
If you're reading this, get off your ass and do a murph. Post time.
>1 mile run
>100 pull ups
>200 push ups
>300 squats
>1 mile run


Attached: Murphy.jpg (1908x1531, 2.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is so arbitrary.

>Me Murph!
>Me like numbers!
>Me join JewJew army 2 shoot Bronze Age farmers!!!
>Me go push-up 100!!!
>100 BIG NUMBER boom boom
>me do 100 200 300 run run
>Me Big Jew Jew Go Run Run
>O no why dat farmer have big boom boom rifle???
>Me Murph go Uh oh!!!!
>Maybe welfare save Murph Murph!!!

>cardio and a zillion body weight reps with no progressive overload
CrossFit is only good for making you sweat. Literally no gains.

What is the point in 300 bodyweight squats?

you forgot to post time

you are progressing if you are completing the circuit in less time than before

Lmao nice weakling cope right there


Are these two in their early 40s?

Who is this?

Its a conditioning workout you retard. Its not for strength

Based and redpilled holy kek

My goal is to make a murph daily

>crossfit shit
Post pullup form because you probably did 0 reps.

Can I ask you a question about stds and sti

Regrettably, I can only do half Murph right now because I suck at push ups.
1 mile, 50 strict pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 1 mile. No weight vest. 35:05.
Will attempt 75/150/200 in two days

Attached: Screenshot_20200328-154550_Strava.jpg (720x906, 106.93K)


I had sex with a trap it gave me head and I smashed the trap butthole well after a few days my tongue turned white with bumps in the back

This dude was a fucking incompetent officer who should have never received a commission. He and his team decided to fast rope into an area via helicopters, not realizing that every fucking Afghan within a 2 mile range would know exactly where they were. They get ambushed by 5 dudes in pajamas and flip-flops and get wasted. One guy barely survives and has to make up stories about goat-herders and imaginary militias in the 100s.

The workout is fine, but worshipping babykillers is cringe AF

Answer me my guy

made me laugh

Ikr dude so retarded

you're some random dyel faggot on Yas Forums

shut the fuck up



Absolutely based.

>welfare clubs have sub categories now, you know!

Ive been doing 100 pull ups alternating with chin ups with 200 burpees alternating with navy seals everyday for the last week as a conditioning challenge. I might be crazy, but I had been training in a lower rep range obviously and I kinda feel like some hypertrophy is going on, also it´s hard as fuck. I was trying to be on the heavy bag as well but I was too sore for the last two days

you know you're supposed to wear a weight vest right op


>progressive overload
>in one session

hooyah they do. let me know how the bread lines work out while im collecting my $950 every 2 weeks fag

You tell me, you're the one used to waiting in line for handouts

its pretty automated at this point so i just kind of do my thing and get paid. Not to bad senpai

Good goy

Overall fitness >>>>>>> Progressive overload.
The only ones who say otherwise are the ones that have never trained for overall fitness. Broaden your fucking vision.

People with real jobs make double that, must be easy to cope with a room temperature IQ though. You'll change your tune when your friends die for Lockheed's shareholders, cuck


>draining the system makes you a good goy
Good goy.

90% of people in the USA make 15$ or less an hour.

im jewish

Why are you yelling slang about vaginas?

I make over double that, not my fault you have no skills and have to leech off of others who make shit pay too

I don't really care what you make.
Fact is user is making what 90% of americans are making and he dont have to do shit.

So a parasite, then


I know

Draining the system when the system is against you is a good thing.

My bowels got all jumbly jumbled from running for the first time in ages and I ended up MURPHing in my pants.

>unironically thinking an imperialist nation is against imperialists

baste, but also post time

Well whatever that means.
I'm mainly talking about how my taxes go to spics and niggers.

Go google how taxpayer money is spent smoothbrain, most of it goes to useless faggots in the DOD and up trust fund brat's noses

You are correct I was going to also put bureaucrats.

>most of it goes to useless faggots in the DOD
i can confirm that MUCH money does go to useless DoD faggots

Is this him?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28-20-05-22.png (1920x1080, 960.17K)

You wanna watch for yourself?

Imagine killing infidel that have invaded and killed countless of your country men.

My dogs name is Murph

Sandniggers are below chinks. Kill em all.

Why are SEALS such fucking liars with mental issues?

Rob O'Neil-Lies about being the guy that killed Bin laden and is not even welcome amongst his former SEAL Team Six colleagues. Got a DUI for falling asleep in his car after taking Ambien that he is addicted to because he's a pussy.

Chris Kyle-Borderline retard that makes up dumb lies that you would expect from a high school freshman, like knocking out Jesse Ventura, shooting car-jackers as if from some scene out of a Tom Cruise movie

Marcus Lutrell- pussy who runs away when his faggot team gets ambushed by a few KIDS in their pajamas. You can even hear his teammates screaming "Marcus! Help" in the taliban video of their attack. Then has to make up a ridiculous story about goatherders and how he and his buddies totally killed all these dudes but their bodies/weapons/blood just magically disappeared within a day.

what kind of dog
is he a virgin

Do goggins next.

>100 pull ups
Impressive if legit, but I bet people half-rep them