CBT - Quarantine Gains Edition

>bought a bare minimum homegym
>can get a light pump even on "rest days"
>stocked up on food so always properly fed
>off of work so getting more sleep and can lay in the sun all day

Who else here sees this for the massive opportunity it is to get in the best shape of your life?

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I, uh, like to walk in the sunlight every day

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Looking big man, well done. I guess I'm feeling the same as you. Miss the weights a little, but a good opportunity here to get better at the rings I have laying around

5'10 155-160ish. Trying to get this picture not to rotate

Last try

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greco-roman statue mode


145 ish

I dont even get to stay home.

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Impressive physique. Do you do mostly strength? Intense cardio? Gymnastics?

Also age?

Push-ups, sit-ups, leg raises, handstand push-ups, squats. I was swimming but weather prevented that and I just haven't gotten back into it since. I wish I had something to do pull-ups on, have to make a bar one-day.
>Also age?


Yeah it's as fark I know, but body still feels like I'm a teenager.

Ok thanks for info. And I think you look normal for 25. People here just get used to the shaved look. Can't even tell without face.

looking good, nice legs
i need to get my days more structured
do you plan to bulk or just stay lean/athletic
mirin leaness but chest is lacking

205ish lbs
how to you cope with not looking like the pictures in your everyday life

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Homegym available so not missing out on gainz

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Starting a bodyweight routine as I’ve never expected to need a home gym before.
Hope I’ll make some gains over these quarantine months

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Great work men.

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Going to stay lean for at least the summer. Started jiu jitsu last year too, so there is some incentive to stay thin if I want to wrestle at an appropriate weight class.

You have a very impressive build though. Idk how you are supposed to cope, maybe just remind yourself that you, specifically, mog the fuck out of basically everyone in real life.

I think I'm just getting fat user.
6'3" 198lbs

It sucks because i really dialed in my bulking diet right before the shutdown and now ive gotta recalibrate for quarantine gains.

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Start cutting brah. Not much mass to lose anyways, do some bodyweight shit, get some bands

how old are you? why are there never any fit daddies in real life?

I am 26, 6 ft 3 and 228 lbs as of this morning

no fuckin way

Yes fucking way, May 18 1993.
People generally think I am way in my 30s

not him, but do you think thats from the drugs or not?
i would have guessed you 30+ as well

It sure enhanced it. Was already looking a bit older tho. AAS made it worse but fuck it

what's aas?

Cutting for quarantine
Can I get a bf estimate?

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Androgenic anabolic steroid

oh i see. i wouldn't have guessed. it was your skin + hair color for me, very middle aged man esque. HOWEVER i would still let you nut all in my intestines so take that as you will.

Attention whore general. Mommy didn't pay enough attention to me.

here is your (You)
cbts are part of the actually fitness related thread here, so post body or get out

>Attention whore general.
Your just jelly

70 kg
184 cm

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Goal body

>the hips
You and me bro...

him and you and me bro


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show bulge

>tfw arm acne

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Fuck got literally nothing to workout at home except the fucking floor

Help brehs everything is closed down what do I do

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cool fro, are you black?

What's your setup?

Nigger does he look black? He's a jew.

I've made some gains.

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Good shit user. I'm home gym master race also and I have a similar physique to you- slightly bigger chest and higher bf% though. What do you do for legs?

definitely dude. put on a lot of muscle. how long between pics?

and btw everyone, pull up bar + gymnastic rings still allows for a fun workout. not the same as lifting but its better than nothing. and yes, I'm aware my chest insertions and genetics suck.

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Twink by Yas Forumss standards but I bet the ladies literally eat you up.


Thanks! Around 2 months

two months? what's your cycle?

Yeah I do eat better these days and i train harder and more consistently too. I'm making mad gains. My life hasn't changed at all either, with the exception that I don't go out to drink anymore. I live healthier, get bigger and stronger and save money.



Lower chest looks good, need more arms.

250 test every 3.5 days? any orals?

Loose skin sucks but at least I’m not fat anymore. Hopefully as the pecs get bigger and the years go on it’ll tighten up bro’s. I started 14 months ago so I think there’s still time for it to tighten up before Hope is lost

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75mg sust ed, did 3 weeks of anavar, but it's too expensive. Gonna add dbol later

Lookin aesthetic af. Mirin

Good job, proud of you for not staying fat. Arms look great.

nice bro. making some serious gains, you should feel proud.

you look great bro, strong. try not to stress too much about the loose skin. you look very good.

Near perfect chest insertions
Unfortunate mouth breather jaw