Protein Cycling

When we go low-carb or ketogenic, our energy first comes from the stored carbs in our muscle. It is the opposite way with protein since muscle protein can last longer than liver protein. During the first few days of a lower than normal protein intake, our muscles actually hold onto a good mount of protein while our liver loses some, enabling us to hold onto muscle .

Our protein enzymes now go from being up regulated to down regulated and after about three days protein degradation is actually lowered and creates better amino acid availability. All of this creates an anabolic environment for us to flood our enzymes with a high protein intake once we go back to consuming normal amounts.

During the low protein timeframe we had less available amino acids but still had maintenance amounts thus slowing down the oxidation of amino acids simply because higher then maintenance increases our oxidation of amino acids. It is also important to note that our body can recycle stored amino acids for more efficient use.


Attached: bracefacemelonloli.jpg (1080x1350, 189.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck, lace makes my dick so hard


lately i have been looking for porn, preferably amateur couples, where they kiss, and have sex in missionary position and i tell you bros, i have never seen anything hotter than that

the hand movements of the female as she hugs her man tightly, the little kisses planted on necks, ears and lips and when she spreads her legs to allow her man to go deep inside her and leglock him

there truly is nothing more beautiful than sex with true passion, affection and love

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Chinktoids are fucking hideous.

We get it, you’re gay


what cope? i am gonna have sex like that with my girlfriend after we marry

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damn dude i'd put a spree shooting mutt in her so fast.
I want to cum on her 2/10 makeup-less face.

>those massive cans

milky milky mommy
from the milky milky land
your tits are big
make my penis stand
milky milky land
of the milky milky mommy
pls come quick
I'm starving like a commie.

milky milky gimme ahaha

>when you cease to self insert as the male porn star fucking some vapid gash
>and instead self insert as a man in love

This was actually pretty sad to read, chief. wishing better days for you to cum


Attached: 7d09b2d556629634aa9efbe8375d0882.png (483x442, 133.13K)

>ywn have big titty asian mommy gf
why live

Whos that?

Attached: 1243634763.png (476x596, 635.72K)

I have her nudes

Attached: Screenshot_20200328-133747_Instagram.jpg (1080x2002, 945.38K)

Why do I have the feeling this milk truck is not asian but white that makes an asian face?


fug, it's plastic.
burn the bitch

what utter(udder lol) horror, she looks like a baby with huge tits. Explain yourselves, asians and weaboos, because this doesn't bode well.

Might as well look at a realdoll.

the fuck does it matter

>Putting plastic in any glorious milky
>Liking attentionwhores with fake tits.

you are a mistake. Kindly remove yourself.

well, I'm not the one whom you're addressing but I can explain my rationale on the subject
part of being excited by images we see online is fantasizing about pairing with the object of the image, copulating, cuddling etc.
when you find out it's plastic you realize that a. her genetics are not the source of her attractiveness
b. her tits feel like a beachball as opposed to a magically squishy bundle of ecstasy
c. they will move in an unnatural and unaesthetic way while she's being boned and shaken about, they won't float about and shift in that magical way that only real tits can

why is there a skull under the grey longslevve picture? What do those mean?

I dont know. Its 2 pictures that one and this one. She looks hit here

Oops this is the one

Attached: Screenshot_20200328-140625_Instagram.jpg (1080x1343, 672.58K)


You don't have to breed with them chill out bro some of us like busting a load over a pair of fat tits regardless of their contents


you don't understand.
a plastic filled tits means she is cheating. she is faking her genetics.
and she does so because she know the sexual appeal of tits.
this is like using cardboard to make your car look like a lambo.
it just does not work
I love tits, I hate the fact that I can almost feel my IQ drop to the floor when I see them, so I don't want plastic on them. the same way I wouldn't put plastic on a good whiskey or a good steak.

u gonna share or what

Yes user, coffee is good for you.

You are so fucking retarded I feel stupider for being in the same thread as you, holy shit

Attached: SmartSelect_20200326-164511_YouTube.jpg (788x606, 146.69K)

You going to link them retard?

Thank you

Why does she sound like a retarded chipmunk

desu she looks kinda retarded

The mouth ruins it

Braces are hot as fuck

It's ironic, because your pornography habit is driving you further away from the chance of experiencing that.

The only con of high protein intake in the long run are destroyed kidneys, however for healthy people even that is debatable(nephrologists all are dyels and eccentric).
t. doctor

She's a woman and an instagram whore with plastic surgery, of course she's retarded

who is this fake tits?

god thats so hot

God, I hate that retarded circled glasses trend.

>tfw anri is doing nudes again

Attached: ES4z3djU0AAEx_q.jpg (1538x2048, 420.34K)

Based and Lovepilled

My favorite japanese milk truck

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same but instead of lace huge tits

um link?
