What am I doing wrong lads :/

What am I doing wrong lads :/

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>good thanks and you (4th massage)

>kinda losing my shit in the queretine bs, can't wait to go outside, you dig ?

You forgot to send her your penis

yeah I'm thinking this is based

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Based. You're doing it right. Keep going.

leanna BTFO

wow man you're pretty good at this keep it up

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>What am I doing wrong lads :/
Posting old pictures

wow epic thread lad haha wow omg you're so crazy LOL this was hilarious do you mind if I screen cap this entire thread lol or should i just take the OP pic related haha lol omg i am still laughing can't believe you posted this haha now THIS is Yas Forums i swear this site is the ride of my life wow lol it should come with seatbelts, topics like that omg you're insane bro lmfao would love to be your roommate or something just to see the crazy shit you get into lol haha plz do us all a favor and start writing a sitcom or something because this is almost too much lol

btw why did you edit out the matched on date? did you want us to not recognize this meme from 2016

lol you're so crazy bro lol

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If you're not getting her number or showing her your dick by the 4th message, it isn't gonna happen. Girls have enough men in their inbox that they don't need to waste time with a drip

would you guys message her? 1/?

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shut the fuck up frog
coffee is disgusting

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>I've very educated
The way women so shamelessly pat themselves on the back is the worst.

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Uh oh

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You can be 100% sure you also "dont live up to her standards"

She has a couple reasons I'd give her a try

would you slide into her dms?

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i dont get this coffee meme
is it supposed to be condecending like the "um sweaty" shit?


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>starts with hey
>gives no openings for conversation

I know this is a bait image but literally 80% of men actually do this shit and it’s fucking annoying. at least fucking try to say something

>wants to be lied to

this one seems pretty cool

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>single wine aunt

Such as?

your calves are probably lagging behind

>never been married
>no kids
unless she is a unicorn i do not belive for a second that she hasnt either got mpd/schizo/some other serious mental illness, or has been riding the cock carousel for the past 25 years and now wants to 'settle down'
i mean i suppose at least she practises safe sex


>wants kids one day
egg basket empty

sorta yeah.

this is a man

Is bumble full of cute milf sluts? I dont use it

this is one fit bird

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Its making fun of women and sois that think its funny to say "omg i cant even until ive had my coffee"

>imagine boasting about having no inside voice
literally NPCs


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if she said she was late 20s I'd believe her



Try to give out SOMETHING for the woman to comment on. There's a big difference between:
>"Hey, how are you?"
>"Hey, look at this dog that came up to me on the street"
If a girl is not interested, she'll ignore both messages either way

>fluent in sarcasm
fuck anyone that says this shit

>the whole concept of women is that women message first
>every message starts the same way “hey” “hi” “what’s up” etc., then it’s back to normal, balls in your court
Funny how they criticize guys for our opening lines on tinder, but when forced to message first they do the exact same shit. It’s all so tiresome

>no inside voice
imagine not having bicameral mind

Should have said “conceit” of “bumble” but I’m fucking phone-posting, sorry kings

>look at this dog that came up to me on the street
pajeet detected

It's surprising how many people, regardless of gender or age, are fucking awful at conversing. Like, some people are basically Yas Forums anons that do go outside

Prime milf, don't care if she's 40 would fuck and impregnate until the eggs literally run out.

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God I hate non-virgin women

This "king" meme makes me laugh every time I see it here and I don't know why. Maybe I should start kingposting.

im fluent in sarcasm user ;)


kings don't laugh at other kings. only simps


>40 years old
>want someday

but seriously how does someone end up like that?

kings laugh with other kings

Sorry man your a bit too late

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hold your chin up, king

thank you king

what's up with these near or above 40s that want kids?
do they not realize they're time for that is up? how sad.

>wants kids
Surely as a medical professional she should know she will never have kids.

She's saying she's loud retards not that she doesn't have an internal voice.

Still wouldn't though.

this is based. next message should be sexual. she already decided if she wants you to fuck her or not. might as well get straight to the point

fuck yes

women really think drinking alcohol is a personality trait. hallmark degeneracy

yep, I'm thinkin' I would.

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Sad they wasted their entire lives being brainwashed by the feminist left into thinking they need to be strong and independent women, thinking that they can just sleep around on birth control for years while "advancing their careers" instead of "just being a boring old housewife!"

Now they are reaching the end of their cycle. The wrong side of 30, 40, every day closer to death's door, Their wombs soon to dry up and even if they could have kids now they would come out autistic/health problematic/retarded. And now of all times, is when they realize what they really wanted from life is to get married and have kids. Way too late. And these girls are probably super pretentious bitches that will turn down 95% of their potential mates because "they aren't wealthy enough" or "they aren't up to my standards" while still being desperate.

Truly feminism only hurts women. These girls will never have what they wanted or were made for. Truly a sad sight.

I fucking love the king meme. Women started calling each other queens in the mid 2010s but it always seemed strange and you never knew when they really meant it.

But when a fellow king acknowledges you as a king, you can know that there's something genuine there behind the irony.

i bet she gives good blowjobs

Why are you guys even on these apps? the hoops the girls make you jump through just for the opportunity of a boring date are insane.

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That pic is filtered to oblivion user, not a good sign.
Nah bro she's still got a few left in her, even if one or two go bad, gonna be raising me a swole downie.
Look at the mainstream narrative, and how it heavily demonizes family and child birth, and sells the idea that you can be and do whatever you want yolo, you think women are taught or told that their biological clocks are ticking?, it doesn't fit the narrative, hell most don't even know they'll flat out lose their ability to conceive.

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That's my every conversation. Fuaarrk


stay woke king


Fuck off poltard, life isnt about having children and staying home all day kys.