Can a good body offset the pain of having a small peepee?

Can a good body offset the pain of having a small peepee?

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Most people are growers. I only fucked one dude in uni (otherwise only girls) but his shit was like 3in and grew to 8.5. Before you ask, I measured.

literally makes it worse. makes you look like youre compensating
ive never been able to commit to working out because i have a giant dick and even with my skinnyfat body women cum all over it

Fuark that guy's joocy

seriously, how can white boys even hope to compete?

haha, ngl. This sounds pretty gay

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It wasn't bro, I swear

that's one thick boy
mirin' hard

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yeah it can, but not directly. it just gives you more confidence. i'm not super jacked but jacked enough for girls to initiate flirting at parties. this never happened before i started lifting.

Imagine using your dick as an excuse to not workout.

He could be an extreme grower, not a shower.

goal body

including the peepee?

dont need to imagine, i literally do it. the whole reason most guys work out is because they want to look good so women will fuck them. i dont need to so the motivation just isnt there

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inb4 mutts law

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Lying cunt, I have a big dick as well and I stay at the gym, at this point it’s not even about me, it’s about all the benefits and profit, this is the only body I’ll ever have and it deserves the improvements the gym provides.

Legit, whenever I work out my dick shrivels up like I've just taken an ice bath. I have no idea why, I'm pumped, feeling good, but my donger shrinks to its absolute most minimal whenever I'm training hard. Maybe thats whats going on in this pic? Can anyone relate?

So you're so confident about your large penis and ability to please women that you spend your time telling anons on a fitness board you browse despite not lifting?

Where my /5.1inchbros/?

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No it's just gonna make it look even smaller

Eh. You really can't judge the size of his dick looking at it soft. In all likelihood, he's got an average size, so if the peepee comes with the package I'd take it.

pretty much, yeah

Literally you are the one confirming what you just posted.

good for you dude, sincerely. i just dont have the motivation especially when girls tell me theres no point when i have a hog between my legs

Don’t hold your breath so much

Swole body with average sized but smaller looking penis is worth it.


Sounds like broscience to me but will give it a go

All the blood is flowing elsewhere. I get this when I run. The cold and running is a bad combo.

Anxiety and adrenaline shrink the pee-pee. It's an obvious evolutionary response, if you're going into battle or wrestling a predatory animal, you don't want your shit flopping around where it can get injured or severed. Most dicks will retract under stress, or cold water as Costanza explained. I seriously hope you guys don't not know this. It's also why "stimdick" is a thing, your body thinks you're going to a bloody war but you just were doing drugs in some shitty bathroom.

How gay is Yas Forums to think a guy should have a semi or be rock hard when he’s about to wrestle another man?

he´s not even that small. probabaly just cold there

I knew I wasn't the only one. It's worse than dumping my cock in an ice bath

What other hobbies do you think are beneath you? Do you alt-tab to /o/ to tell them cars are for fags and that you are transported from point A to point B purely by sheer force of vaginal contractions?

I'd pick a 4incher with a body like that as opposed to a 7incher with a skinnyfat dyel body any day
girls only see your dick after you're alone with them in a room :)

i dont think its beneath me, i never said that. i just dont see the point and cant get the motivation to do it

right here bud feels alright

Yo. Once I drop weight it’ll get better, but I don’t give a fuck really

Then why are you on Yas Forums? If you don't see the point in working out, what was your purpose on clicking on the board?

Your oxygen gets low and the body doesn’t find your dick important enough to keep it filled with oxygen while flaccid, your body’s concern is the heart and brain.
Read between the lines, man, I’ve heard that shit so many times... many female co-workers thought that I was body compensating until I fucked 3 of them and 3 others wanted to see and only touch because they had boyfriends, don’t listen to women who didn’t birth you.

It's not gay to be aroused when pressing your body up against another male's tight, conditioned, delicious body.

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He’s probably pussy-whipped.

shit man idk

he probably has an above average dongle and 0 work ethic, so he just copes by telling himself the women who said "ommgggg it's soo big!" to him were telling the truth
t. 7.75x5.5 and still lift, because it objectively leads to an improved quality of life

It does not reverse a circumcision or make you taller

Wtf, are you me?

and people try to tell me wrasslin is not gay

no, i am the other man who lives in your head
we are one
we must kill
we must lift
clean your fucking room

It's not though

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He's just a grower stop hating

that pinecone might grow into a fuckin sequioa when aroused
he's got adrenaline pumping, his blood is filling his muscles. don't you know about athlete's dick? I'm 7.2inches but right after the gym my dick is shrunken up into a knobby little 2 incher

That doesn’t make me feel better faggot. He’s nearly as big as I am hard while being flaccid.

why are their legs so small

they are gay

Here bro. I have three girls on rotation but the pain is still there. Fucks with my confidence.

I refrained from wearing certain shorts at the gym because of it.

i bet your pee pee is cute

Tfw 5'9"club, 5.1in club and 6.3in wrist club
Also 208lbs
God damnit, why did I have to be a fat kid?
I could have at least been a twink. I would have preferred that over being fat.

people just dont understand man,let them cope

WTF? I have the opposite problem, pumping iron somehow acts like a penis pump for me. I once got hard enough to leak precum just from doing pushups, actually I think I even ejaculated as well.

thats hot af