
do white people really

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when black people jog, it's called "fleeing and eluding a police officer" and it's a misdemeanor.

Man, now THIS is funny.

Can someone explain the difference between jogging and running to me? Is jogging not just running at the slowest pace possible?
How can one man be so based.

I think the specific definition of running is that there is a period where neither of your feet have contact with the ground.

That sounds retarded imo. I’ll have to double check later when I run (I guess fast jog now???) but I’m 99% sure that unless I sprint I always have atleast one foot on the ground

So jump rope is literally running

You think you're witty, huh?

>is a burrito a sandwich?

>Is jogging not just running at the slowest pace possible

Things white people do
>save the world
>cure disease
>experience love

things black people do
>beat animals
>Molest alligators
>have diabetes
>be homosexual

Man those whites sure are losers haha BBC is obviously superior.

Yeah white people do cardio. Meanwhile blacks develop type 2 diabetes.

Jogging is actually less efficient than running. There’s a good article about this which made a bunch of redditors assmad beyond belief. Jogging is more like a plodding motion which creates a lot of drag and doesn’t recapture any of the impact energy whereas proper running harnesses the human form to its fullest potential and moves you much faster and further for the same amount of energy

>save the world
>experience love

By that logic I should be able to run and take pauses periodically and then be faster overall in this way than jogging.

I guess this works if I run relatively slowly, no sprinting.

just fucking do sprints for 20 minutes

I’m a new runner but now I think I’ve just been jogging and not running. I’ve tried in the past but this time I realized my issue was pace. So I’ve been going slow and went from 10 minutes which made me puke to being able to run 25 minutes nonstop, but now I think it’s jogging. I’ve been using a treadmill but I’m about to start running outside. But the point of the treadmill is that it allowed me to force myself to run as slow as possible, speed set at 4. When I run outside I have a really bad habit of speeding up and unless I consciously think about my speed/pace at all times it just happens, which obviously takes from the run and makes it harder to do mentally rather than getting lost in music and shit. The issue with speeding up is I end up gassing out and losing breath really fast which is shit.

Am I wasting my time just jogging? Will this eventually speed up into a real run as I gain the cardiovascular health?

Also what’s an idea of MPH for where it’s considered running, 5?


I'm glad you got the joke

Yes. How far can you jump rope?

I don't know how short you are but for a normal person 4 mph is more like a fast walk. According to google "run" starts at 6mph but even that seems slow to me. On a treadmill I feel like I'm plodding until I get to 7mph or higher.

at what pace does walking become jogging?

and at what pace does jogging become running?

>fuck with brown and yellow people instead of leaving them alone
>slowing be replaced by them
How can this happen??

>t. 20 minute two mile

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>jerks to cuck porn and spams it all day to get back at white men
Does op really? I doubt he even lifts

I’m 6’2”. And yeah 4 is something I can speed walk at. Oddly I can do that basically nonstop but I need to be able to RUN 3-5 miles for fire academy

>Also what’s an idea of MPH for where it’s considered running, 5?
First of all use non-subhuman units
Second of all, anything above 10 km/h is running, anything bellow 7.5 km/h is walking

WAIT AMINUT NIGGAS. Could it be, that I’ve always sucked ass at running because I’m doing it with one foot planted at all times and therefore using way more energy?

So 6 mph... thanks, and get with the times gramps

Jogging is for retards. Just do intervals.

The point of jogging is to sacrifice speed and mechanical efficiency for the ability to not need constant breaks. Virtually any normalfag can jog for 20 minutes straight no big deal, but virtually none of them would last 5 minutes of pure running.

You're supposed to move both your legs man, I don't get how you walk let alone run

I'm pretty sure you have intervals of both feet being off the ground without even realizing it. There's just no way you could get up to running speed sensation without doing so.

We don’t care about your country or what you think will continue to use Mikes per hour, seethe more.

>same amount of energy

The general consensus is that running starts at 10:00 minute miles or 6mph. The article I read suggests that proper form isn’t achieved until 8:00 - 8:30 minute miles

ALL THE TIME (at least every second day) for the last 15 year

>inb4 bad knees
lmao i don`t have shit genetics, i am literally MADE TO RUN


most people can’t jog for 5 minutes user

Alright, admittedly I don't know how dire things have gotten for the average normalfag, but at the very least
>15 - 30 years old
>not obese
should be able to jog for 5 minutes. At the very least, everyone should be able to jog for far longer than whatever amount of time they can run.

His argument that jogging has it's place because you can do it without breaks is bullshit if proper running moves you faster and further using the same amount of energy.

tfw you've been going for jogs, but actually just speed walking

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People just don't want to do the constant starting and stopping nonsense. It's that simple really.

Anyways, where is the original study you guys are talking about?

>People just don't want to do the constant starting and stopping nonsense.
Same amount of energy! Fuck, I hate being smart. It's like everyone I talk to is senile.

Again, where is the study?

Who gives a shit? If you can run and then jog and not be able to tell that running is so much more efficient that jogging is useless, then you're probably too stupid to learn to run well anyway.

>Who gives a shit?
Are you serious? The "same energy" claim depends on it.

that's walking nigga

Right, but it's just so painfully obvious. I didn't even know about the study before this thread. I'm a bit infuriated that people need a study to tell them this.

>it's just so painfully obvious
I don't realize I was talking to a legitimate retard, my bad.

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Ah, yes. It's the black people who molest alligators

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Wait, WHAT? So, jogging is actually fast walking, but looks like running? I’m confused now, I thought ”jogging” was just another word for slow-medium paced running.

Say the jogger, lmao.


Things white people do
>let black men fuck their wives
>die of drug overdoses
>eating mayonnaise

Based mayo.

>Hating mayonnaise

Truly this board is infested by niggers

is cereal a soup

mayonnaise is great for bulking though

That was a good thread

No, jogging is fucking stupid. Barely burns any more calories than walking but it still feels exhausting like running does.


There is no other kind though?

>same amount of energy
Nigga, are you literally retarded?

Try crawling 5 miles and walking 5 miles and then tell me it uses the same amount of energy. Friction exists. Your tendons and bones exist. Your tendons and bones absorb part of the energy.

The optimal "energy / distance" ratio is dependant on your biology. E.g. the length of your legs, your weight, the shape of your feet....
In a study with sport students it was around 13 km/h on average for adult males. Being able to hold this speed for longer distances is another question.

>You wish

>Try crawling for 5 days and walking for an hour and 15 minutes and then tell me it uses the same amount of energy.