is it best to wait until i've lost weight, if so why?
lost 16kgs since my max weight, and 7kgs in the span of 2-3 months
Yas Forums should i wait to get my gyno removed
How much do you weigh now, height would be helpful too
have your tits got any smaller since you started?
185cm 92.5 kg
i dont think so
Not so sure that's gyno, think your still just holding on to fat. Your nips don't look like gyno nips, so keep shredding.
Bro you're just fat
Just so you know, at least in my city which has stay at home orders, all cosmetic surgery is shut down. So you might not be able to get it done even if you want because of this pandemic.
Probably just fat. Good way to check for gyno is to feel under the nipple for a hard lump. That would be the gland, if you feel it and it’s large, it’s gyno. And yes, lose as much weight as you can before the surgery if you need it.
Are you actually retarded?
Lose the weight first, fatty.
so, how long have you been on HRT?
I would so make rough love to your breast darling
these are typical fat manboobs and not gyno
lose some weight, fatty
nah sadly they're gyno, most of the weight is in the nipple area, i can feel some rubbery hard flesh under nipples, they feel like a bunch of small balls
2nd pic
yikes thats gyno for sure but you are also fat.
lose weight first, think about op afterwards. with the corona shit going on you wont get a op's anyway.
How can you have a hairy belly and no chest hair?
i got chest hair theyre just blonde
No elective surgery is being done in the U.S. right now as far as I know, even if it's a private practice.
The concern being if you have complications (like hypovolemic shock), you would go to the hospital.
And if you go to the hospital with preexisting conditions, you're corona chow.
IF they even have room for you.
Fucking hot. Squeeze them together and upload another pic
im in an eu socialistic cunt so gyno surgery is inexpensive
they also dont have any empty rooms left. I mean dont you follow the news?
That's not gyno you fucking retard, you're just fat
ill have to see, if youre right, im just gonna have to wait till this corona shit stops
its gyno, look at and
Cute nipple
Look dude im not gonna rule out the possibility of you having gyno. HOWEVER you are fat as fuck. And its not just that youre fat as fuck, you have ZERO muscle mass so its tough to really say 100% if its actually gyno.
Lose weight and hit the weights, fat fuck
That isn't gyno, you are just a fucking fat pig.
Stop eating so much, piggie, and you boobies will go away.
Higher body fat inceases estrogen levels, and may cause breast tissue enlargement, lose weight first, it may go away/reduce on its own
Since we're on the topic, is this gyno?
I'm 21, weigh around 215( it fluctuates) and am 6 feet 0 inches in height.
Will provide more pictures if asked
go lift
I want to suck on your nipple, no homo
As a gayfag I wanna suck on that titty!
no its not retard. Youre overweight.
Actually, youre not really overweight for your height, but youre easily over 25% body fat, even with that weird angle you posted
maybe, do you have hard lumps under your nipples?
it cant go away on its own. Its hard and rubbery, and i have very high t, so if that was the case, it would have gone away
>very high t
Bro you're a hairless fat fuck who has no muscle, you have the t levels of a bedridden grandfather. Get your mind out of fantasyland
you look like a big fat pink piggy wiggly bitch boy :)
i got it tested its 1050ng/ml
Those are just fat boy tits. Lose some more weight.
christ... read
Ok but you have no visible muscle mass so what point are you getting to? Youre young as fuck, you should have high T. The other poster is an idiot, but still, you keep thinking you have gyno when youre really just fat
read also no shit i have little visible muscle im fat
NO YOU DONT YOU FUCKING RETARDED TRAILER TRASH NIGGER. I used to weight 385, and i have since lost 155 pounds. I had the same issue as you, and guess what, theyre gone now.
>trailer trash nigger
bruh im not an amerilard im EUVROPEAN
Look on the brightside OP, if you're going to pay for the surgery anyways, this is a good excuse to start steroids.
meh its only 90-100 usd where i live
So hot
you a girl?
Yes. You will get 100% better results if you are not fat because it’s easier to identify tissue vs fat.
only useful answer so far, thanks will take the advice
Why do people like this come to this board? White niggers that don't follow anything that Yas Forums stands for but still want to come here for advice. Here's some: Kill yourself you disgusting fag. Surgery can only do so much and you probably don't even have the money to treat gyno that severe. People as fat as you almost never are free from gyno anyway. It will keep coming back to plague your fat ass.
Nice tits fatty :)
He literally said he’s losing weight and asking about gyno. What happened to everyone gonna make it? Oh yeah, you more than likely some Yas Forums or Yas Forums faggot immigrant who comes here to demoralize and shitpost. Kill yourself you fucking retard
yikes, youre obviously a coping nignog,
>People as fat as you almost never are free from gyno anyway
retarded, gyno operationscure it forever, and im not that fat, im probably smaller than the average american
got a slight chub looking at those teddies
lmao no. nice bait.
ive gotten it taken twice, first time it was 1230, the most recent was 1050
I had the same problem when I was obese(12-18y/o), suddenly when I to 180 lbs at 19y/o I had chest hair
Must be a hormonal thing
Way too much fat. Don't fuck around with anything until you lose that fat. That's ridiculous.
Rate my milktruck
Overweight. Don't suck in your fucking gut when you're asking a question that relies solely on how fat you are.
Also, see this
Chicken salad sandwhich/10