How's my form? I'm new to deadlifts so is there anything wrong with my technique or positioning?

How's my form? I'm new to deadlifts so is there anything wrong with my technique or positioning?

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What's it like being black?


looks like a deadlift/rdl/goodmorning hybrid.

Huh? What do you mean

What's an rdl


Ooh ooh ahh ahh you fucking nigger animal. Fuck you and your race of subhuman niggers, fuck Obama, and fuck Lincoln

It's not bad. Bar is a bit further out from you than it could be but otherwise it's grand.

You've a beautiful back but it could use some whipping.

look fine
you are wasting energy dragging the bar that far into yourself but i get why you do it
use a shorter distance and set your hips quicker

Looked easy, put a more challenging weight and I doubt this kind of setup will get you very far. You shoulders (kinda hard to see from this angle) looked way over the bar.

I mean how do you live your life as a person with African lineage?

I'd say it's alright, what's it like being a slav on the other hand.

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why you roll the bar like that? can't you just reach down and grab it?

Negros are still massively impressed by the wheel so it rolls the weights in admiration


I dont understand the question, what are you trying to imply?

I found that it helps me get into position by tightening up my hamstrings and core. It doesn't waste energy at all.

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lmoa that's a good one

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You are black

OP doesnt even know why he rolls the bar in
you do it to set up the mechanics of the lift
to be step one and get you into doing the lift
for me i did pull it in as step one, step one was sit down

it is for cues


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the deadlift is a leg press but for a lot of people you want cues for it
to fire separate things in order to do the actual hard part of the pull
what im saying is that rolling the bar into you is actually extremely good as a cue but also it has the bar as close to you as possible, which is the key to the whole lift

ok thought you were copying eddie hall or Benedict magnusson, who do it beacuse with their gut and deadlift suit they can't reach down to the bar at their ankles, they literally have to roll it to get into position.

absolutely not why rolling the bar into you is something they do

Maybe a slightly wider foot stance but good job in any case

Hey pablo, hows it going?

I just tend to find it more difficult picking up a static bar compared to one that is rolling and in motion. I wouldn't be doing it if it didn't actually help me. I never did this when I pulled with mixed grip but now that I strictly lift with double overhand and straps I do it more.

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>the deadlift is a leg press

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the ideal foot distance is to set your feet like you are being tasked with jumping as high as you can
that is your foot distance for conventional deads and squats

it is the best way to think about the lift, yes
mechanically it is pretty close, too. you dicksucking fucking queer. i am giving advice that gets paid for and you come out of your mouth with this

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thats what all the bros who do compete in strongman and equipped powerlifting have told me, seems to be a pretty common consensus.
why do you think they do it?

Yikes, post body and dilate wh*toid

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Try to "fall" backwards while holding the bar, this will make sure the bar is closer too your nigger body during the lift and easier to keep the hips slightly further down, so that you take advantage of the leg drive.

if it works for you mate go for it

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good advice also uses your bodyweight as leverage like a deadlift jack. you'll find that you have to start at about 2pl8 to warm up if you learn to do this properly

I just tried doing that wh*toid and all it did was minimize work done by the back by setting my shoulders too far behind the bar.

keep the bar still, using the momentum of the roll is not only cheating but also a good way to get hurt

Wtf no it doesnt. I weigh 67kg, how is that technique supposed to work for me.

thats the point nigger, just put more wheels on the bar, it will then be heavier for the back.
sounds like you dropped your hips too low, try leaning back from the ankles if that makes sense, instead of by lowering hips like a squat

You're welcome for electricity and permanent structures you stupid animal

>Hurr durr squat your deadlifts bro cuz it's easier and shieeet

you start with your hips too close to the ground, try having your legs closer to the bar while standing straight that will put you in better position where your hips should be, ideally your hips shouldnt have to move too much while executing deads.
skip 10 mins in difficult to explain without visuals you'll get it mate

What's it like having to put your subhuman language through google translate in order to understand what people are saying here kek

>too your
Nice grammar.

Die nigger

Stop rolling the bar.
Put the barbell over the middle of your foot (look at it from the side, not from the top) and then get in position.
Pull on the barbell slightly and feel all your muscles activating, but don't pull the barbell up yet. Then do the valsalva and pull.
Keep your neck in line with your back (look down).
Try not to let your hips raise before you pull.
Slide the barbell over your shins and thighs.

Just google starting strength 5 step deadlift setup and do that.

RDL is Romanian Deadlift

i would try coming up to the bar rather than rolling it into you but other than that the lift was fine.

Fucking kek!!

I THINK you're using your back too much - try bending at the knees more.

You first, wh*toid.

Sorry buddy looks like your race is the one that’s dying while you seethe online


You prefer yours for the upcoming race war? Lol enjoy it, also stop rolling the bar static bar is a deadlift

Seriously tho why are modern wh*tes such pussies.

He isn't op retard, I am. And there won't be a race war so keep fantasizing about it in your one bedroom apartment fag.

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Didn't say he was nigger. Yes there will be, nice back bro

Me btw

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Looks Norwegian desu

Thanks for the compliment wh*toid but realistically, considering the situation that most Euros are in and other whites in countries like America, a "race war" isn't even plausible. Most whites aren't radicalized and are too comfortable in their ignorance to actually band together and get things done. Most of them already adhere to civic nationalism anyway. Yas Forums doesn't speak for all the white normies that they desperately need to radicalize.

If you're that brown and from eastern europe then youre a gypsy.

>there won't be a race war
Lmao you apes will wish you spent your food stamp trade ins on guns instead of nikes dumb fucking animal nigger

I never said I was from eastern europe. Google translate isn't the most reliable form of communication you know.

>t-the race war is real!
Is there a bigger cope?

Based Orthodox Ethiopian