Are these a meme?

are these a meme?

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Actually the best way to train abs

are you retarded?

>yes I have retard strength how did you know?

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hotwheels :))))

Op's image is not L-Hangs or L-Sits.

Every time I use these my abs ache for days so I guess, yes of course, they fucking work something at least dude

I'm not a fan. Too easy, even when following all the proper form instructions. There are so many more effective exercises you could do.

then you arent doing it properly or your abs are already giga strong

how do you "L-Sit?"

maybe it's just a dip with your legs in a sitting position

I'm not google you dumb fucking zoomer

This, most people use their hips to do the movement instead of their abs. It's a meme but Athlean X has a good instructional video on how to use it properly.

I was going to reply to that guy with what you said and "post timestamped abs" but I guarantee you it's just another mudskin that thinks he is hot shit because he doesn't have proper form.

>you can only ask questions to google
How's being asocial working out for you?

Get in the habit of finding knowledge for yourself. This is especially required on Yas Forums where if you don't dyor you will get memed into some life-ruining shit.

lol, retards only the green wheel works

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Asking people things is finding knowledge. If everybody used google instead of asking people on the internet then how would google link them to pages where somebody asked somone on the internet?

It takes 10 seconds to Google what a fucking l sit is nigger, are you 90

Attached: Basic-L-Sit.jpg (1000x563, 296.1K)

>dumb fucking zoomer
>are you 90
I'm somewhere in between the two.

Asking people stuff on Yas Forums is a good way to get fat and waste time doing sub-optimal trash now do your L-Hangs boy.

We hate fat people. A guy could have the perfect physique but with 20% body fat and we'd tell him that a dyel mogs him. Not one word of serious advice on this board will make you fat.

No. You can get 2 and become a human bike. It's fucking cool.

>Not one word of serious advice on this board will make you fat.
You're new as fuck. Stay a while and listen to morons talk about the laws of thermodynamics and completely ignore hormones.


Got this same ab roller for $3 at a garage sale and used it today for the first time

Feels like I got a baseball bat to the stomach.

I NEVER get ab doms. Hanging leg raises, weighted decline sit ups, all the usual shit.

Ab doms within hours

Highly recommend

>Guys here will advise you to not consume more energy than you expend
Yeah, like I said. Won't make you fat.

I will also add:

I had to roll out from my knees to get totally rolled out/horizontal. Trying to do this from your toes rolling all the way out and getting horizontal is damn near impossible without mega strength.

>within hours

You brought it up you lazy, stupid piece of shit.


>vroom vroom.

Attached: fuckcycle.png (958x387, 43.3K)

Best reply. They're an amazing tool but many people use the hips or turn them into an inverted chest pullover. Watch the video and make the Halloween cat.

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s-someone else does this? wtf

Try them from standing up all the way to horizontal. Yes, works great.

heh wheelets

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No u retard it only gives +14 nature resistance

Just do squats.

Are you doing them standing up or on your knees?


What hormones break the laws of thermodynamics

Speaking of memes. I want to get some pvc pipes and make push up handles because my wrists are starting to feel weird. But there is quarantine..

your mom loves my rock hard abs

for real tho, used to be I couldn't do a single rep with an ab wheel, but now that I can squat 3pl8 ab wheel is easy.

>doms within hours

bro you fucked something

>Too easy
>even when following all the proper form instructions

Then you're not doing them properly.

Try from your toes, arms fully extended, I'll wait. If you're that good try , link related:

what's with the fucking music? dude's only using an ab roller kek

>what's with the fucking music?
It's a boomer thing. music is cool though. Only 0.1% of Yas Forums can actually do the last variations he did, they're pretty tough.
Even harder variations.

which one? he has like 30

Yes. If you can plank for 5 minutes and do 20 dragon flags, these things are laughable.

Try it out and then tell me if its a meme

no, its a really good ab workout and the stretch feels amazing when your abs, back or chest is sore

This is easily the best ab exercise available.

literally only feel it in my arms and shoulders instead of my abs even with autistically following form. i just stick to hanging leg raises now

Im nothing special - deadlift 150 kilos, bench a bit over 100, ohp over 70. You know, kind of built.

Yet these man... These take something else. Try them out, they"ll kick your ass the first few times.

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And if you feel like only your arms and legs are being trained using one, then you're probably doing it wrong. Keeping your hull straight so your spine won't bend is the main goal, which makes your abs stronger.