This is the best you can get for lifting 4 years with a professional physio trainer at your side

>This is the best you can get for lifting 4 years with a professional physio trainer at your side

Attached: 2020-03-26 18.06.38.png (518x773, 322.9K)

The man also has a ton of limitations. He's had like 4 concussions which means he can't go as high in intensity. For every single session mounting 4 years, that adds up.

Yeah but girls like her body

add a little bit of fat he would still have abs and would look way bigger

Yeah but he'sd look turbo-DYEL with a shirt.
I've seen teenagers better built and stronger and none of them had a Jeff Cavaliere or any trainer helping them.

>He's had like 4 concussions
???????? He isnt even an athlete did he just run into a wall headifrst into a wall 4 times or what

he had a car crash i believe and gets migraines if he goes to hard

yeah but he is immune from snap.

He didn't train for 4 years he took time off and started over.

>professional physio trainer
LMAO, Jeff Cavaliere is a shitty meme coach with no coaching achievements

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Google Jeff before you make such a bold claim, wagie retard

Being what looks like an early to mid 30's man with the body of a 22 year old college swimmer is something to make fun of? Get fuckt zoomers.

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>farts instead of arguments
LMAO at your butthurt. So what strength athletes (weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, wrestling) did he train?

>Yeah but
>Yeah but
Stop posting just to try and have the last word, youre not contributing to anything
Hes got a 6pack which is the ultimate goal on this board (shhhhh, shhhhh, stop lying to yourself)

>that program
Holy fuck this is the memeiest program I have ever seen
How many shekels do you have to fork over for the privilege to TRAIN LIKE AN ATHLETE?

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>total body fusion confusion

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just get to 3/4/5 and be 12%bf tbqh

You can get much better than that in 4 years, something like pic related is possible if you optimise diet and training. What you posted can be achieved by most fat asses just losing weight for 1 year lmao

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>DB deadlifts
>physioball high bridges (wtf?)
>BOSU Plyo push-ups (wtf???)

Now post your own body

Give it a rest Jesse. Most people here aspire to more than becoming a twink so they try to actually grow muscles rather than stay skinny because "much abs"

Post your body faggot

>Most people here aspire to more than becoming a twink so they try to actually grow muscles rather than stay skinny because "much abs"
Lmao implying when half of the threads on this shitty ass dyel twink board are
>lifting for strength mfw

Yeah and he's got trash genetics, so he actually looks really good considering

I agree with you however women and normies only care about abs.

Okay homo

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>normies only care about abs
Ah yes i didnt know the most popular excercise of all time the bench press is such a good abs builder

>normies and women don't care about big arms and v-tappers
Yeah nah. "Only abs matter" is skinny boy cope

Ask some normies if they'd rather have a big chest or abs. Ask them who is more fit, a guy benching 3 plates or a shredded twink. I'll wait.

you look like you don't lift


Okay twink, fap to Jesse's picture if you prefer 2D pecs

no wonder it took 4 years lol


is that what you tell yourself

bro you just look kinda chubby

Sure thing m8
How much ya bench?

He looks good. Do you expect to look like a roid brainlet with natty lifting?

that photo was edited

He trained an MLB team as well as an MLB hall of famer, plus multple professional athletes in WWE and other sports

He was a physio, he didn't train them. "Assistant coach" is a title every physio gets.

>plus multple professional athletes in WWE
Funny cause WWE wrestlers are the ones getting injuried the most, some even get injuried by raising their arms and they are out for half a year while wrestlers in japan or somewhere else do a billion flips in the air and nothing happens to them

Not a sport, they just stand still and do nothing a good portion of the game.
What kind of wrestlers? Nowadays wrestling is mostly flippy shit and doing acrobatic jumps, I don't think Jeff knows about that stuff.

Been on this board for years never seen such a shit physique

If that's what you can get with average genetics. I'm starting a cycle

Responding to post body without a timestamped pic should be a bannable offense.

You look like shit m8. All you have going for you is wide clavicles.
You shut lurk more and cut.

And this is the reason why you should instantly discredit Jeff and all his stupid fucking clickbait videos. The only reason he gets views is cause he's lean. God I hope a pick of him pinning gets leaked, fucking faggot. I hate Jeff. He's basically a male instathot.

dyel? fully srs btw

Lmao you couldn’t do any of the shit those baseball players do, you’d get hit in the head by a ball and die

Jesse looks better than you dumbass lmfao


if you watch how actual real athletes train, this is pretty close to what they're doing

Their results are still coming from the compounds and sprints. Until you're paid to train like they are or you're on neetbux, this programming isn't gonna work out well.

There's video footage of him getting smacked in the face by a crazy lady

when are you going to start lifting?


post body

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not hte guy you wrote to but damn user you right. you right.

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baseball is a lot of nothing happening for most of the game and then brief moments of extremely high energy output, combined with lots of awkward twisting movements that can fuck you up if untrained.

oh no

not everybody wants to be a bulky meat mountain, user.

this, only faggots care about bear like aestatics, most women actually prefer the athletic/brad pit lvl of muscle