Gym is shut

>gym is shut
>spiral into pits of depression and alcoholism

Anyone else?

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>table rows
>pull ups
>push ups
>calf raises
>squats with milk jugs
>bicep curls with milk jugs

The chinks aren't gonna stop me

>Pullups with milk jugs
>diet with milk jugs
>Pushups with milk jugs

Same here friendo. Men need exercise to be able to function, it’s normal to despair in this situation
I’ve been binge drinking and smoking for the past 3 days. I ate some bread and eggs just now and I’m about to start drinking again
Fucking lol at this virus. Nuke the chinks
The one positive note is that after this shit there’ll be a UBI in western europe and I’ll live like a hermit neet who does nothing but workout and write

Took a sucker punch to the gut today lads....

>Dad shows me a fraudulent text he got on his phone claiming to be from his bank asking for his pin
>hands me the phone for me to look at it
>he walks away and leaves me with his phone
>I click on his whatsapp messages
>there's a group chat with him, my mum and my sister...
>I scroll through some messages and it's all bad things about me
>"anons autism is playing up again"
>"he's scared to go outside because of coronavirus"
>"hes nuts"
>"I can't believe user did ____"
>tfw not even diagnosed with autism

What hopes do I have? No friends, no gf, wageslave job and I live with a family who bitch about me and resent me behind my back. I always thought they thought I was somewhat normal, guess not.

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I just fill the hole with more food and excercise. Is there a plan for a natty to cut on 5000kcal a day? My joints already hurt so much.

Never gonna make it fat loser

Did you confront them? Do you agree with them?

The answer for all problems

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Post body

Why does Jesus look like an anime girl in this picture?

The gym is the only thing that keeps my depression away, I feel like shit after not being able to lift for a week. Not bringing alcohol back to the apartment, I know that won’t end well

Lifting is the only thing that helps my depression. No meds and no amount of healthy lifestyle changes besides lifting do it for me. It's been killing me inside, fren. Yet our faggot governor in NJ leaves the liquor stores and dispensaries open.

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Same brother, I'm an autist and if one thing in my daily routine gets thrown off my entire day goes to shit.

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>The answer for all problems

Where to get toilet paper?


I am at EatingMicrowavedPorkSausagesWithBread levels of depression
>Tell people to ban chinks for years
>You can't say that user, it's racist
Suck my dick faggots, hope you're coughing out your lungs right now.

Move and leave the crabs behind. That's honestly my only conclucsion, I'm in kinda of a similar situation but corona fucks up my chances to get a job.

Didn’t realize I was an addict until it closed. I guess that’s the process all addicts go through

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>Week 1: Drink every day
>Week 2: Drugs every day
>Week 3 (current): Caloric restriction, body weight exercises, and comfy walks in the quiet outdoors every day
Feels good.

Still waiting you inbred. Guess (You) were the fat loser after all

>not having a good set of resistance bands

Rust Cohle does pull ups using a doorframe pull up bar. Don't be a bitch, Martin

But then I'll literally have nobody in life, my Dad and sister provide some company at least, they are the only family I have.

I cant admit to looking through his texts, desu I thought my normie mask was pretty good but obviously not.

>But then I'll literally have nobody in life
You already have no one

stop coping

I mean they are just being polite I don't think you can actually count on them as company. Move out find a gym with some like minded people and maybe go to bars or sth and make more friends.

Irionically I actually have almost entirely stopped drinking, NEET life is pretty cozy especially with my Trudeau Buxx otw soon

Homegym masterrace. Even if quarantined, my gains are secure.

>Trudeau Buxx
>How are the Americans handling this crisis?
>Ok copy them
>Add fifty thousand barrels to the strategic Maple syrup reserve
>And call my wife. Tell her I said, "sorry"

>nothing snooty

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>suck on milk jugs

>Move out find a gym with some like minded people and maybe go to bars or sth and make more friends

I'm far too far gone for that

I was in a similar situation. When possible you need to leave and become fully independent, not relying on anyone.

I don't have any money from my wageslave job though

I love how Yas Forums loves to spout all this bullshit about discipline>motivation but their “discipline” disappears the moment they face adversity.

you and you alone are responsible for your life, unless you are mentally disabled you have the ability of change your situation through hard work. Instead of spending your free time chasing temporary dopamine highs use it wisely to better yourself. Learn a trade or finance and live as frugal as possible to save money. My flatmate is a 360lbs mess who blames everybody but himself for his financial and physical situation, take responsibility for yourself and change your life user, then people will respect you.

Do cardio and calisthenics until it opens up again you pathetic coomers holy shit

Just start doing some boxing m8
I recommend your nearest slant eye as a punching bag

just move out and grow up, never tell them why. I believe in you user

>drinking alone at home

People do this?


It's the only time I drink

Got a ton of different sized rocks, a kettlebell and a fixed barbell at home, so I still follow my usual schedule. Its not the same though and I've found myself having a beer or two on some days more often than usual. Haven't gone full binge drinking yet though, even if on some days I'm really tempted to.
Its only a matter of time though. I love alcohol and its only a matter of time until I go on a bender.
I've noticed how all the self doubt and vitriol seems to come back even after my first couple of beers. Never noticed when I was having a bottle of whisky or two a week.

Yes, I honestly prefer drinking on my own rather than a group of people, unless its with some chick I'm trying to bang or a friend who's used to my rambling and shit when I'm drunk.

I drink at home alone all the time, are you 12?

Same here brother. Replaced the gym with Athlean's home workout program (I do it in the park) and running. It's keeping the gainz stable for now, and I have my housemates with me.
But I still feel empty inside. I miss that goddamn barbell and the dumbbells. Lifting those 2pl8s for reps. The OHP contests I had in my mind with another one of the gym's autists. The bad thoughts are coming back again and I still have only found meaningless hookups and no relationship.

But at least I've started to appreciate the outdoors much more; I think that once this whole mess is behind us I'll incorporate 1-2 bodyweight park training sessions in my workout.

Yeah it's fun, sometimes a tomboy 19 year old girl from Tinder will join me because she can't buy her own alcohol.

don't worry autism bro, part of getting swole is leaving humanity behind. You have no need for friends, gf, a job, or a family. Just keep lifting and everything else falls away.

Shit that didn’t happened

>gym closed
>shops closed
>apartment is literally 2 rooms, bedroom and kitchen, no space to workout, nothing to workout with
>no milk, no whey, no creatine
>losing gains by the day

A pedophile, an alcoholic, and a criminal buying for underage? Lol at your life

I miss barbell deadlifts and squats, romanians and goblet squats with low weight isn't the same.

No because I have an iron will

I'm more depressed because I'm stuck at home with my parents who take out their anger on me. My dad calls me useless and stupid even though I'm fit, run a successful business and am generally doing good in life. They constantly fight.

I was just about to move out. Now I'm stuck for god knows how long. I can't even fly out to another country to relax for a week. I can't even meet up with people for a chat. If my country decides to stop us from even leaving our house, I don't know how I'll cope.

I went from close to complete independence - to being stuck in a negative, crab-bucket household for the foreseeable future. Fucking. kill. me.

>I went from close to complete independence - to being stuck in a negative, crab-bucket household for the foreseeable future.
I know that feeling too well bro. Everythings got an end date, you'll pull through. One day at a time.
Fucking sucks dick though

Weird, I went through the same cycle. It took a good 1.5 weeks to realize how awful no responsibilities or routine really is after bring ""free"" from them.

>tfw my dad's (high functioning) autistic but I'm not
I got a lot of shitty genes from his side of the family but 'tism is one bullet I dodged.

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>hey pops I looked through your texts, I know it was wrong, but it's also for the rest of my family and my blood to run their mouths on me. What have I done to deserve this? I demand an answer or you will lose my respect.

Who cares. Move out and you don't ever have to see them again. And your dad sounds like a retarded nigger if he needs help figuring out if a text message asking for his SSN and date of birth is a scam.

>had dream last night about going to the mental ward
>getting checked in
>walking past the rooms/hallways
>the names of the halls are "lifters" "meatheads" "roiders" "other disorders"
>all I feel is anger and pride
>excited I'm about to meet some gym bros
>wake up feeling like I worked out for 10 hours straight

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But goyim, alcohol and weed are essential buisness.

This (), you can only rely on yourself in this cold cruel world. Hard lesson to learn but now you've learned it.

>I cant admit to looking through his texts
Pussy. Autistic AND low test.

>Yas Forums is one person


I LITERALLY live in a 8.5x9.5 ft room, around 4ft by 6ft is taken up by a twin sized bed, on the other side is a 1.5ft wide by 3ft long tv stand. that gives me about 4ft by 6ft to work out, and I can still lay diagonally on the floor to do pushups, or use the bed for situps and other bodyweight workouts. I do fucking squats and wall sits in the shower. only thing I can't do is work out both arms at the same time because I don't have enough weights, but those are coming in the mail in april.

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