I did a social experiment using this photo in bumble/tinder. And holy fuck, its so unfair bros...

I did a social experiment using this photo in bumble/tinder. And holy fuck, its so unfair bros. Super like every swipe and 1k matches.

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To be fair you're probably not at attractive of a man as she is a woman, but still you're right.

Men like attractive women????
Holy fucking shit dude youve made the most amazing discovery potentially of all time

"Dating" apps are mostly men and the 80/20 rule ends up being 99/1
Also, what did you expect? Who wouldn't want to fuck her?

>Yas Forums why are attractive people the most popular on hookup apps???

Does fit pretend to be a women often online?

What’s Yas Forums‘s strategy on dating apps. I got out of a 2 year relationship recently and am I getting back to tinder/bumble/hinge. What’s the best strategy? Do you guys try to close quickly, try to be yourself, try to play those games, just shoot one liners?

Unironically go to /r/tinder

Go out and stop relying on dating apps. That’s the trick.

have sex

Nigger the entire state is in lockdown. Get off Yas Forums

All I ever see there are jokes but I’ll take a look


>trying to date while on lockdown

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True chads don't use this garbage and talk to women in real life

i pretend to be handsome men by using some good photo of a model and rake in the compliments, i never go on dates with this that'd be immoral, but it feels good to get compliments

>be me
>use chad pics on tinder
>400 matches
>let them all initiate
>reply after 3 days "ew fuck off ugly bitch"
>crush roasties' self-esteem
>tfw doing this with 3 accounts
>tfw each girl hears from 3 chads they're ugly
>toll paid

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Are you actually?

Can you post any of their reactions

This. You will never find anything of any worth on tinder.

very based and very redpilled

Post reactions or it didn't happen !

Truly doing the work of Allah

It IS fair. The odds tilt in mens favour around 25-30

a hero of the people

No, that would mean he's on Grindr

According to the holy Qur'an and sharia law, w*men who commit adultery should be publicly executed by stoning

women dont like attractive men


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Unironically >just b urself as long as you are a decent human being with normal interests and you look okay. Be yourself, but the best version of yourself. People see through games.

Post results faggot

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This is the experiment I did:
>make a tinder account for a fictional woman
>picture of my dog is the only picture
>10 likes in 5 minutes men messaging me already

If you want to see if your actually attractive plswitch your profile to gay tinder see how many dudes hit you up.

>>just b urself as long as you are a decent human being with normal interests
nobody cares about any of those things. its all about looks


Imagine thinking that in an app that's 85% males 15% females women would have a easier time getting laid then men

I can't give advice in my own name, but I was roomie with a total Chad who fucked a new girl off Tinder every week.
He said he made it clear he just wanted to bang when they asked "what are you on Tinder for".
He was extremely good looking of course, and made some neat pictures, including one with his dog.

Bro fuck. I turned mine to both men and women and had 150+ likes in like 30 minutes. Men are fucking hoes.

what the hell bros
i had this button with 99+ after like 12 mins?

good job, watch out for your mental health

>85% males 15% females
its more like 60/40


he was a bit wrong but not by much

lies how are u making three tinder accounts when you need phone verification

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diff phones
android emulation on pc

so you're paying for 3 separate phone bills?

i'm not him lol, I just wanted to emulate kik on pc

and there are emulations that you can use on your pc to use phone apps on android like tinder
probably the same for apple

fucking based

she's about 7/10 without makeup

I suppose we do appear as horny jesters to grills. Please delete this.

I have never seen a penis outside the internet

Why would it be any different? Even assuming the ratio of genders would be roughly equal (probably not the case) men need to make the first move. It is low cost online/app vs. IRL.

Not even yours?

>All about looks
Pic related proves its all about money

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I once posed as a girl on tinder but only had a pic of a bag of sweet potato fries. More likea in 1 day than ive had in total as myself. A bit demoralising tbq senpai

It's unfair because the algoritam was made that way

Nope, but I see many men do that on cam sites

for absolute skanks who usually aren't hot.
that super rich dude in California throws parties and every girls is a fucking 5. what's his name

Bros, tinder and bumble are now shit apps infested by fatties. I don't even bother with tinder anymore because every profile is a hambeast under 9 layers of Snapchat filters. Not shilling, but I've been having much better luck with Hinge lately. Though it's only a matter of time before that app also goes to shit.

Idk bout the cali fag, but pic related is Jordan Belfort


kick their self-esteem levels back down to pre-NPD

yes, dude, exactly. there was a youtube video of one of his parties, everyone keeps talking about the max bitch is a 6. lmao.

>Implying women appearance judge without makeup

A lot of men don't even know how women look without makeup

I wish I could see you in real life. I imagine some long haired, 15 year old 120lb male.