>Since the emergency epidemic, it is of high scientific significance to use bioinformatics to analyze the roles of novel coronavirus proteins (such as ORF8 and surface glycoproteins). In this study, domain prediction methods were applied to search for conserved domains. The structure of protein molecules such as ORF8 and surface glycoproteins were obtained using homology modeling methods. Molecular docking technology was used to analyze the binding part of viral proteins to the heme and the porphyrin. The study results show that ORF8 and surface glycoproteins could combine to the porphyrin to form a complex, respectively. At the same time, orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins could coordinate attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. The attack will lead to less hemoglobin to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense inflammation due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images. Patients with respiratory distress will be made worse. Diabetic patients and older people have higher glycated hemoglobin. Glycated hemoglobin was reduced by the attack, which made patients' blood sugar unstable. Since the porphyrin complexes of the virus produced in the human body inhibited the heme anabolic pathway, they caused a wide range of infection and disease.

COVID-19 proteins bind to glycated forms of hemoglobin rendering them inactive and preventing O2 and CO2 absorption. Diabetic patients and older people have significantly higher levels of glycated hemoglobin, but anyone who regularly eats carbohydrates will also have high levels.

How do you lower your glycated hemoglobin levels? Stop bathing your red blood cells in glucose, ie stop eating carbohydrates

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>want to live

You're body should not be taking in that much fat. You're going to die from heart disease on keto.

Nah our ancestors hunted animals and ate all their organs and fat, our bodies are good with it, we have only been eating carbs very recently in our time as a species hence why it makes us ill

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QRD on electrolyte supplementation on keto? I have salt and No-Saltâ„¢. I still need masnesium, right? Epsom salt good? And can I eat the kind with fragrance for soaking?

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Just get a multivitamin with iron from costco

I like a full head of hair, thanks.

Our ancestors also cultivated wheat which brought about civilization.

Fatty liver disease is on the rise in younger patients now too

>Source: my ass


Not enough magnesium

>Our ancestors also cultivated wheat which brought about civilization.
And went from basically modern heights to 5'3" for full grown males along with a huge explosion of dental caries and other shit. The tallest and most robust people post introduction of agriculture ended up being populations that exploited dairy (milk and it's products) heavily in their diets, pockets of hunter gatherers who hadn't yet been cucked by agriculture, and the very well off upper echelons of societies with more access to meat and less dependence on grains.

>pockets of hunter gatherers who hadn't yet been cucked by agriculture
Forgot to add, who weren't tiny from being isolated with poor access to game animals

>Noooo the coronarino virus will surely kill you if you perform these activities!! Haven't you read any NEWS ARTICLES?

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This guy gets it. Look up the aryan invasion of india and the mongolian invasion of china

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Dammit I just bought eight pounds of epsom salt. BEZOOOOOOOS YOU MAKE IT SO EASY. If I eat a gram every two days, that's approximately two months to the ounce, or 32 months to the pound. That's 256 months of magnesium supplement. Over 21 years for $8. Why would anyone take the pills?

Based. Meat is life.

Not just that, long before the time of Ghengis Khan there were indo-European (in this case, literally basically white dudes) pastoralists/semi-nomadic raiders who consumed basically nothing but milk (and other dairy), mead/ale, and meat who were all over north western china who the Mongols adopted many elements of their culture from. They survive until they were genocided the fuck out of. See: Tocharians, Scythians, and a wide variety of people who made moves out of the pontic-caspian steppe through central asia bringing horseman ship, chariots, indo-european pagan beliefs and language, and ultimately dairy. Small roving bands of tall buff white dudes conquered and subjugated entire civilizations full of grain dependent cucks for millenia.

Damn it feels good to be Aryan

You know a book where i can read more? Sounds fascinating

They find bodies of ancient white people all the time in china. Most are over 6ft

>My ANCESTORS ate like this and they were so big and masculine! I'm going to eat just like them BUT add in a MULTIVITAMIN - wouldn't want to miss out on my micronutrients!

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multis are natty bro

>Our ancestors also cultivated wheat which brought about civilization

The agriculture revolution barely covers 1% of the human species lifespan. Our bodies don't evolve that quickly.

Don't want to trigger anyone with that kind of talk, lel.

Can you fucking imagine though, you're some squat little Chinese dude out jerking off by a bush or something in north west china trying to get away from the wife and the rice and you hear the rumbling of horses and chariots. They get closer. You smell the strong odor of a dozen sweaty high test men, easily a foot and a half taller than you, twice as strong, pale white-pink skin, sharp blue, green, and amber colored eyes with blonde, red, and brown hair dressed, striking noses, sharp chins, heavy brow ridges, and long thick full beards. They're all armed. You think though "Surely they can't be that tall" as they stop, then one of them gets off his horse, gets closer and he instantly moggs you in ways you didn't even know were physically possible. They somehow know your language well enough to ask where your village is, you point and they ride off.

An hour later you see them off in the distance but there's something in one of their Chariots, wait, God dammit, that's your wife, fuck!

>believes in evolution

If you keep going I'll feel bad about only being 6'2"

Our ancestors weren't eating industrially farmed, genetically engineered, antibiotic and vaccine ladden, corn feed fed (with other shit), disgusting bullshit. If you're eating as much of a grass fed free range animal as you can (so, basically all of it), you don't have to worried about micro nutrient deficiencies. Funny enough, this same thing is happening with veggies and fruits that you fucks love so much, along with grains, the soils all tapped out so everything has to be added back in.

Unfortunately a lot of this stuff was suppressed until the past decade or so for obvious reasons. Now that modern autosomal DNA testing is possible, along with modern archeology and biological anthropology, the old truth has come back into light. I'd literally suggest just starting from the wikipedia pages of the groups I listed off and everything indo-european/yamnya related. Read scholarly articles, figure it out.

>past decade or so
try past 3/4 century

How do you think I feel? I'm of Northern European heritage, so highest yamnaya/indo-european admixture but I'm literally a 5'8" manlet due to a mentally ill mother and my grandmother who both raised me and basically starved me as an infant, kept me in a mold filled house for 10+ years, and never questioned why the growth charts went from predicting an approx 6' height to the point where the doctors didn't even bring it up anymore and I sputtered to 5'8". I literally would have been better raised by barbarians on the steppe in 3000 BC

Read germs guns and steal or whatever. The basic point of the book is that white people kicked the shit out of everyone because they could store food, like dry grains, freeing up time to science.

We also had superior immune systems because we'd been living in filth for ages, killing off our own people that were not resistant.

Unless the Vikings had massive storages of cheese, they probably were never going to cause an industrial revolution.

>Fatty liver disease is on the rise in younger patients now too

NAFLD is caused by metabolic syndrome, which is ultimately too many carbs. It does not come from dietary fat

>25 years
Sure but it didn't hit the mainstream until critical mass. I went through the school system in the early 00's and anything indoeuropean related was as vague and indirect as possible, often putting the fucking OIT theory out there (yes, seriously) over anything close to what most of them knew as the "Kurgan hypothesis". Not to mention the insistence that Yamnaya/PIE were basically just modern central Asians or MAYBE Anatolian related. Maybe I just went to three different shit schools from 6th to 12th grade in two different state though, huh?

I'm sorry for your loss of height. In Valhalla we'll all be 6'5" brother

I've heard when the white men first encountered injuns it was like 6'0 vs 5'11 and the injuns were disgusted with how small and ugly Europeans were.
But of course this might have been written by some anti-white marxist that has a red man fetish.

>The basic point of the book is that white people kicked the shit out of everyone because they could store food, like dry grains, freeing up time to science.
Which is bullshit. All of fucking Asia, the middle east, half of Africa, and large swathes of the Americas had grains that they stored long term
>We also had superior immune systems because we'd been living in filth for ages, killing off our own people that were not resistant.
Also a meme
>Unless the Vikings had massive storages of cheese, they probably were never going to cause an industrial revolution.
The industrial revolution was the product of a large number of factors, the large stores of grains are literally irrelevant. Also again we're talking about history going back way longer than this.

I'm guessing you're some kind of Christcuck?

>kangz theory learned in school
>Jewish pseudohistory learned in Hebrew school
>Jewish pseudohistory learned in church
meanwhile true white history is awesome and no one knows about it

Silvids if anyone. Populations of that phenotype also carry genetic markers that suggest a common ancestor with one of two group that contributed to yamnaya/PIE.

Pretty much. People wonder why in Europe the only real pockets of non-PIE/yamnya y-haplogroups are the L1/L2 (basically Scandinavia and parts of the Balkans respectively) despite L1 carrying populations having some of the highest autosomal PIE/yamnaya DNA. Big mystery :)

Those cultures didnt have high grade metals.

But they were able to do a lot of math and science, which white people later took and expanded upon.

Asia I think later developed certain cultural and religious beliefs that were against progress. To want is to suffer and all that.

please stop spreading this stupid idea before the normies go buy up all the protein then we wont be able to go to the gym OR eat protein is that what you really want please stop NOW

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Yeah, I'm still salty about it. I wear a US mens wide 12 or 13, ie average foot size for someone 6'2"-6'4", I have wide ass hands too. Not to mention a fucking 62 cm head, in order to have a statistically average size head, I'd have to be approximately 226 cm in height.

Pic related. I also have the frame of someone around 6'1" to 6'3" (without lifting).

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Kek. No wonder you self-insert into dead cavemen.

I imagine the wealthy already know. They joke about it in vampire movies. It's right there in front of you. The leaders eat meat. The society that supports them is cattle that eats grains. They need the cattle. Someone has to labor to provide meat and labor.

And they've known this for a long time. Goute was called a rich man's dease because the wealthy used to eat so much meat they'd get goute. They thought vegies were for cows and peasants.

I'm kind of surprised they ever let the keto or Atkins diets get traction. Modern society cant produce enough meat and protein for everyone. Perhaps zombie movies are a warning against dumb people becoming like the wealthy vampire. If everyone ate mainly protein it would fall in on itself. Normal people have to eat all this bullshit grain. It's the only sustainable option.

You poor thing. Like I said, I'm mad about 6'2"! My dad's 6'4" and youngest brother 6'7". My junkie brothers are same height as me. I think it might have been cutting weight for hs wrestling. I thought it was really cool to be disciplined and starve myself, ascetic. It was only a few months of two years, so maybe no big

Same. Should be 6'3 only 5 9. Long torso, short legs. I have to get my Jean's taken in to 28 inches length to fit good.

Not even close.

based thread

Just starving once and fucking with a growth spurt can knock off a few inches. Were you sick as a kid? That's another one.
>trannies can get genitally mutilated on fucking medicaid
>someone whose stunted for enviornmental/nutriotional issues and there are options at various stages? nope, fuck you!
Feels bad man. I have a similar inseem, kek.

I don't understand this chart. Why are there 7 lines?

>sick as a kid
No, not besides little things like the chicken pox or flu

>tfw no strong meat and dairy eating, mead and kumis drinking 5'10" steppe wife

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If one of those coincided with a growth spurt or put you under weight (or in some way nutrient deficient) that could explain it.

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I still don't know why the fuck there are 7 lines, but according to this study I just found the average head circumference:height ratio is 0.326 with a standard deviation of +/- 0.0139. My head circumference is 60.5cm, which means my estimated height would range from 178 to 194 cm., which is gay since I'm only 180cm.

Oh man. Starvation does it? I stopped eating because the girl I was dating my freshmen year was cheating on me. Good to know she has permanently damaged my life. Great.

Well, I'm still Chad range and I still carry the genes for skyscrapers

Since you seem kind of knowledgeable here, do you think lifting can stunt growth? Kinda want to train my sons from child

I bet op is over stating the keto. If these guys were drinking caseloads of milk and mead, they were not in keto. Maybe high test. But. It keto.

That might be a better study but who knows. You're at least on the low end of your range.

>You're at least on the low end of your range.
I'm turning 21 next week so I really hope that means I still have some room to grow.

>starvation does it?
Of course it does you stupid fuck. Not even starvation, something as simple as being a picky eater and lacking a few key micronutrients. It's why everything we've eaten for the past 40+ years is fortified out the ass to compensate for horrible modern agriculture practices and industrial farming.
Yeah, something something standing on the shoulders of giants.
From my understanding, basically yes. They should be active, play sports (ideally ones that don't cause head trauma shit like american football), etc. Some weights and machines (lol) are okay, you don't want them to be lifting for the sake of lifting and trying to hit PR's. Low weight high reps high volume until their growth plates fuse.