Stop eating breakfast

Stop eating breakfast

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I eat breakfast and lunch but skip dinner.

Suck my weiner faggot

ok fatty

Without breakfast, you feel like shit and weak. Skip dinner instead.

ok fatty

ok fatty

ok dyel

I'd rather be dyel than a """"""powerlifter""""" who makes himself fat pretending to get strong. Weight training is a fucking meme. All you need is cardio.

No one who eats breakfast is actually a healthy weight

I agree with this. Being lean is all that matters, with or without muscles.

>Tfw skip breakfast and still fat

How’s the WiFi at the group home, tardo

Hows the cholesterol and blood pressure levels, tubby?

or just eat three balanced meals like a normal human being

you dont have to eat until your ready to pop at every meal you stupid fat fucks

ok fatty

im like 12% body fat

must suck to have shit genetics that you cant eat without getting fat

ok fatty

What board have you came from? Be gone, rookie.

Seethe, chubbyboi. Lifting is just an excuse to be a gluttonous fat fuck. Cardio keeps you lean and healthy.

Post body you dumb nigger

The digits say otherwise

Ya ain’t welcome here lil man. Go on boy, get. *claps*

>pretending to get strong
but they are strong?

or just stop eating at all

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That's what you'd have to do to never break your fast.

I wake up, don't eat anything for 4 hours, eat breakfast (normal, not fucking full british), then at 5-6pm eat second meal.

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I do and sometimes lunch but im pretty good

>No one who eats breakfast is actually a healthy weight
Meanwhile, in the real world, eating breakfast is correlated with better habits and a healthier body weight.

I eat when I'm hungry. Sometimes that's in the morning or sometimes that's later in the day, depending upon how much energy I've used. What's wrong with that?

Ok fatty

To examine the association between skipping breakfast, daily energy, macronutrients and food intakes, and BMI in pre-school children.

A cross-sectional study using information on children's food consumption and measured height and weight. Energy and macronutrient intakes of the children were derived from parent/day-care attendant's responses to 24 h recall interviews and eating behaviour questionnaires.

Data obtained from a representative sample (n 2,103) of children born in Quebec (Canada) in 1998.

One thousand five hundred and forty-nine children, with a mean age of 49 (sd 3.12) months.

Ten per cent of children ate breakfast on fewer than 7 days per week. This behaviour was associated with a lower diet quality and concentrated energy intakes through higher protein intakes at lunch and the consumption of snacks higher in energy and carbohydrate in the afternoon and evening; yet total daily energy intakes were not significantly different from those of pre-school children who ate breakfast every day. Breakfast skippers' mean BMI increased as intake of energy, carbohydrates or servings of grain products increased; however, this was not the case for breakfast eaters. When Cole's cut-off for overweight/obesity was used, overweight/obesity in breakfast skippers was related to the dinner-time consumption of approximately 3,000 kJ (700 kcal) or more for energy intake, approximately 100 g or more of carbohydrates, or approximately 3 servings or more of grain products.

Eating breakfast every day is associated with having a healthy body weight, likely due to a more even distribution of energy intake across meals throughout the day.

>A study done on fucking preschoolers with phone calls from their caretakers

This is why you should read every article these dumb niggers post. This has nothing to do with an adult in the real world.

>trusting jewish studies

who lets this kind of retards post?

>hahahaha this one study is irrele-
>*dies of a heart attack*

>trusting jewish studies

What is starvation mode?

Make that six

Yep, look at the horrifying kike that worked on this study.
Truly a hideous semite.

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It amazes me that boomers INSIST on spiking their blood sugar as soon as they wake up lmao

Among adults, skipping meals is associated with excess body weight, hypertension, insulin resistance, and elevated fasting lipid concentrations. However, it remains unknown whether specific eating habits regardless of dietary composition influence coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. The objective of this study was to prospectively examine eating habits and risk of CHD.

Eating habits, including breakfast eating, were assessed in 1992 in 26 902 American men 45 to 82 years of age from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study who were free of cardiovascular disease and cancer. During 16 years of follow-up, 1527 incident CHD cases were diagnosed. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate relative risks and 95% confidence intervals for CHD, adjusted for demographic, diet, lifestyle, and other CHD risk factors. Men who skipped breakfast had a 27% higher risk of CHD compared with men who did not (relative risk, 1.27; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-1.53). Compared with men who did not eat late at night, those who ate late at night had a 55% higher CHD risk (relative risk, 1.55; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.29). These associations were mediated by body mass index, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes mellitus. No association was observed between eating frequency (times per day) and risk of CHD.

Eating breakfast was associated with significantly lower CHD risk in this cohort of male health professionals.

>haha look at this study that shows fat fucks skipping breakfast and then eating mcdonalds for lunch, burger king for dinner, and a tub of ice cream for post dinner snack compared to the other group who at oatmeal for breakfast and lean meat+vegetables for lunch and dinner

Next you're going to post the study about gum disease being correlated with heart disease. If fat fucks can't take care of their teeth they definitely can't take care of their diet. Fuck off

Breakfast was literally inventef by Kellog, a jew, to sell you breakfast cereals that ruin your libido and kill your test levels.

Fucking retard

>Breakfast was literally inventef by Kellog
Yes user, Kellogg went back in time to ancient Egypt and convinced the workers there to eat in the morning, just to sell fucking cereal.
The statement I originally replied to was that no one who eats breakfast is at a healthy weight.
The study shows that those who eat breakfast are significantly healthier.

>nobody ate breakfast before they invented breakfast cereal

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Let me help you friendo

>In statistics, the phrase "correlation does not imply causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them.[1][2] The idea that "correlation implies causation" is an example of a questionable-cause logical fallacy, in which two events occurring together are taken to have established a cause-and-effect relationship.

There is no proper control. They just took males in three different generations and made wild assumptions based upon data. Let me give you an example of what a proper study would look like that MIGHT show a trend

>1000 men between 30-50
>500 eat Breakfast Lunch and Dinner with 50/30/20 macro split
>Other 500 eat Lunch and Dinner with same macro split
>Take vitals before study
>Take vitals 3 months/years/decades whatever the fuck

See how that works? You implement a CONTROL and test regularly. Not just draw random conclusions from how many fat fucks died during a period of maintaining contact

I weight 50kg I cant

Based and growthpilled

Nice job passing sixth grade science. Now read again.
"No one who eats breakfast is actually a healthy weight" is not a statement about causation, it's one about correlation.

Breakfast is just a meme popularized by Franz Kafka

Jew nonetheless

>Stop eating breakfast
I work for a living.

You don’t even know what a healthy weight is you skeleton

Nobody cares how far you can run noodle arms

THIS! Basado and rojopastillado
skip dinner you nigger

How the fuck can I eat then? Every meal would break the fast

This is fine if you're a NEET or a student but if you have to work every morning its good to get something in you. When I was working a wagey fast food job last summer if I skipped breakfast I'd just feel like garbage and really tired even if I was chugging back coffee.

I was biking 15mi round trip to work and work was moving. I'd have nothing but black coffee until lunch, sometimes until I came home (but usually I'd eat before the 7.5mi bike ride home). I got shredded. But I also went insane. Literally a psychotic episode. All that cortisol didn't help.

>Weight training is a fucking meme. All you need is cardio.
Post body skeletor.

But it's like the easiest way to do intermittent fasting

>not eating three full meals and snacking throughout the day


I haven't had breakfast lunch or dinner in 6 days

>be me
>eat breakfast every day
>not fat
I don't think breakfast is the problem user

Lol, no. Cardio makes you look like shit, fucks your knees, and only helps your cardiovascular system.

>tfw CICO

breakfast is good for you because sleep makes you run on stress hormones due to the fasting (and hopefully energetic rest) depleting your glycogen
in the end you will run less on cortisol and adrenaline and your body will be healthier, which leads to less inclination to store fat and more to build muscle, as well as a slightly higher TDEE and better overall health

i eat when i want to
