a bulking decade, secondly im not a manlet twink who goes 300% over TDEE by having cup of anything, oil included

It hurts

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Whoa, based


Attached: thumb_cursed-wojak-66857854.png (300x266, 42.08K)

>Thanks, babe.
t. A well adjusted human being, that can afford to take in an extra couple hundred calories, on occasion, and adjust my diet and/or routine for the day or week, accordingly, if it means acknowledging a kindness from my significant other, or a prospect, but also knows when and where to draw the line and stand firm to my beliefs, if it becomes routine

>Pour it over her head as punishment for bringing the sugary jew into my life
t. A well adjusted human being, that can afford to take in an extra couple hundred calories, on occasion, and adjust my diet and/or routine for the day or week, accordingly, if it means acknowledging a kindness from my significant other, or a prospect, but also knows when and where to draw the line and stand firm to my beliefs, if it becomes routine

Are you me?
t. A well adjusted homosexual being, that can afford to take in an extra couple hundred calories, on occasion, and adjust my diet and/or routine for the day or week, accordingly, if it means acknowledging a pp from an user, or a power bottom, but also knows when and where to draw the line and stand, firmly grasping his tight little glutes, if it becomes routine

god i wish that were me (the woman)

Unironically this

"Sugar is terrible for your health, no thanks"

>"Shut the fuck up, stupid w*man"
>Rape her till she likes it
>Cum in her chai and throw it in her face
The only right thing to do

Is this from her IG ?

>How about you sugared DIE??
>Smash her head

>smack the tea right out of her weak hands
>kick her in the mouth
>"My muscles are fuckin' HUGE"
>sprint home

Realistic until you said sprint home

white wimenz

sprint lasts 8 seconds

>sugared chai
Spiritually cringed

>no thanks, I'm good

You guys get thirsty about every little thing, kek

"No thank you, it's not really cold out".

>fucking ice on the ground
>not cold

Sack up, little bitch.

>tfw no doggo to keep me company during quarantine

Attached: Alinity dog stream.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

For me it's black tea with a yack butter stick

Say goodbye to you’re gains, nigger

Yep, white women are subhuman

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i nutted to this an hour ago

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I've only ever known one woman who can properly handle a dog. This vapid bitch shouldn't be allowed to have one.

wolves like to lick each others mouths and do so with humans as well, still it's weird af

god thats so fucking hot

>you just know

>"Haha, I love you too, user. You're like a brother I never had."

If you're going to kill a woman kill a fat ugly one.

How does it feel to have a gf?

t. a haver of no gf

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it's pretty nice if i didn't have a wife during the quarantine to creampie i would feel pretty bad t b h. you gotta get on tinder asap bruh and find yourself a quarantine gf to responsibly fill with your baby batter

Attached: 1585348515559.webm (528x422, 2.94M)

>not drinking bone broth with black pepper, ginger, and garlic to stay warm.


> that video

What the fuck did I just watch?

What the absolute fuck is that monstrosity.

Amazing at first then it will become a chore then after it feels normal

You just know.

This video right here is what the bible fucking meant by glutton. Fat fucks are sinners and should be put down

>american "cuisine"

>topping it off with more boiled wieners
I gagged