enjoying the home workouts so far. i think I'd go nuts if I didn't have dumbbells though.
>tfw no gf
enjoying the home workouts so far. i think I'd go nuts if I didn't have dumbbells though.
>tfw no gf
How can you not have a gf, are you poor? Come on man, you are making me sad.
You’re all arms, man.
if there's 2 things i hate on this board is wojackniggers and THEFEELWHENN NO GF :((( BOBOHOO kys
I make 8 times minimum monthly wage and co-own a real estate business, I'm not poor!!! Still no gf though
what are you doing here?
thanks chief
I hope your business doesn't suffer from this pandemic and that you get a gf soon, user.
How do you flex your back? It's hard to get a good angle for it.
google "how to make a lat spread"
>if there's 2 things i hate on this board is wojackniggers and THEFEELWHENN NO GF :((( BOBOHOO kys
Or you can marry your gymbro. Men are intelligent while women are useless. You could probably double or triple your income with your bestbud.
I've been doing exclusively upper body workouts every day for the last two weeks, hitting every muscle group for 5 sets. Best gains in a long time.
Aren't you the guy who said they live with two gay roomates?
Really enjoying my home workouts desu. Has forced me to be more creative as well as implementing a lot more bodyweight movements and even kettlebell shit
big daddy dick mode
6' 131
natty brah?
Aye and they're bros, I workout in the living room while they watch TV
6'1 160
Been doing exclusively weighted pushups/pullups for the past few weeks
i'll be your gf haha
>bulking for those sweet squat gains
>now 104kg
>people say to others in work i’d look great if i lost 2 stone (13kg)
>not sure whether to start cutting or maintain
>have decent homegym setup so can still progress on s/b/d
>also want to look good for holiday in 6 weeks (if not cancelled lol)
>6 weeks
Dude, you're like 30kg overweight. Only way you'll get semi decent in 6 weeks is 1g of dnp per day.
Currently 5’6 and 132lbs, about 30% bf if I’m being generous to myself.
Should I cut at this point and not worry about losing the little muscle I have?
Im sorry but you will need to lose, at minimum, 50lbs to look good. You should not have bulked.
I’m not too focussed on looks, like i just want to look good in a t shirt. It’s second to increasing my squat (210, aiming for 225kg soon).
Pic is me at 70kg, 30kg less is not a good look for me. Might just maintain then, no way am I going back to that person - started with a 45kg squat
Nvm I look like shit
god you sound like a total faggot, if you look/act like shit no woman is going to fall for you, you dont have a ripped body nor do you seem to have any unqiue character if you think you're going to get a genuine girl wit your retarded real estate. thought you were an underage teenager imo
Fuark, literally Rhino mode. Miring hard.
Were you naturally very stocky before you started lifting?
he's not
You look better here jesus christ
What have u done!? Ruined ur body to the meme strenght lifts+ bulk i see.
U look WAY better here.
Yes mate just maintain. Do whatever the fuck you wanna do fatty
179 Ibs
I'm trying not to lose my fucking mind. Gyms closed till potentially May, no sparring partners. Just this fucking dungeon and being an essential worker.
I will post again. I have no shame.
Doesn’t matter, you’re a shit skin manlet, too bad you’ll never find a beautiful mate feelsbadman
nigga clean yo shoes
You are cute, manlet
Did you forget to lift while bulking?
6'1" 173lbs
Job is very physical so I just go to the gym twice a week, three times if I can manage
Literally what was the point of this post? Do you feel better for putting someone down over something he has no control over?
Mirin'. Wish i had a good body so i could rock nerdy glasses like you.
boiiiii, other guys could wrap their whole hand around my arm in that pic, what is /cbt/'s obsession with being sub 15%bf. I squatted 45kg, benched 20kg when i was built like that. I was the skinny guy, now people ask if i played rugby cause i'm built.
meh i'd rather have a big squat than a gf desu. i look tiny in that pic, i'm almost 40kg lighter than i am atm. also added 170kg to my squat...
gonna maintain. No way i'm going back to those skinny days. if you're saying i looked better skinny please post body + lifts cause i'm not going back to being that weak.
For background, me+1 shift 200kg steel beams most days for work. before i wasn't even allowed near them, now people want to shift beams with me. You can talk about the strength meme all you want but strength will always be more important than looks for me.
squat 45->210
bench 20->110
dl 45->230
all kg
think i did alright
Like a baroque painting
I wasn't the one who said you look better skinny. I was the one that said you'll need at least 30kg off before you'd look decent. Good job on shifting steel beams matey. Sounds like a good job.
I'll give you that you'd probably not be able to squat as much being 80kg, but you'd look and feel better I reckon. You're just way too high man, looks unhealthy. Isley could squat high numbers with abs, I'm sure you could too.
I don't train for strength. I do a mix, care more about my heart these days. Lots of surfing in the summer and snowboarding in winter.
Mate Im happy that youre happy that youre strong and Im impressed with your lifts, but no one could even tell you lift from that first pic, your arms arent that big and you just look fat desu. If you truly care more about strength than looks then fair enough, but you could absolutely lose body fat, still be very strong and look good/feel healthy at the same time.
Keep working at it bro, I know it's tough with the lockdown but we're all gonna make it
>While they watch TV
You believe that? Do you have any idea how fast they would be on your dick if you hinted at it?
Thanks man. How long have you been lifting/physical?
I've had my job for 9 months now, lifting for about 2 since I moved to night shift and could manage my time better.
possibly but i spend so much time actually using the strength it'd be hard to regress. Isley could, but he also bloated a lot as well. I'm not too fussed on health desu, alcohol problem is gonna bring me down before anything lifting related lol. I might feel better but I think i'd look so much smaller on nights out, like i love filling out tshirts.
Decent job hahah, means i'm able to sort my own home gym equipment out in shite times like now.
maybe not online but in my gym i have a reputation for being a squat monster, like people know i look like shit but when my legs are pumped. Just wanna look good in a tee so can pull in nightclubs, but it's secondary to getting the national squat record haha.
thanks tho bros, support one another
Well i guess i have a few years of lifting to do. Cheers mate
good luck with the squat record brotha
and with the girl hopefully hahaha thanks man
Ignore my socks hanging up.
Natty as brah.
You look like a powerlifter
They are grey by design :(
can you post your routine?
nice socks bro
shooting for 170-175lbs hoping it will reveal some abs, lost 100lbs over 8 months and wont stop til i get that shit. corona changes nothing since i only shadowbox and use kettlebells/bodyweight.