Never Improve Thread

Post “Never Improve” pictures and comics

For some reason they keep me motivated to actually improve

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Attached: kondo how can white women even compete.webm (1280x670, 2.94M)

Right one is more attractive. Feminine body and skeleton and looks like she has a soul

could anyone have seen this coming

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i'm posting it

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This fag has some great cope/never improve material

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the cuck trilogy

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I love how you can just tell someone is autistic by how they draw

Who’s the beta fag who draws this shit?


>Why would you ever work out when you could spend that time painting classical artwork, visiting museums, reading classic literature, clay modeling, chiseling marble statues, free soloing 1000+ foot rock walls, making detailed aluminum miniatures, writing a children's book series, reading and completing philosophical essays based on the works of aristotle, homebrewing your own mead, competition cliff diving, composing symphonies, learning 4 languages, swimming with sharks in Australia, kayaking down the entire Amazon, visiting every glacier in North America, building electron microscopes, or aging fine cheeses?

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this man is our inspiration

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Imagine shaming someone for choosing to improve themselves


Checks out

i see the problem, he clearly forgot chest day

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>Never improve threads motivate me to stay fit

What’s the logic behind that?
Wouldn’t it have the opposite effect?

>says being_judgemental_is_bad.mkay
>next slide is him being judgmental
absolute cuck

This comic is the king of cope

It's nice to see that our enjoyment in physical improvement already puts us far ahead of the common masses. I'm just hoping OP doesn't get complacent because of it

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the best part of this is that you can do all that he mentions and still be incredibly ripped, it's not like you have to go more than an hour everyday, most people who look good go to the gym but also keep watch on their diet and eating habits which means if you don't have at least a 6/10 passable skinny body it's because your eating habits are complete shit which means you don't have a strong will which means the part where he says he could get fit if he wanted to is bullshit too because he doesn't have the will to have real discipline

Actually got worse lol

Why does this one seem the worst one to me? If this fag ever has children, that child is done for.

>won't even give him a hug

>belt goes around jacket/shirt

nah, it would be 50/50, even children realize how faggot their parents are when they go out to meet real people

> That fat the weight pulled piercing to the chin

No way

bad mom
good mom

cope... just go 3 times/week for 45 min and don't eat like a whale and you can be in better shape than 80% of guys, it only takes 2-5% of your free time and you can still pursue other things in the rest of your free time

>pushing that tub of lard against the childs head

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I fucking love threads like this
take this bump

>free soloing 1000+ foot rock walls
>building electron microscopes

>I can fuck around all i want but if women do it they're disgusting used up hoes

Kys incel i can promise that the guy who drew this comic is a fat dyel virgin


what's wrong with you guys

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If you met them in person you'd pick left

The video version of this makes me sad. The Chinese autist (not pictured) is clearly upset she didn't win (probably because being an athlete in China is brutal) and is just awkwardly standing there with some weird stuffed animal and a dejected poker face. Thanks for scrolling my twitter feed.

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Absolutely american.

yes, it's typical whale-in-making phenotype

is this possible? can anyone confirm

>World full of fat disgusting, selfish lards
>Ever increasing obesity rates
>We are the problem

hahaha who was dumb enough to make this

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the rage you get from this fuels workouts. people who improve themselves use these as reminders what happens when you give up.

>you guys


mirin quads though.

>soul vs soulless

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Thats not the point user, whores can be whores, the beta cuck who will settle down for a whore is the problem