>People using my pictures to catfish >Being seen as a trophy (fun in late teens not so much now) >Own brother is insecure that his GF's are attracted to me, happened twice with his 2 ltr girls. Really effected our relationship even though I would never think about going near his girl like that. >Stalkers >Awkward professional relationships
chads don't post on internet autism awareness boards. sorry chief
Kayden Rodriguez
Chad must know what are the advantages of being ugly then besides not having your problems Tell me them, make me happier about my existence
Landon Taylor
I'm 6'3, in relatively good shape and have French Bulldog that girls all tend to go crazy for. I dated one girl a few years back who was convinced that she wasn't good enough and I'd leave her the second I had the opportunity. Despite the fact I told her I wasn't interested in anyone else, I was seeing her exclusively, etc. she still had horrible insecurity about it. After about a month of dating, we finally had sex and within 5 minutes she started crying uncontrollably, saying that now that I "got what I wanted" she thought I wouldn't want to be with her anymore. It was hands down the most awkward sexual experience to date.
Daniel Myers
Oh yeah i know the feeling,
I forgot to add that it can really cause strains in a relationship, especially if the chick is insecure already. Thought I doubt thats just a chad problem
An ex tried to legit tell me not to go to the gym anymore lmao, got out of that real quick
Cameron Long
Isn't this bozo a 5'3 giga manlet? He's also yesterdays new irrelevant shit. Hows he chad again?
Landon Walker
So annoying trying to get a tan and having roasties try to lick my pecs.
Beautiful man problems sound a lot like beautiful woman problems. Recently a friend of mine informed me that a local bar has been using a picture of me for advertising their hotwing challenge. It's srsly kind of an awkward feeling and I've been avoiding going to that bar like the plague. I've had three stalkers I don't need a fourth.
I understand your weird pain/fear. Beauty doesn't last forever tho. Eventually we will get old and nobody will give two fucks anymore.
>Really effected our relationship Well that's nice.
Elijah Phillips
lmao I had a gf that did that.
She ended up cheating.
John Davis
Honestly this is part of why I like going to the gym so much. Lots of people there are very fit and beautiful and everyone leaves me alone. It's the best place in the world.
Hunter Hughes
this - she's wanting you to break up the relationship so she doesn't have to be the one thats "the problem"
Alexander Murphy
Jackson Jackson
She's mentally ill and will cause only problems
Caleb Turner
I don’t believe this is because of your Chaddom, it is because you were with broken/damaged girls who would be insecure no matter what
Jaxon Morales
I've fucked lots of women in my life... at a certain point you just start to look at them differently. All their little flaws get blown up and you tend to see them as all kind of the same, just with varying degrees of make up and clothing. I've settled down with a gf since then and I guess the only chad problems I have is that she wants to bang all the time, so I have to turn her down sometimes, which is something I obviously don't want to do (just cause I know the degree to which my dick is spent after like the first 2 fucks of the day)
Oliver Edwards
Yeah, i think you're right, hence why i added "i doubt this is just a chad problem"
Insecurity happens regardless of looks
Owen Ortiz
Actually post face, censor eyes if you have to. This sounds like a huge fucking larp.
He shouldn't have to. Honestly the people who are using Yas Forums are here largely because of their personality and sense of humour, not because they look a certain way. If you believe everyone who regularly uses Yas Forums is ugly then you're very wrong
Jace Martin
Yeah tbqh from the face threads, fit is quite good looking overall
Tyler Roberts
It should be a requirement to post a selfie when making or participating in these retarded threads.
Alexander Evans
>no one has posted about jealous men feeling threatened and challenging you constantly yet this makes me doubt your chadishness
Levi Wright
OP here, i shouldve added that but didn't spend much time thinking about this, could be encompassed under awkward work relationships.
But yea guys dont like chads, atleast from first impressions
Brayden Stewart
Not really a chad but I'm told I'm an attractive dude and I could model if I wanted. I'm relatively tall (5'11") with a slender but muscular build (155 lbs.)
My problem is that most girls feel I'm more attractive than they are so they do stupid girl shit to get my attention but I'm too much of a sperg to pick up on it. I worked with a solid 8/10 qt at a hospital a few years back that would throw her ass into my crotch or her tits into my face whenever I walked by and for some reason I didn't pick up on it. My qt latina hair stylist flat out told me that the girls at the front desk at her salon think I'm hot, and she even asked me to dinner before I sperged out and came up with an excuse.
I catch girls staring at me when I'm out and about, when I notice it and make eye contact they always look straight at the floor and I have no idea how to approach them.
Chase Reed
Well that's nice of you to talk for him but he's larping out his ass if he doesn't.
Connor Gonzalez
I have a good one. >be me >have female boss who is dating some geek >she sends plenty of subtle and not so subtle hints she's into me >I hold back for obvious reasons if something were to go wrong, plus I was chasing someone else at the time >boss tries to ruin my personal and professional reputation because I *wouldn't* fuck her Never underestimate a woman scorned brahs. The real waste of it (besides me eventually leaving the job) was that she was extremely fuckable. Pretty much all she had to do was ask but this was a delicate situation and I wasn't trying to get metoo'd.
Positive: >Don’t have to pay for tabs at bars/clubs >More people call you sir >Don’t have to wait in line at grocery stores >People get out of your way when walking down the hallway in the middle
Negative: >More guys are jealous of you >More injuries/back problems >Coworkers think you’re a dumb meathead >Have to pay more for food to meet cal/macros
Overall I guess it about evens out.
Mason Cook
Well I guess you are.
Mason Howard
Uhh that would piss me the fuck off. Using your pic without your consent or signing anything? I would say try to get some money out of them but with the kungfloo that bar is probably closed and financially shitting the bed anyway
Cameron Foster
Slightly autistic males are usually better looking due to high parental T. Cavil, Gandy, Opry etc. All slightly autistic, or at least were in their young days.
Kevin Torres
that is possibly the most hilarious photo i've ever seen
Joseph Sullivan
My Chad friend complains a lot that it's not easy to maintain friendships. Girls want more and bros get jealous or don't like going out with him, because he gets all the attention. Also passive aggressive dudes trying to challenge him wherever he goes. I'm one of the few guys who are not intimidated by him or jealous of his success with women, because I don't feel like I compete with him. I always want the best for my friends so if he pulls every time I'm happy for him, on not mad that he's getting more tail than me. If I asked him he would always wingman for me too.
Andrew Torres
You’ve named three attractive males out of thousands
Ian Moore
>never had a gf >only had sex once with a fat tinder bitch >guy friends unironically tell me all the time how handsome i am, i look like superman, etc etc >notice girls staring at me from afar sometimes, and stuttering whenver they talk to me
>still spill my spaghetti around any female >will die alone probably
I'm sorta chad sorta not. I'm just more attractive than your average joe shmo and I can definitely feel some of these concerns. especially with the girl friends. once had a girl kiss me right in front of her boyfriend which was really fucking annoying. Also being seen as a trophy. I've had acouple women just want to parade me around their family and friends and you kinda feel like a piece of meat at the end of it all
Justin Clark
Oh it gets better, they filmed it to.. It's on pornhub somewhere.