Give it to me straight Yas Forums
Do I keep the mo?
Give it to me straight Yas Forums
Can’t tel yet, give it more time to grow and post again later. Also, change your glasses style. It looks a bit weird because you have a longer head/chin.
Get some thicker square frames brah.
Alternatively, become a hat enthusiast.
Shave it, agent 46,5. Also, loose the glasses, they dont suit you. Or go all in and get thicc rimmed ones to hide your big ass fivehead.
Barber: what you want bruh?
You: You ever watch Anthony Fantano?
Barber: *chuckles* whatever you say
Yeah you look awkward and weird
Do this
Shave so you stop looking like a pedophile and get better glasses
shut the fuck up. Please, just shut the fuck up
No you cancer ridden faggot
You look like a gay version of that failed synagogue shooter who got memed for weeks on Yas Forums
Yes. Unironically looks really good. Keep it just the way it is
It’s shit like mine mate, just keep it if you like it don’t let others decide
No yours is cute
Der coomer: the early years
Shave pedo
now all youre missing is 100+ lbs
You got aloe piece ya?
I’m tryin
Do whatever you feel like, King
Lose the school shooter incel glasses
"Big wide nostrils, breathing up all the white man's air."
You are very cute
Here is me without the school shooter frown
Forgot pic
Shave the moustache and take the neckpill
you have a shitty thin mustache. i do too fren. better to shave it
Glasses, bald, facial hair of a 14 year old.
You need Lasik/smile and get rid of those pubes
Not yet. Try again in about a half a decade.
Not gonna lie my bro - you look very much like a pedo/rapist/furry possibly all of those. Do you actually have no hair at all or did you recently shave + have very light hair?
You either need to get a tan asap or grow your hair a few mil to avoid looking like a deranged cancer patient
Alos learn to smile with your eyes too please
Is this a better smile?
You look like your son told you he is a girl
>hes real bros
post arms
There's a psycho look about you
More smile
Do you have a pic of that ginger fatso with his mtf son
Make that face while doing bicep curls.
There's a look of pain and guilt in your eyes - negative self-consciousness.
It's unnatural and alarming - I have the same problem, so I don't know very. Good ways of fixing it. Thinking of genuinely happy things when taking pictures helps.
bit too much now mate. try to smile wider, but not fuller. try a modest smile, but you're proud of your modesty, you get me?
>memes manifest reality
Wow, are you real life wojak?
Take a picture without glasses? I don't think the stache works with the glasses, without them could be a different case
Shave that weirdo pedostache shit off
Not enough not enough. More smile
based shop but he actually looks pretty good with that beard
Yeah full beard or more than a stache and different glasses/contacts and he doesn't even need hair
OP here I'm trans btw ;P
905 shooter
It's over
What the hell even is this thread...
Crusty as fuck lips bro. How much dried cum is on those bad boys?