Girlfriend acknowledges shes big but doesn't want to do anything about it

>Girlfriend acknowledges shes big but doesn't want to do anything about it

Why God, why?

Attached: if-female-characters-in-video-games-werent-sexualized-heres-what-17678570.png (500x698, 135.57K)

If you dated her when she was already that way, that's what you get. If she was fit and then got fat, then you can complain.

Because you don't have the balls to leave her.

Her acknowledging it is a good thing though, regardless of whatever she's saying now. It does show some sort of progress, showing the possibility for further progress.

Also, some people just don't care about their bodies and never will, no matter how difficult that might be for you to empathize with. If you love this girl and would like to see her do her part, you aren't going to convince her (or anyone like her) by focusing on superficial shit that they don't care about like how they look, or their health. To these people, it's completely foreign to them to care about these things.

What they DO care about, is how things feel to them subjectively. These people have been conditioned to see working out as hard, difficult, or undesirable, and think healthy foods = taste bad, bland, not sweet. You need to show her by example and slowly show her to good being Yas Forums feels, you need to slowly influence her diet until she realizes the shit she eats isn't sweet, it's TOO sweet. Invite her to work out with you, be there and do things WITH her, but at the end of the day:

No matter how much effort you put in, she can still just say fuck it and decide she doesn't want to work out after all. Whether or not that's something you're willing to accept and actually WANT for yourself is something you need to figure out ASAP. Don't fucking settle with someone and have the thought "oh but i wish she worked out" in the back of your head, do your part, and if things don't work, they don't work out.

If girls stopped getting fatter than the right pic that'd be great. But the only ones complaining look way fatter.

She's just gonna get worse bro...

Least they’re realistic about the face getting fatter. In every drawing I’ve seen of fat girls they still have a small cute face. Like maybe in that one tinder pose that hides your chin but in real life your face is fat and round

This, exactly this

Honestly I'd fuck both with equal force

Well girls come in all shapes and sizes!
Is she unhealthy or is she just an amazon?
Either way, a good diet and exercise routine could help!
She may not look exactly like other girls, but she will be healthier!

>Men likes sexy women

Right is better though
No one likes skinny girls apart from beta pedos and people in the 80s brainwashed by gay fashion

enjoying your Apple, Mr Fox?

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Girlfriend getting fat? Good. Learn to love it.

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>gf said she lost 5kg
>don't believe her
>she gets the scale and stepped on it
>"look user, 5kg less"
>she placed the scale on a thick carpet
>told her she have to do it on hard floor
>she's weighting her again on hard floor
>she actually gained 3kg

it's time to get a new gf

I brought my ex to the gym with me 5 times a week for 4 months of our relationship, and she came intermittently during the rest of it. I always tried to make it a fun, invigorating bonding time for us. She hated every second of being in that gym. Some people just don't like it. Nothing you can do about that except decide if that's ok with you or not

we all acknowledge our shortcomings (or at least the ones we can see and don't negate), but we don't necessarily want to act on all of them because we don't see them as important. I am not a knowledgeable man, I could read more and more often, but I don't think this is problematic so I don't feel bad when instead of reading I play vidya. We all have our own standards that we uphold, some things will be more or less important in our minds eye, standards that are probably not shared with everyone. If you can't share these views with your significant other you should ask yourself if these differences are important. And big shocker to all of you; a lot of people don't think that putting a lot of effort and discipline in having good looking bodies is important. Most of them actually think that it is because you are shallow, which considering the gym scene population is a perfectly valid point.

bruh, how can anyone not desire pic related

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Did she weigh herself on the hard surface the first time?

of course not. the longer i stay with her, the more i think she is stupid.


Left just has extreme outlier fat distribution. 99% of the skinny women you see are not going to have tits or an ass. It has nothing to do with her being skinny and everything to do with her having massive tits while being skinny.
It's like if women told you that the only dicks they thought were worth having were porn dicks. Sure, you might have an 8.5x6, but a bunch of guys would start getting butthurt if women said that was the only thing they wanted.

>here's what they'd look like in REAL life, not some misogynistic male FANTASY

And their first example is an image that's widely accepted to be a near trace of Lindsay Lohan

Have you made it clear you would prefer her fitter/lighter/smaller? Life is too short to constantly compromise or worse constantly put your own wants and needs second. Be a man, OP.

All my friends have fatshit wives.
All my ex-girlfriends are now somebody elses fatshit wives.
All the single women my age are haggard ex-wives of somebody else with fatshit kids or a herd of dogs, and are completely mental.
People try to convince me to "put yourself back out there" but I think I'd rather die alone at this point.

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Fuck no.
Aesthetic as shit though.

I know this is bait, but there isn't really much of an equivalent to not being fat, except maybe hygiene.
Tit size, dick size, height , etc are all primarily genetic. The amount of food you shove in your cakehole is not.

>girlfriend slightly chubby, but the chillest person who I want around for the rest of my life
>a couple years after getting together, she decides to become fit as hell on her own
>sexier than ever before
>motivates me to work out so we can be a sexy power couple (she's a vet, I'm in biotech)

I knew I picked a winner

Literally nothing will change it. You can put up, convince her to let you bang other girls, or leave.

Honestly you think you'll win her over but you wont.

I explicitly stated that it's about fat distribution, not size, you illiterate faggot. Fat distribution is genetic. You can't work out to store more fat on your chest.

You can still eat less, fatty.

Right is unironically hotter lmao

Because you've made her comfortable. Find a skinny bitch

>Right is unironically hotter lmao

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so whats the fucking problem you are not married just dump her ass

but youre not married or having kids. all that brainpower and good looks just to be a genetic dead end

Time to jump ship

>And big shocker to all of you; a lot of people don't think that putting a lot of effort and discipline in having good looking bodies is important
to me it's more about being healthy and able to do everything i want with my body. having a good locking body is a nice plus but not the main objective

Be the cool fighter pilot uncle

Maybe you should consider that you're the one making her stupid
Have you tried not hitting her with your barbell?

I could, but I don't want to. Let's see those abs, user.

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Telll her to lose weight. If she doesn't dump her.

It's not about you, user.
It's about people who lack self-control getting upset at other people who like their idealised fictional characters to have self-control.

I though the original artist traced a photo for this


Tactical Whalefucker Elimination Force, do you copy? There's suspected enemy activity in this thread. Requesting immediate assistance. Be advised, enemy forces are using stealth tactics to go unnoticed as innocent fitizens. Stay on your guard.
>Grenade out!
>Friendly forces taking losses. Group up with us and take the fight to the bastards who did this.
>Civilian sympathiser detected, we can't let him bring intel back to the enemy.
>Come on soldier, don't you give up on me! We got a job to do!
>Allied forces are moving up! Cover our advance!
>Switching to rotary machine gun!
You're safe now soldier, the area is clear.

Attached: TWEF.jpg (500x500, 154.81K)

Thank you for your service

Attached: 1574126127914.png (640x478, 431.37K)

Proud to serve fitizen, proud to serve. We could use men like you in the TWEF you know. I think you've got what it takes.

>be 5’6” female that weighs 135 pounds
>used to date a guy that was the same height and weight
>he had an ectomorph body type
>he was OCD, neurotic, and cared about health a lot
>we broke up eventually
>years later, through his friends I’m still fb friends with, I find out he gets married
>his wife is 2-3 times the width of him

I’m wondering if this girl was thinner when he met her, if he secretly was into big girls, or if this all he could settle down with?

I’m definitely not jealous. We both realized our relationship wasn’t working and now I’m engaged to a better guy. I’m just surprised at who he settled down with based on the kind of person he was.

This. If she still feels loved but you, and if you’re still fucking her, she will feel like there’s nothing that has to be changed or improved.

>fatty cope

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>be 5’6” female that weighs 135 pounds
It seems that your current boyfriend also settled for a fattie.

Thelema, fucking nice. Is that you?

pretty retarded pic since the original headline is clearly pointing out that thin girls are inherently more sexual than fatties

This is the good kind of sperging.

>he thinks 135 pounds on a 5’6” frame is overweight

Your low test is showing

>he still believe the weight =/= fat meme
Weight can come from muscle too

>investing this much time and energy into a fat woman
>for a chance she MIGHT change

Based and BANG-BANGpilled.

my gf looks extremely close to the right pic I wish she would just eat less or better foods :(