Virgin Gymcels

If this guy is virgin despite having a good body why should I keep trying?

The reason I got into lifting was to be more attractive go girls I literally lack 0 social skills and I just see my self ending up in the same path.

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Other urls found in this thread:





How is he virgin? He literally has a blonde gf? Stupid thread made by a fattie.

You shouldn't be lifting for vain reasons like that

You won't end up like this because you're a weak faggot who gives up before trying. If you don't want to lift then shut the fuck up and rot. Untermensch

based noodnol

The only way he is a virgin is if it is for religious reasons

wow another thread by the mentally ill manlet paki, when are mods gonna flush this shit

>The reason I got into lifting was to be more attractive go girls I literally lack 0 social skills and I just see my self ending up in the same path.
yeah you will be autistic still, but would you rather be an out of shape autist or a fit one?

unless this gf is made of sillicone nice try ahahaha

Not really. He has a gf.

You can see her in the right of this pic. There was an user that found his and shared those photos.

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Thé answer is between his hands


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>lifting to masturbate in a more expensive fleshlight

Not going to make it

wait is this guy the same guy in this video?

Yes I highly doubt he is virgin unless as the other user said " religious reasons" which is an acceptable reason.


>God I wish that was me

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I've never stepped foot in the gym and have never been physically active outside of skateboarding in my teenage years and early twenties, I'm 34 now and I've had sex with around 65 women. I specifically target women with few to no sexual partners and use experience and confidence as a means to get in the door. Currently in a relationship with a 23 year old woman who pays all the bills and I chill at home playing video games and fuck her brains out 4-5 times a week.

Your body has legitimately nothing to do with getting laid. It helps but in the grand scheme of just getting some pussy it means nothing. Don't use physical fitness as a crutch for a garbage can personality. If you didn't get laid before the gym you most likely won't get laid afterwards.

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Spoken like a true incel who's never set foot outside his basement. Nigger. Lift to fucking improve yourself. You make excuses because you're a fucking beta. I bet reading this makes you glow inside, you fucking groveling mess. Grow some testicles, get out there, and work on yourself.

just lower your standards until you feel more confident, getting experience and more life experiences. start making more female friends and learning how to talk, you will not be a virgin. i havent had sex until i was 24 because i was a little scared, its not a big deal, it doesnt change your outlook on life that much. focusing on yourself and general self improvement in your life is far more rewarding than worring about what other people think of you. eventually youll find someone in your life. the first step is improving who you are and what you can change.

Lowering your standards is a bad idea

>social skills
You must practice skills, retard. Go try to talk to people.

I rly hope he got a gf finnaly, do u still have the thread?
This dude always posted some cringe shit it made me sad

Look its the mutt posting cringe again

when did imgur become so garbage? it has a 18+ confirmation that doesn't do anything when you press yes

you fuckng faggot why do you want to see it?

Being fit is like being tall - it certainly helps but isn't necessary or sufficient by itself to attract women. The only thing you really need for at least someone to be romantically interested in you is personality. By all means keep making those gains, but work on your social skills too - they're necessary, not just helpful.

> muh personality lol. If u want to get laid personality is not even a top 3 on what you need.

Face> height > frame

Eh, I've always done ok with none of those. I guess it depends what you're looking for though - if you want to fuck different women all the time without attachment then I'd have to guess you're right, but I dig all the romance and feelings and shit too.

>You can see her in the right of this pic.

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Dude dont be retarded. Do you really think that the guy in OP picture has any dificultty getting a cute white girlfriend with his looks?

Do you even leave your house? I see good looking with white girls dating niggers that actually look like monkeys.

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>I lift to get girls because I have no social skills
>It's not working
>Guess I'll stop lifting
Here's an idea. How about you keep lifting and also build up your social skills, you colossal defeatist faggot?

>thinks that a virgin is someone who haven't had sex

Yea but can he pick up any black guys? No. Because black guys like tall strong fully grown men with fat cocks to stuff their tight asses with master cum

To mog everyone in heaven

>lifting for women

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Honestly off yourself

Where, where do u see that? Please give me hope
>inb4 nigger

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>some retard mutt DYEL has managed to turn himself into a meme and have others OBSESSED with him making threads in his honor

Legitmately kill yourslef.

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fuck off
Are u srs, i need to go to london then fml

Jerry Springer

In london white girls love black guys but if you are mutt then you are even better off. I see ton of decent mutts ( looking worse than op) dating blonde cuties that fags on Yas Forums would kill for.

Not sure if the same applies for other countries. I guess in USA is a bit similiar.

what about chadpreets? asking for a friend


Nope. Is very rare to see indians with cute white girls. It is even hard to find a good looking indian.

Beeing Indian is just over. Even if you somehow look good, you will still have the indian genes. Sorry for the blackpill...

This does not mean you should not try, just dont expect to have the same sucess as mutts do.

Dude I got into good shape and lost almost 50 pounds a couple years back. I'm tall 6'4, nice face and good body. I thought the same.

Turns out a lot of people that work out and do it as a lifestyle habit tend to have psychological issues as well and use fitness as a method of escape.

If you suck at life socially it doesn't really matter how good looking your body is. I was lonely for a long time even with a nice body. People will just want to fuck and not want a sustainable real relationship/friendship with you. I would try reaching out to people in other ways other than just having a 'nice' body. That isn't everything. People want someone with a nice personality too. :)

Most chadpreets have already started families with their 10/10 mary Poppins while blackfrogs are scrambling to flex for the one infertile white girl in the gym

Nt Pajeet. You obvious not from London.

Yea my but my side bitch is

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brah, you are almost too nice for the chinz

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Thanks man :) just speaking from the heart

You’re welcome

You don't deserve to lift.


you're a man with taste, although you're an annoying tripfag, i won't insult you this time.

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