Gym closed over the flu

Is this a fucking joke? I refuse to believe this isn't a dream. EVERY gym is closed INDEFINITELY because of the flu????? Im supposed to just LOSE all my muscle i've built over the years? For fucking what?????? What happened to freedom?

This is such fucking BULLSHIT

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Can't believe someone gets to place his nose betwixt the buttcheeks of the girl on the right every single day.
>tfw virgin incel NEET (proud racist, though)
I would give everything to just have an hour to sniff and lick her reeking asshole, why is life so unfair, it makes me fucking furious

first off, not a flu
second, learn to train at home and diet correctly
third, COPE

if you lose all your muscle over not workin out for a couple months (not even this, just work out at fuckin home) you're fucked up.

If you did proper strength based workouts for years, then you wouldn't lose much strength over this time period.

But you didn't, because you're a dumb weak phaggot and train for ~~aesthetics~~

Those who win in life are those who adapt to changing circumstances and present solutions

>these two women have never exercised a day in their lives
>eat like shit and joke about it
>OMG becky I need like MORE CARBS lol!!! haha!!!
>totes Rachel, omg DONUTS lol we're SOOO fat!!!
>both have fuckin 10/10 bodies that paypigs would send paychecks to just to hear "thanks Brian!!" on the cam site
>constantly monitor my fitness pal
>weigh in every morning
>never miss a workout
>autistically record my sets reps and rpe
>have an alarm to wake up AND go to bed
>carry around a nalgene bottle because it measures water level and i'm on CREATINE
>still look like shit

Unfortunately, gonna have to go with left.

God give, Gid take

back to /pol9k/, resentment-fueled incel victim

takes longer than a week to see results pal

With the brapper on the right I'd be thousands just to hear my name said over a Twitch stream.

Absolute phag

imagine the smell of her butthole, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


right one definitely squats, look at her quads. her ass is also a bikini competitor off season ass, slightly angular because of muscle but rounded by a layer of fat.

hello Brian :)

Based ass conisserueruer

oh, you have it so hard! poor guy!

Pssst... This is a message from Homegym masterrace...


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i know these are just meme threads but if anyone here actually acts like this, you are autistic.

ur so cool

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used to follow the one on the right on ig but the posts about “self care” with her ass and cameltoe obviously showing for likes got a little cringe

Get good you degenerate piece of shit.
Right is fucking ugly as well as having cankles.

I think its kinda neat that women realize we wanna see their pussies and realize what they have to contribute.

If only simps didn’t reward them it’d be perfect

Report simp threads.


>I think its kinda neat that women realize we wanna see their pussies
can't stop laughing at this for some reason

first off its a coronavirus, the same type of virus that spreads the flu so it is a flu you fucking retard it's just a highly contagious flu


This is the only SNIFF meme I’ve laughed at

>EVERY gym
My gym is still open tho

American education everyone

A-user, I don't know how to say this... But influenza is an orthomyxovirus, not a coronavirus, and you're a dumbass. Upper respiratory virus != coronavirus



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Many women have life on easy mode but nothing you can do about it, so do your best for yourself

I feel bad for you man. I'm just sitting here trying to quantify in my mind what a vast sum of money that a set of weights must cost in America that no one on this board can afford to buy any. What does a bar and some plates cost over there? $10,000? $15,000?

Slave morality: the post

You can’t be this dumb, either this is bait or you are genuinely retarded

Virus is just another (((hoax)))
Hopefully normalfags will finally wake up

Thanks dad, you're right

>He doesn't know how to workout at home.

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>I would give everything to just have an hour to sniff and lick her reeking asshole, why is life so unfair, it makes me fucking furious
this is why you never will
you're right, OP should have written 'a cold'.
still waiting for what he gives me.
deal with it

>but but but I have my SPECIAL BOTTLE
Have you tried not being a faggot and training harder and eating more and not being autistic about it

Because you're a virgin incel racist NEET.

no, you are all wrong it is just a flu, mega dosing vitamin C and zinc will prevent you from getting it

someone post the bear SNIFF

>mega dosing vitamin C and zinc
If you're smart, it's to learn how to use google scholar. If you're dumb, just shut the fuck up.

you're just scared and projecting your fears

i think for most people it's more about having a place to put them

>the symptoms of pneumonia are caused by the virus telling the immune system to attack healthy cells
lol, enjoy dying idiot

Raging homosexual


I won't die it's just the flu and I'm mega dosing vit C and zinc

Except coronaviruses account for about a quarter of all common colds retard, it's not some new kind of freaky virus like everyone thinks it is

That girl on the right has too much ass. And look at the disgusting cellulite that runs from the bottom of leg to the ass. Yuck my dudes.

about 10 - 15% of the population have a genetic mutation that makes them susceptible to developing cytokine storm, these are the main people at risk from the corona virus majority will have very mild symptoms, a lot not even knowing they've had it

have you?

>his workout is so weak that he considers training without any weights to be enough

I tried doing a home workout and quit after a week. It's a real motivation killer to be doing exercises, yet still feeling your muscles getting weaker. Shit fucking sucks man. Fuck this shit, just to save a few boomers who should have died two decades ago anyway.

>b-but user, we HAVE to save the lives of any 95 year old--

No, fuck off.

low test