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What's your definition of fit?
Jason Kelly
Other urls found in this thread:
Austin Nelson
being hot
Ryder Rodriguez
When you take your shirt off and girls stare at you. Yes I lift for women. Fuck off
Ian Nelson
Coffee is most definitely good for your health but it's not good for your teeth.
Nicholas Flores
god i want to suck her penis
Camden Evans
Being able to sing Depeche Mode:
Gabriel Fisher
Total whore, degenerate, born to fail in our society etc
But how fucking great would it be to have her on her knees infront of you like that?
Chase White
A forum dedicated to shitposting somewhat fitness related content with homoerotic undertones
Julian Bennett
Coffee really isn't that provided you dont put a bunch of creamer and sugar in there.
Connor Butler
getting (You)s in the /cbt/s
Parker Campbell
How long do you need to lift for that?
Christopher Nguyen
Stop posting here and go find out.
Mason Bailey
William Mitchell
Theres different definitions, if you look like Goku you're fit, youre skinny but can run a 5 minuet mile, youre fit. I personally enjoy practical fitness the most with a hint of building a nice body.
Alexander Moore
there are some lifting for >5years who have impressive physiques and some who dont
it doesnt necessarly have to do with how long you lift but mostly how good you look in the picture you posted
Bentley Taylor
I don't think thats a road thats open to me
Lincoln Reed
*blocks your path*
Logan Murphy
Sporty person who isn't fat.
Colton Morgan
Jaxson Sullivan
Cameron Carter
when kids refer to you as "muscle-y"
Wyatt Campbell
>tfw you will never ever have sex with w girl without paying for it
Sucks but I guess it gives me a reason to grind at my job so I can afford hookers.
Jeremiah Nguyen
"Faggots In Training"
Robert Myers
some muscle definition and/or 12%bf, basically anyone who isn't skinny fat or fat
Angel Stewart
When she does this face after biting your cock off
Leo Turner
Imagine that cute mouth working its way up a BBC before taking the whole thing in her mouth choking gagging and drooling precum all over those tits before bending over to get that tight pussy stretched by Black dick haha
Easton Collins
Joshua Wood
Michael Gray
Lmao so bad bro
Isaiah Morales
The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel. and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides and a dark wind blows. the government is corrupt
and we're on so many drugs with the radio on and the curtains drawn we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine and the machine is bleeding to death
the sun has fallen down and the billboards are all leering and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles
Luke Reed
>Sub 20% bodyfat
>BMI of 24+
>Can at least jog for ten minutes
>Can do at least 5 pull-ups
Matthew Mitchell
Keeping going. Based BBC worshipper
Mason Thompson
would be afraid to fuck her (him?) i think i would just jerk off on to their face.
Joseph Smith
Fuck bros I really want a nice traditional white girl with no tattoos/died hair/piercings/makeup but something about alt sluts really gets me going.
Samuel Miller
Running a 5k in 30 minutes, ability to do some bodyweight exercises like 10 pull ups, 20 push-ups.
That's my baseline for being fit, you can always go above.
Adam Campbell
her tits look yummy
Jordan Cruz
I want a qt pure wife to take my seed and raise my children but I also want to marry a violet haired stoner girl with piercings
Alas, I have never had a conversation with a woman for longer than 1 minute
Xavier Nguyen
having abs
Jayden Ortiz
based Yas Forums bro
Dylan Taylor
Based Godspeed You! Black Emperor poster
Jose Turner
Wtf is going on with that hairline
Levi Phillips
please dont tell me that is the girl in ops pic. I dont want it to be but i kind of do.
Bentley Sanchez
Becoming the best version of you that you can be, shounen!
Tyler Bell
>tfw no Mileena tier gf to bite your cock off
Why bother living?
Oliver Mitchell
cringe and bluepilled
Adrian Carter
Holy shit I made it then
Anthony Nelson
Being an 80-year-old stud that bangs all the hottest 70-year-olds in the retirement home.
Tyler Moore
based brother
Ryder Wilson
Then congrats, user.
But you can always aim for greater heights:
>Made it
>Yas Forums
>In Shape
Aaron Wright
Jesus Christ you think jogging for 10 minutes is fit? If you cant get up and run 5k right now you're not fit, combat sports make you fit, weightlifting makes you strong
Jacob Walker
I used to be pretty fit, at the minute I'm carrying way to much fat, did a 5k in 28 minutes yesterday and can probably do 50 push-ups and 5 pull ups, but seriously I've got a chubby ass stomach at the minute
Kayden Nelson
*uses pokeflute*
Nothing perssonel
Kevin Richardson
What's going on with her hair,specifically above the forehead?
Christopher Carter
Look and fuck like a pornstar
William Smith
Extremely based
Julian Wilson
Jaxon Gray
I'm 30 and ugly, 1 of those unrecoverable sunken jaws
Isaiah Phillips
I personally think "fitness" refers specifically to cardiovascular health. You can be weak and fit or you could be strong and fit. Hell, you can even be fat and fit -- I've known more than one SF ODA guy who had 20-30 extra pounds but was operating as an elite endurance athlete. I just think it's most accurately applied to cardiovascular health. You wouldn't say a skinny dude who can't bench 1pl8 is strong, so you shouldn't say a dude who can bench 4pl8 but can't run a mile is fit. It just doesn't make any sense, and there should be words which discriminate between these two choices.
Lucas Campbell
Elijah Hernandez
Woops my bad ;^)
Colton Roberts
>not fat
>some degree of acquired strength/mass above your average sedentary human man
>reasonable cardiovascular health
in other words, okay diet and regular exercise