was this board ever good?
honest answers
was this board ever good?
honest answers
I don't know, I'm a newfag
Not really, but it was much better before Yas Forums took it over.
Was good b4 the incel and lookism fags came thru
Atleast the stromfags are trying to help humanity
This kind of question pops up on every board.
It still is
Ehh, Yas Forums was a lot better.
Boy, do I remember when Yas Forums was good...
yes it was
1000% this
incels deserve 0 empathy, I hope they all kys
end yourself
There used to be a lot of very knowledgeable trips, and there was a massive torrent put together back then with a SHITLOAD of info on it- I might still have it on an old laptop. If isley's still around, he's probably the best we got now. I know quad cam back for a little bit.
From what I remember the board used to be a lot gayer too; like, gayer than /hm/ gay
there were a lot more post body threads and genuinely seeking advice threads. At least a minor portion of Yas Forums (maybe 25%) was genuinely interested in self improvement and giving advice. Now it seems like it is more like 5%, with the pure autism cringefest like the coomers and the self defeating faggots have filling up 50% and the rest are just casually browsing for some meme-y fitness-y luls.
It was kinda kek around the time of tinychimp and trucrypt, zyzz too kinda. Also back when frank yang still shitposted here and on misc, in the digitalair days
It still produces most of the actually funny memes on Yas Forums now, but it's gotten real stale. The last decent tripfag i liked was Lotus and he posts once in a blue moon nowadays. I guess the last truly funny Yas Forums era was the Supermang shitstorm
Yas Forums was exactly what made me start getting into fitness at all. It was around 2012 I think, I lurked Yas Forums and /trv/ mostly and see people posting memes of scooby. It was a time in my life where I finally started to care about my look and I was looking to get rid of my skinny fat virgin body, so that was a good coincidence. I remember reading the sticky, the routine threads, the plg threads like they were the Bible.
Is it true though that now the situation has changed for worse. Ofc on one side I'm more experienced, but the general quality of the board and its user has decreased over time. If I was the same newfag I was in 2012,i don't think I would get "inspired" by this board as I did in the past. Many believe this change are caused by Yas Forums expats, they exacerbate every discussion and constantly derail threads (them, and the same people who play their game by arguing with them) and it may be true in part, but the big picture is different I think. Time has passed. Imageboards, forums, blogs, even regular websites, nowadays people don't use these things anymore as they used to, now that there are 1736272 Facebook groups, discord chats, Instagram, with better informations, better people,even better memes. Times are changing, and in many ways, this place feels the same as in 2012, in the bad and in the good. Sorry for my English.
>Yas Forums being the problem
>not Yas Forums
Have sex.
there were many "rate my dick" threads. But yeah, quality people hung around here too so it was all good. If you can upload that torrent that would be great, will help share it for sure.
Incels ruined lifting. I noticed the decline after Scooby started coming on here he brought over a lot of kids and "lolimgay" bros
No, before this it was zyzz circle jerk muh aesthetics 100% autism
Yas Forums boards uses to have moderation and people would be banned for off-topic posts like this one.
Even replying to off-topic threads like feels got you a ban.
Eventually they gave up.
Yas Forums today is genuinely terrible and seems to have become a place where all the people who spent years getting their exercise from faggot "push up roll threads" and diet advice from mommywellbeing.biz
There used to be decent trips too like Quad. Fuck... there was even an NY meetup with gingermod that people constantly talked about.
I hadn't really thought about instagram and the book, but you're probably right. There's no good info here anymore because that only appeals to the relatively small group of people who actually want it. It's just general shit posting, memes, and Yas Forums.
To answer the op, it was never great, but it used to be better. The whole site has gotten noticeably dumber and less clever. We're in some sort of post-modern dadaist post meme age.
Quad gave such legit good advice. I was reading that shit years before I started seeing the popularity of generalist/ athletic programs with a strength focus that are now super popular, like juggernaut.
the very first iteration of Yas Forums (around 2013 maybe?) was the best board this site ever had, before every thread was about relationshits and tfw no gf
yeah, Yas Forums in the beginning was alright
incels just deserve to be hanged
they just ruin everything they touch
should have been bullied more in school
I agree
I’m old enough to remember a time when it was just low key really gay. And it was funny. Then I took a 2 year hiatus from it and come back to so much incel and defeatist mindset shit.
Those were the days
Honestly this board isn't all that different. The same humor is ever present. The banter is still top. It's as gay as it was I'd even say less so. Gay porn was posted on this board daily. We'd have 'ITT: U mad' threads with the picture being a big cock. Still had the threads about girls every single day, same feel threads but now we just have more Apu.
Is that you?
You type like a nigger
go back to Yas Forums
Go back.
There was once a time
Its the same thing basically
>pol- talking about a true conspiracy that the Jews are trying to overthrow civilizations in order to enslave the goyim and create a middle eastern wonderland where all gentiles will be treated as cattle for their Jewish overlords
>r9k -cry about things they can change via hardwork/ surgery, but are too lazy to actually pursue those things.
What can I say, fucking twins bruh, lmao
High test threads with actual hot chicks.
Before this whole stupid buzzwords of "thicc" or posting fat chicks means high test, this place was actually really fun to kill the time for me. Used to browse in between classes during college.
>example of high test. Hips and a big ass, or shapely tits, not a fucking land whale
I've been Anonymous since '04, been on Yas Forums since '08. I can tell you that it was never "good", but it was certainly better than this.
>>pol- talking about a true conspiracy that the Jews are trying to overthrow civilizations in order to enslave the goyim and create a middle eastern wonderland where all gentiles will be treated as cattle for their Jewish overlords
haaahahhhahah imagine typing this shit
That was done to troll. Same with brap-posting. The problem is then people who actually like fat girls and brapping start posting, and you can't differentiate between them and the trolls.
Better in the zyzz era
you faggot, i'm a jew, I know exactly what they're planning for you.
Ok retard
coping tard wrangler
אתה יכול ללקלק לי תביצה השמאלית יהומו אוכל בתחת
Only Jews and Nazis know what's going on.
This board has always been good. It taught me how to eat right, train right and motivated me. Even during this quarantine, it told me how to build a home gym and train at home for next to nothing.
It's on you if the only thing you read are the troll posts.
have sex
>left-handed egg eating egg
lolwut thanks google translate
Yas Forums is just angry Yas Forums
>you can lick me left handed egg
>fitness board
Explanation of supermang shitstorm?
Jesus fuck a real bearded baby
So there were even more tripfaggots? I’m glad things have changed then.
Yas Forums - Incels
Fit is r9k, but sfw.
what pisses me off the most, are the jannies that do fuck all
I've been reporting threads like those since the very beginning, but nothing happens
I’d say maybe2 years ago when we has high test threads and we critiqued each other’s workout. Diet was also heavily talked about Moreso then more now. Emphasis on HIIT was also a plus
I started posting in 2010. This board got me into fitness. Lifted on and off since then.
It used to have a fair amount of regular tripfags. Everybody thought Mark Rippetoe was some sort of god. Doing squats and deadlifts were considered absolutely mandatory for everybody. Calisthenics was considered the ultimate meme. The 'no excuses' mindset was hammered really hard.
The culture has changed subtly in a few ways but other than that its largely the same shit. Penis size threads have been replaced with height threads. Humour threads still repost the same stale content. Every now and then theres another dog food thread.
Its easy to look back to when you first started posting and think it was better because all of the threads seemed somewhat original. But the board hasn't really changed, most people just eventually get bored of the content.
do you know where you are? in the same dropdown bar at the top of the page you can visit a board dedicated to fags, origami, toys, and fucking ponies
this place was never good for anything other than trolling softbrains and shitposting
No u
It honestly is the best board on Yas Forums. Especially around 2013/14 God damn those were good times
Fuck no, but it's got the best memes. All fitness advice is dog shit
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